
Imagine gambling with your soul like this

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Other urls found in this thread: james bible&qid=1557073128&s=gateway&sr=8-1

>muh pascal's wager
Prove to me the God of Abraham exists. I'll wait.

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>enjoy life

Enjoy having an existential crisis after years of having no purpose, no role model, and being unproductive!

>imagine taking the gamble that allah doesn't exist

It's easy if you try.

>doesnt have faith
Never gonna make it. Enjoy your eternity in hell.

Imagine God being dumb enough to not know you were simply hedging your bets and not truly faithful.

>There's probably a God
>now stop worrying and enjoy your life

It is hilarious how atheists are so hung up on something they say doesnt exist

they really are not
I absolutely never think about religion

But here you are discussing it

God doesn’t real

Pascals wager is a fraud because it doesnt account for the thousands of gods ever invented by man.
Its more likely they're all fake instead of everyone being wrong except yours.

yes because someone else brought it up

>There's a God

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Based. Atheists BTFO

What if you worship the wrong god or they consider worship reprehensible? Infinite possibilities makes any choice equally (in)valid.

I’m not gonna lie. I went through my whole “huh LOGIC” cringey atheist phase myself but does anyone find atheists just to be incredibly insufferable people. I don’t mean the atheists who don’t talk about it, but the atheists who treat atheism like it is itself a religion. I don’t really believe in anything but I recognise the good that Christianity does for society and that atheists are gay losers. Not sure what to do about it though

if your circumcised you can thank religion for that. Withotu religion it wouldn't have come into existence and Americans wouldn't have started doing it.

t. uncircumcised tourist appalled by how shitty this country is and shittier are its people.

Reminder that as the number of religions approach infinity (good approximation), expectation of gains from believing per Pascal's wager approach 0.

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>atheist: i dont believe in god
that's fine
>also atheist: kill the white man
hahaha nope

this. another way to push the big pharma jew

>christian: i believe in god
that's fine
>christian: give billions to israel
hahaha nope

I reject the first premise. What do we do now?

I mean isn't it a gamble anyway? how many gods have people believed in through out history? no matter if you believe in a god or not you have a really good chance of believing in the wrong one.

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U-uh-ahh QED?

You have to substitute your own. Define God on your terms than. You can't ask me to prove something if you refuse to define the something for me to begin.

No worries about my circumcised penis. Pagan larpers are worse than annoying atheists.

Gödel's proof is immediately dismissed if you substitute unicorns in place of god.

It's an extension of gödels proof of God. The formal logic in the proof has been proven to be correct; i.e. if you accept the five axioms then you must also accept the idea of an omnibenevolent higher power

I don't have to substitute anything. And I also don't know how God can be defined. How are you certain that your claim can be justified?

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Prophet Muhammad made a claim that he was the last prophet of God. And God has certain qualities laid out in the quran and other holy texts.

The claim is either true or false. If the claim is false either it was a lie or a delusion. If the claim is true the God of abraham has been proven. The prophet Muhammed was not known to lie so we have strong reason to believe that he was telling the truth. The prophet could be delusional, but there is strong evidence to the contrary. Delusional people commonly speak falsehoods whilst knowing them to be true. Prophet Muhammad was in general a truthful person, so he is unlikely to be delusional.

So if the claim of the quran is not a delusion or a lie it must be the truth. And the God of Abraham follows from the revelation.

not sure if its trying to say
>stop worrying about things out of your control and try to be happy
>throw morals and values to the wind
>do whatever self centered shit pops into your brain without thinking
probably the latter knowing today's culture

>five axioms
Didn't Euclid himself sort of low key hate the fifth axiom and not even use it?

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If your beliefs made your life and the lives of others around you a better living then its worth it without a God, Heaven or an Eternal Reward

>go through life being kind to people, having good morals, improving others' lives, putting others before yourself, reducing suffering, etc.
>has sex before marriage
>eternal hell


Religion is a scam

>if you're circumcised you can thank religion for it!
Ok...I'm thankful because I'm glad I'm circumcised.

What the ever-loving fuck made anteater dicks think that circumcised men are ashamed of it???? That's you projecting.

A circumcised man never gets weird looks from a woman. Even women who are used to anteaters appreciate the superior appearance of a cut dick.

Anteaters on the other hand, will get strange looks or remarks from women who are only used to circumcised men.

A circumcised man goes through life the way white men do: wherever they go, they are desired by women

Axiom is a general term not tied to euclid you brainlet

he's the one worrying

>generally truthful person
>satanic verse

Souls don't exist, dumbass. Imagine actually being superstitious.
>just listen and believe
If theres as much evidence for god as rape then he's clearly just as bullshit.


there's probably no god, but act like there is one and enjoy your life

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>my dick is clean and aesthetic
Thanks religion!

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>thousand of religions across the globe
>pick my recent religion called atheism it's totally the right one

>Anteaters on the other hand, will get strange looks or remarks from women who are only used to circumcised men.

Only in your freakshow country. Glad your dick passes the thot inspection because it's mutilated though, totally worth it

Look at this fucking kike. Once a woman fucks an non mutilated dick she'll never go back.

Based argument
Dumb bong
What "satanic verse" ? You just repeat what you see on tv?

>Look at this fucking kike

I laughed at that more than I thought I would

The satanic verse was when Mohammed came upon a tribe that worshipped the two daughters of Allah whom he and his tribe had worshipped for generations.
He said god told him that this tribe was to be spared. His army almost revolted since they had been conquered by him and converted to worshipping allah.
He went in a tent, came back and said he had been possessed by the devil and that this tribe could not be spared.
Allah is not the god of the christians. It is a name of a specific being in a pantheon of 300+ other gods that was the primary desert religion for thousands of years before islam. Allah is more akin to odin or thor in this pantheon. It is a religion that is pagan.

Christianity is a blue pill because it uses threats, guilt, and bribery to encourage a righteous life. If any religion is red pilled, it is Buddhism because it teaches you why you should lead a righteous life regardless.

Or in other words, many Christians have condemned themselves to true hell through their attempts to avoid a metaphorical place.
"Struggle against religion is a struggle for socialism"
>It is our duty to destroy every religious world-concept... If the destruction of ten million human beings, as happened in the last war, should be necessary for the triumph of one definite class, then that must be done and it will be done.
Atheists are the ultimate in "Fuck you, dad" socialists, and the modern Dawkins et al movement uses the same tactics and propaganda, and are specifically designed to attract those with absent or abusive or negligent fathers.
Proof that he exists? Your antipathic reaction for one. Atheists spend no time trying to debunk Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Paganism, Druidism, or Satanism. They spend only a token effort on Judaism and their antipathy towards Islam is only as recent as the war on terror, so it is entirely an appeal to populism and self defense.
How does "nothing" cause such an extreme reaction? How do we determine that there is Dark Matter, or the luminiferous ether, neither of which can be observed directly? By measuring the response to it of things that can be measured directly.

"Allah" literally translates to "The God" you dumb fucking OiMate

Wrong. Mohammed changed the language after conquering mecca

But women prefer cut dicks all around the world.
Women PREFER circumcised men!
It is only uncircumcised men who are ever looked at as a freakshow.

Your anger over circumcision is hilarious.
If you're happy with your dick, and you have a women who isn't grossed out by it, then why the fuck does it bother you that there are circumcised men and that women like the appearance?

Out of all of the things in this world to be upset about, circumcision is one of the dumbest, ESPECIALLY for someone who isn't circumcised.

I think tattoos are fucking retarded, but I don't get enraged at the thought of tattoos. They're just stupid things for stupid people so I ignore it.

Your obsession with circumcision really most likely stems from you wishing you were circumcised. Get some help, and stop thinking about dicks so much, faggot

whatever faggot

There is only one god the true god, the god of truth, justice and integrity, it has been called many names over the years ans the religious leaders have lead the believers astray, but the one god remains, unchanged and uncaring of you non philosopher cucks


No matter what you believe in, this is being pushed by Anglo-Zionists as a way to control you.

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fuck off mason. You may call everything god. it is not so.

I said there is one God, not everything is god, do they not teach you arabs to read over there?

>western atheists spend time attacking the most popular and powerful religion rather than religions only widespread in foreign nations or extremely minor religions
Wow really makes me think

Yawn 0/10

The biggest pushers of atheism are shit men who tried to get out of fatherhood and are pissed off that religious people keep it illegal for them to force women to abort their kids.

>Stop worrying about god and instead focus on your inevitable decay and doom in a life with no purpose or meaning that is full of evil, unfairness and unbearable pain
>Just enjoy life and make ur own purpose :)
Atheists are self-deluded self-righteous moron fucks and their entire "movement" is as much of a cope as any religion.
Eat shit and die.

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You masons call everything god. You claim it is the same just under different names. It's crap. You worship demons and other monsters. you know nothing about god.

Carl Sagan kissed the dali lama's ass in his pink unicorns in the garage book.

God's not real, goy! Now go chop your balls off and suck nigger cock!

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God is just the personification of Truth.
Atheists dont get the allegory of religion. They are 1 dimensional, literal thinkers.

Welp that convinced me that of all the people in the world the goatherders of Judea had the only real mythological deity.

There is a higher power put it sure as shit isn't in any book.

Demonic people walk among us. There are loads of them. They wouldn't be that many of them if God didn't exist. They are super organized and own everything.

Google: Transvestigation

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You dont go to hell for being a sinner. You simply have to accept Jesus christ as your lord and saviour. Having sex before marriage is a behaviour that leads to problems (std's, addiction to sex, accidental offspring, etc. )avoided by waiting until marriage.

Prove to me that unicorns dont exist. Ill wait

You've made your choice.
Now you will suffer the consequences.

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Imagine taking the gamble there's no afterlife AI system that'll torment you for infinity for believing in God.

Well, if you put no effort into it, yes.

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Youre the only one talking about masons and demon worshiping, you obviously don't know anything.

Dawkins pre 2015:

Dawkins post-2015:

What a faggot

my skint pepe is diamonds

>Imagine gambling with your soul like this
There is no gamble. If Yahweh indeed exist, I will be favoured for observing Mosaic law (which does not include a requirement of any rituals, or believing in God).

Same cannot be said for you, for you commit idolatry which is, unlike atheism, the gravest sin.

You must be mad as hell though to believe that supreme creator of the universe would consider dogmatic faith in it and following some arbitrary ritual a virtue that you'll be rewarded for.

>you're gonna get the biggest spanking in hades
Oh no. That sucks.

Ya, because its definitely not atheists who have a much higher depression/ suicide rate.

>I call god allah!
>I call god jehovah!
>I call god yahweh!
>I call god righteousness!
>I call god good!
You have no clue about god. Like a child calling everyone his father whether they are or are not. You will never understand. Never come close to realizing. And in your arrogance, sell your soul to creatures and monsters. You will never known what is good, what is righteous. You will never understand what god is. Because you are a mason demon worshiping retard.

You got btfo'd

The final redpill is that God exists. The downfall of the white race coincides exactly with the abandonment of faith

It's so obvious now that all this shit has malicious intent.
>stop caring about anything goy, just have fun
Carpe diem my ass

Okay. Teach us.

I'm a person of faith but I've never found the "mad, bad, or son of God" argument a good one (I guess you are making the Islamic equivalent)

You have to understand that to an atheist both the deluded and liar arguments are way more likely

And the rise of the Mexican Empire. Truly the faithful and rewarded. The final culmination of Yahwehs will to remix the world into the chosen people.

Which post was that, I didn't see it james bible&qid=1557073128&s=gateway&sr=8-1
God can only be known through Christ. Start reading. Start repenting. Start praying.

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If somebody says you got BTFOd they dont even need a convincing argument.

I've read it but that doesn't answer the question. Are you saying people born on an island away from the degenerate West and the eest of the world they can never know God? What kind of stupid fucking rule is that?

Believing in god is just the right-wing version of climate change

if you want to convert an atheist I think start by pressing the cosmological argument really hard. They will likely respond by saying "but what created God?" but keep pressing them on this until they realise how ridiculous it sounds to say that the universe and its laws just came into existence from nothing


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You have not read it. Or you wouldn't be asking stupid questions mason.