YouTube star Austin Jones, 26, is sentenced to 10 years in jail

For how many cigarettes will his ass go for in prison? I'd say around 10, he looks like a prime twink material for the inmates.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Supreme gentleman.

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He's going to have his cheeks clapped

>10 years in jail
10 years for looking at pixels

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oh no
he's fucked

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Damn poor white boy will be shared around by bbc bulls. Hot

he will be in protective custody with the other skinners and rapists

>looking at pixels
he told underaged female fans to send him nudes & twerk

Is the Krispy Kreme?

Keep pretending, pedophile.

So again, no real crime committed. Teens photographing themselves shouldn't even be considered a crime.

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>26 years old and still interested in naked little girls

He shouldn't get so much time for a publicity stunt, but i mean, what would jesus have done?

T. Seething feminist that wants To restrict the sexual market To Her dried up stank cooch GTFO

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Never have I seen a face, aura and energy more incompatible with prison. He's not going to last 5 minutes without someone trying to bend him over.


Agreed Leaf.

he is the average white male in 2019, he might be doing the bending over of trannies in prison, get woke boomer

What if I told you that most women don't spend their time thinking about men?

our prisons should be reformed where you don't get anal raped. apparently that's too much to ask from this shitheap country.

Sssss. I'd like to say that you're right, but the likelihood is that transgender people are used to being targeted by the system and will play their cards right. This guy has no prior experience of being fucked in the ass by the police force and he's certainly going to land himself in trouble with his big mouth, so the likelihood is that he is gonna get picked at and his reaction will lead to people targeting him.

There's also the fact that most transgender men will have more testosterone than this guy since they get injections.

US Prisons don't really have the "current year" mentality

You want to lock a bunch of criminally violent people between four brick walls and expect them not to act criminally violent?

The whole system needs hauled. Restoration and rehabilitation, not incarceration. As long as you incarcerate violent people, you're gonna have ass-diddlers.

In the UK he would have gotten 3 months tops. :(

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That would only happen if he refused to join the Aryan brotherhood.

I would make him my bitch and poke that delicious ass daily... (No homo)

CP is free speech. Think about it rationally. While producing CP is indeed a crime, freely sharing or possesing it is a victimless 'crime'. By watching, having, or sharing CP you are not commiting any real crime, you are simply looking at pixels that would still be there even if you hadn't watched it. It is no different from watching liveleak cartel or ISIS execution videos, what is occurring in the videos is definitely a crime, but simply watching it is not.

Think I'm wrong? Then explain why the Christchurch video should be legal but not CP. Mass murder is obviously a crime, yet no one except the most psychotic liberals actually believes you're a mass murderer or a terrorist simply for watching the video, even if they find it repulsive and would rather not watch it, they don't think it should be a crime.

There is NO argument against this that isn't some form of appeal to authority/legality (the supreme court, politicians say so!), appeal to emotion (think of the children!) or just adhom (hurr degenerate pedo). The "best" I've heard is that legalizing CP will increase child abuse rates (again, a real crime) however this has 2 problems:
1. There is no evidence of this, it is pure speculation.
2. "Incitement" is a very thin line. Using the logic that you should ban everything that *might* cause someone to commit a crime, you could ban basically all of Jow Forums, any sort of nationalist or "racist" speech, violent video games, basically everything, really. You could arrest someone because they sad Brenton Tarrant was based and redpilled.
This is the very same logic liberals use in their attempt to pass "hate speech" laws so by thinking CP should be illegal you are basically validating it.

By banning CP (and also having libel laws and intellectual 'property') the US is in direct contradiction of its 1st amendment and thus cannot be said to truly respect freedom of speech. Think about it logically.

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I know in South Carolina they put you in a pink jumpsuit to segregate you from other normal cons so everybody else knows you're a disgusting lester. Cheeks will be clapped.

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Shit is fucked

I agree with your argument, but I think the solution to that is to prosecute CP under copyright law.

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>victimless crime

nigger the children in the photos ARE victims. you get the rope too pedo scum

I've seen a lot of thots in my day, i can tell by the pixels

>I'd say around 10
thats way too expensive

THIS, the US has the most retarded sex laws in the world, age of consent, CP being illegal, prostitution illegal, title 9 laws, etc etc. Maybe one day I'll just get on a jet and leave

It's not considered protected speech, you absolute moron

nudist have that freedom, esp to be photographed

He said "think about it". Not "post the first knee-jerk reaction your primate mind conjures up."

all pedophiles must be put to the sword. no excuses.

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He’s white so he probably would’ve got 20 years

it should but 10 years is harsh
>While producing CP is indeed a crime, freely sharing or possesing it is a victimless 'crime
fucking moron. I'm sure you would be very very happy if everyone can watch the video where your uncle fucked you in the arse when you were 5.
Imagine you are traumatized and your CP is world wide known and everyday you get confronted with it.

the one thing is just nudity the other thing explicitly sexual/abusive

>He’s white so he probably would’ve got 20 years
he could convert to islam and get away with it


nudism would be considered cp if not for that freedom of expression. Otherwise why else would it possibly face a ban.

No one cares, fuck off puritan. CP is the only type of footage of a crime where the footage itself is illegal. You can watch people being brutally tortured to death or mass shootings and it's fine and dandy but you watch 5 mins of CP and Chris Hansen is coming after you. In Japan the AoC is 13

>You can watch people being brutally tortured to death or mass shootings and it's fine
tell this the NZ faggot who got v& for sharing st tarrants video
> In Japan the AoC is 13
not a western country

Nice bait.

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It not being western is irrelevant + all over Europe they have AoC laws where it's like 15 or 16

>The "best" I've heard is that legalizing CP will increase child abuse rates (again, a real crime) however this has 2 problems:
>1. There is no evidence of this, it is pure speculation.
Indeed, and actually the opposite is true.

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some states have an aoc of 16 but laws regarding images just as strict, it's just so weird

Child abuse is a crime. Rape is a crime.
Watching footage is not.

Appeal to legality.

I'm sure the Muslims who had their family and friends killed at Christchurch are not too happy about people sharing the video and praising Brenton either.

Not an argument.

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Hang this sick fuck. Death to all pedos

Read this lads. That fucker was a creep and I'm glad he got caught before he crossed the next line.

Death to you

>producing drugs is a crime, but distributing them is free
>producing atomic weapons is a crime, but distributing them is free
Laws aren't made based on principles, they are made to effectively enforce a stable society. Even in America, free speech goes out the window when it comes to calls on assassinating the president.

>the children in the photos ARE victims
And therefore we should never watch 9/11 footage. You're retarded.

But wait, there is more: How is a 17yo filming himself/herself a victim? You can't be that retarded.

But wait, there is more: See pic

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Oh and I forgot one thing: fucking a 16yo is legal. Filming it gets you jail time. Utter retardation.

Why do these retards keep pleading guilty?

>10 years because some tweens probably sent him tit pics
>"Hurrdurr we caught a pedo, so the border and hollywood rape rings don't matter!!!"
The need to gas these kikes has never been greater

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>Netherlands, Argentina, and Germany defending possession of CP

Imagine my shock

you need the consent of the parents and if it turns out that you just wanted to fuck her you get jailed anyways. You only can have sexual intercourse with a 16 y/o if you love her and her parents allow it, have fun when the "relationship" breaks.

Anytime someone irl makes prison rape jokes I usually just say as loudly as possible "that rape joke was funny, bro! Got anymore?"

My guess: they are locked in a room and harassed relentlessly without legal representation until they break under the pressure and they sign a plea bargain and once they do that their lawyers can't do much for them.

look at him. this guy never felt like he grew out of his teenage years and didn't attract age appropriate roasties while being high smv for little thotties.

outside of what age gap?

Cellmates won't even bother fighting him, they'll just take his shoes and clap those cheeks

He should have taken the MILF pill instead of the pedo pill

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the student she fucked was a nigger, mutt

>What if I told you that most women don't spend their time thinking about men?
but they do spend most of their time thinking about how to get access to the resources that men possess, like money and influence

Yep he gets to choke on black cock. Lucky guy

The slope on that forehead.

White boys are weak bitches who get their ass stuffed in prison. Your feminine light skin makes our penises wanna pound dat shit.

>"African Americans typically face sexual abuse at the hands of other African Americans, and Hispanics at the hands of other Hispanics.

>that this pattern reflected an inmate rule, one that was strictly enforced: 'only a black can turn out [rape] a black, and only a chicano can turn out a chicano.' Breaking this rule by sexually abusing someone of another race or ethnicity, with the exception of a white inmate, could lead to racial or ethnic unrest, as other members of the victim's group would retaliate against the perpetrator's group."

>"The racial dynamic in prisons puts whites at a tremendous disadvantage. First, whites are often outnumbered by both blacks and Hispanics. But far more important, just as they show no racial solidarity in 'the free world,' whites in prison do not band together to protect each other from predators."

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>In a 2001 report published by the liberal Human Rights Watch, a researcher named Joanne Mariner disclosed facts the mainstream media have long ignored or denied: There are more men raped in the United States-about 90,000 every year-than women-a mere 40,000. Most of the male rapes take place in prison, and good many of them are interracial, with blacks and Hispanics searching out and raping white men.

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No need for BBC
Put him in German prison.
The Russkys will put a broom in him every night for sleeping. And the German warden will not hear anything.
Haha we have own rules there for pedorassov

>[Another prisoner] claimed me as his property and I didn’t dispute it. I became obedient, telling myself at least I was surviving . . . He publicly humiliated and degraded me, making sure all the inmates and guards knew that I was a queen and his property. Within a week he was pimping me out to other inmates at $3.00 a man. This state of existence continued for two months until he sold me for $25.00 to another black male who purchased me to be his wife.

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It's over for white male masculinity in this world. Put on a pink dress now.

“Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars ...The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. It goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays.”
“It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast.”

“This is a description by Gayton McKenzie, a hardened gang member, of the rape of a young white teenager only known as Wimpie. Where is Wimpie today? Probably dead of Aids, or suicide, as so many male victims of gang rape. If he is alive he might be homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol as many who do manage to survive the experience. Their lives in ruins around them. “

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Knowing US judges, he probably gave him such a long time specifically because he knows he'll either get raped/beaten/tortured or spend the whole time in solitary (which is another form of torture)

so the Global Child Porn Police is mostly UNATCO for grabbing pedos. Based

oh boy, that's going to be a nice prison bike. Those 10 years will be filled with cuddles and kisses.

then he will be shared by white and white-mutt bulls.

this is not a political issue, who gives a fuck?

By watching CP you are creating demand for CP. And if there is a demand, there will be a supply. So you are actively enforcing the CP industry by consuming products made by the CP industry. If no people got off on CP (or could resist their urges) it wouldn't exist. The same isn't true for murder videos.

>But far more important, just as they show no racial solidarity in 'the free world,' whites in prison do not band together to protect each other from predators."
I don't know whether this is true or not, but IF this is true, it just shows you how fucked we are. If whites can't even wake up in fucking prison, when will they in "the real world"?

>The same isn't true for murder videos.

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No one is taping murders with the explicit purpose of selling the video later, fucktard.

Most CP isn't sold either.

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Stupid. It's not child porn, it's illegal underage porn yes, not child porn. The girls were 14 and 15, the legal age of consent for sex in a lot of European countries. Furthermore, he didn't even meet these girls or have sex with them. A couple of pictures of some 15 year old girl, a girl you can legally fuck in Europe and he gets 10 years?

People who commit murder get that,. Real pedos who rape a baby get that.

People in the US circlejerk over third-world-tier jails and prisons

That’s a wig split.


They’ll just pimp his twink ass to cover debt.

>he looks like a prime twink material for the inmates.
Do they have didgeridoos in federal ass pounding prisons?

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>what would jesus have done?
Turned water to wine, got the chicks drunk then fucked them

no didgeridoos, but didndoos will get the job done (as long as you don't call it a job)

>(as long as you don't call it a job)
Just need mo moey fo dem ass-rapes den we git parole n sheeit

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These two are still free... raped, tortured, murdered a toddler girl and do it regularly together

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>raped, tortured, murdered a toddler girl and do it regularly together
The synagogue of satan never sleeps user

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>voluntary self photography is traumatizing
Turkish nigger compensating for his sand religion’s insatiable thirst for raping kids