Ilhan Omar: "This Is Not Going to Be the Country of White People"

at 2:03

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>This Is Not Going to Be the Country of White People
Idiot thinks that this country isn't going to balkanize once the fires start

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once the shit hits the fan your tight ass will be property of some local negro warlord, you sheltered sissy

I know it's just political babble on her part to appease all the colored children but she'd better change her tune considering who pays for it all. Not like coloreds can survive without white tax handouts.

If she wants that then why didn't she stay in her country of Somalia but I guess cause they need white people to build a government and infrastructure for them so they can take it over and ruin it anyway.

>future tense

Pretty optimistic.

They hope to come here and engage in a racial ppwer fantasy. We have them beat in IQ and Autism so maybe theyres hope.

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Based. Kick their ass sea bass.

lol, keep dreaming

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>negro warlord
Spics like you are going to be the ones running militias in the southwest, since your 85 average IQ yields a few 100 IQ individuals at the end of the curve. Not intelligent, but just smart enough to organize and attack whitey. Essentially no niggers are capable of organized military action.

Based Paco speaks the truth. You obese mutts will be sitting ducks for the MS13 warlords who have that barbaric Aztec/Mayan blood in them.

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well taking into account that most burger posters are from the more rural areas that's probably not the case, blacks will get the cities sure, but most burger posters have shitloads of guns and don't live in cities, but they're gonna end up in a country with more retarded looking borders than republika srpska

it won't.
Its just the guys that you talk with online who want "balkanization".

this concept doesn't even cross the mind of people in real life.

Only the individualist "muh freedumb" whites who hunker down and think they can survive alone.

based ilhan starting the racewar. migatards btfo as always

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It doesn't matter how many guns or how much ammunition you have if it's just you and your family facing down dozens of violent spics. The isolated whites will get wiped out. Spic and nigger hordes will come from the cities. Whites who form networks and work in teams will have a better shot at survival.

MS13 is Salvadorean not Mexican ffs. How the fuck are you going to side with Mexicans while spouting Jow Forums tier shit like MS13 being Mexican.

we never wanted balkanization in the balkans, it's just that violence escalates very quickly, there's a lyric that I can't really translate so I'm just gonna use wedding guest, that explains it much better than I ever could "sometimes it's the archduke, sometimes it's a wedding guest, you never know who's head is first, that's how war starts here" all that is needed for balkanization is a drop that spills the glass and escalates the violence, when shit hits the fan you can't be a pacifist anymore, you either join the group the other side lumped you into or you die, and no one wants to die.

Fucking Uma Delicias thinks he knows anything

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>it won't
It is already happening, the lines are being drawn. States are squaring off against each other right now, just takes one to break off then the house of cards falls.

>when shit hits the fan you can't be a pacifist anymore, you either join the group the other side lumped you into or you die, and no one wants to die.

I don't know man, you should meet some of our white lefties. Some of them are suicidal. Being killed by angry non whites is a fetish for them.

sanctuary cities and red flag laws are the fracture points

Also Gun Rights, Climate Change, Welfare, Universal Healthcare. and many many other issues are driving the states apart and the Federal government is too stupid to do anything.

Someone should ask her to tell one tall tale about Paul Bunyan, sing "My Country Tis of Thee" or a verse of "Yankee Doodle" I wonder if she could tell one fact of Minnesota history, Could she name one fact about John Calhoun that isn't he was for slavery and segregation.
Does she know who Josiah Snelling was? Can she name the Indian tribes of Minnesota and what the Minnesotans relationship with each tribe was like?

I would love to see her cornered, and not be able to sing the national anthem. Drive the fucking nail in the coffin to all the boomer liberals that see that trained monkey as a badge of their virtue.

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watch pretty village pretty flame, pretty good explanation of how shit hitting the fan makes all men change, pretty good movie too

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A nuclear power isn't going to balkanize. One side will win, the other will be removed, one way or another.

You wish or believe it wouldn't balkanize, yes, but it certainly will

That is a good point user. That would definitely complicate things.
>Two sides
Its gonna be a lot more than that!

You're literally retarded if you think the military will allow any fraction of its nuclear arsenal to be given up to subversive elements.

when the soviet union collapsed some nukes ended up on the bulgarian black market, greed is a helluva drug

What does the military giving up weapons have to do with the nation splitting? Also, the "military" is not monolithic. You're a ZOG shill.

Nukes does not complicate anything. When the nation splits, it splits. The nukes will probably remain in the hands of those who hold them now. This is not complicated.

>Also, the "military" is not monolithic
It is from the standpoint that it won't allow itself to fracture and for half its weapons to go into the hands of its enemies.>You're a ZOG shill.
How does that even fit here?

>it won't allow itself to fracture
100% the military will definitely fracture

>and for half its weapons to go into the hands of its enemies.
You're making an illogical leap from the military splitting -> nukes splitting.

Is it too difficult for you to understand how the nation and military can split, but nukes will remain controlled and in the hands of those who control them now?

>Is it too difficult for you to understand how the nation and military can split, but nukes will remain controlled and in the hands of those who control them now?
You're making the absolutely fucking retarded assumption that the people tasked with keeping the nukes are all living in the place where their new loyalty will lie if balkanization occurs. You're probably the dumbest fuck I've yet talked to on this board, and I've been here a long time.

>personal insults
>the people tasked with keeping the nukes are all living in the place where their new loyalty will lie

Do you actually believe the military hasn't considered the possibility of civil war, domestic insurgency, and balkanization, and does not have contingency plans in place with respect to nukes?

>people tasked with keeping the nukes are all living in the place where their new loyalty will lie

Why is this necessary to the military retaining control of nukes? You do not believe they've already thought of possible balkanization and made a plan to retain control of nukes? You're the one making completely illogical assumptions here, dumb fuck. Answer me.

First you say whoever has the nukes will keep the nukes, now you claim that the military has a plan, which implies the opposite.
>personal insults
poor baby. Stop saying retarded shit and I'll stop insulting you.

>el Salvador

This what happens when you get your education on a designated shitting street

>has plan to retain nukes
>lets country and economy fracture due to invading peasants

>california talking about the possiblity of succession
>so has texas in the past.
>"The south will rise again"
>also the south is rightful mexican clay according to some mexicans. Large amounts of mexicans in the south as well..
its a matter of when not if.

>whoever has the nukes will keep the nukes

How do you not understand that control of the nukes is not tied to geography? The federal government will appropriately move and deactivate as required. How do you not get this? The USSR fell and Russia managed to retain control of its nukes, even though it had nukes in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and other areas that are no longer in Russia.

The government will retain control. The geographic areas where the nukes are currently located do NOT matter, because the government can move and deactivate. I don't understand how you can be this stupid and ignorant.

You're focused on geography where nukes are currently located as if the government cannot move and deactivate. Again, I do not know how you are this stupid. Look at what the USSR did with nukes when it collapsed.

>sanctuary cities and red flag laws are the fracture points
Whites are not going to do a god damn thing. Most Whites still don’t care about their group identity. Our country will soon be sanctuary nation and have universal red flag laws and nothing is going to stop it.

The more you push the blackpill that "whites are not going to do a god damn thing," the less likely whites are to do a god damn thing. Essentially, you're helping the enemy pushing enemy blackpill propaganda.

There's more to consider than completed nukes.

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What is white flight?

That can’t be true. Surely you’ve talked to Obama leaf.

If you have some group taking over an area with uranium in the ground, there is basically zero possibility they end up doing anything with it. Governments capable of making nukes will want control of those territories in a big way, though. US, China, Russia, etc. So could be some major flashpoints around those areas.

>Governments capable of making nukes will want control of those territories in a big way, though. US, China, Russia, etc. So could be some major flashpoints around those areas.
Which brings us right back to the point, why would the military allow loss of control over those areas? The fact is, at some point, some members of the military are simply going to use some of our tech to kill or drive out the invaders. It's only a matter of time, but they're likely waiting until they have no choice.

IhaN CuNtmAr

she straight up says she hates america and its values, and is worse than ron paul when it comes to blaming america for all the problems in the world... but the truth is everryone hates her because she openly hates jews

This bitch has to Go!

Based and intelligent Jow Forums

She needs to go back to Somalia.

I suspect the military believes they can retain control over spic areas even when it's 95%+ spic, which is why they do nothing about immigration and the southwest turning into de facto Mexico. I don't think they're ever going to do anything about immigration. Most likely they primarily fear a white backlash to all this.

>the truth is everryone hates her because she openly hates jews
No, I hate her because she openly states whites need to be ethnically cleansed in my homeland.

This isn't corrupt shithole M*xico. Moral citizens own guns.
Your people only let faggots have guns. Hows all that money Elba Esther Gordillo stole from you? Or your ex president's wife? Still buying and selling government jobs, or giving them to family members?
We will kill everyone before they take our freedom. We don't hide and run to a better country like your cowards; we are the better country

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Would pay to watch this.

Texas is somewhere around 30-35% white. When the boomers die, it will be 15% white. You've shown no resistance to the reconquista. You've bent over and accepted spics in all facets of life. In business, in your neighborhood, in your schools. Your daughter will marry a spic. Whites are simply going to disappear in Texas. Texans are complete blowhards--totally full of shit. They are truly all hat and no cattle and are about to be completely wiped out. It's amusing watching them brag as they go down the shitter.

t. Californian
Latinos fought and killed m*xican spics in the Alamo, and died in Goliad. They may be brown, but at least we don't have somalis. Demographics will change again towards whites, but our heritage will always be based
Your state doesn't even have a history of beating anybody.

>shoutout to based spics
>spics are better than niggers
>demographics will change again towards whites
>our heritage will always be based
>"your state"

You're all over the place here. I was referring to your Texas civil war art assuming you're a Texan blowhard. California is even more fucked than Texas, dude.

I'm not a Californian, either. Not even from the southwest. You're shitting out a lot of random stuff in this post.

This. It happens naturally and will accelerate. People don't sit around and think about abstract concepts or descriptions of what they're doing. "I'm going to balkanize today!"

Click bait no she does not. Shill.

>no she does not
Does not what? Are you trying to say she didn't say "America is not going to be the nation of white people"? Go to 2:03 on the video where she says that.

Fuck you dude. I put in the work, I was the ebil Nazi that all my White coworkers hated. I’ve lost high paying jobs because of my perceived racism. Beaners have never even once cried to the boss about me. Fuck White people, we deserve what’s coming. The only thing that keeps me going is that I am a traveling industrial worker that can find a high paying job anywhere in the country. Fuck you dude.

>fuck you mufugga fuck you muh personal anecdote bix nood
Anyone like you who pushes blackpills is no different than a kike or Ilhan Omar. You may have been pro-white before, but you're an enemy now. Suck it, you traitor piece of shit.

>identity politics


based, I live to serve bbc as all white "men" should

I honestly do not understand why this is acceptable. In Europe nobody would accept this, and they manage to not accept this in a way that still makes them look liberal. Most of Europe has tolerance standards that apply to everyone equally, whereas in the US we have this ridiculous system where people can hate on white people as much as they want

Whites in America are literally being phased out. It is official policy. Genocide is forthcoming if something isn't done.

Queen of Jow Forums

but they already took your freedom from you and you did nothing.

fuck you

That's a really good movie, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in the US that's seen it

this memeflag gets it

White liberals won't do a goddamn thing. The whites that will do something don't tell anyone that they will. There are probably millions of whites silently preparing for the habbening. Only the foolish ones talk about it.

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Eat a back of dicks you delusional retard