Mueller will give his testimony on May 15.
Mueller will give his testimony on May 15
Drumpf is finished
Looking forward to more nothing
>Spend 2 years trying to cover up FBI corruption
>Can't find any dirt on Trump
>Write retarded report that everyone (normal) has forgotten about by now
When Barr tells everyone that Obama started the FBI spying bullshit, it's going to be epic.
The very first time we'll hear him speak about his investigation.
What will happen first for dems. Mass suicide or mass protests?
It’ll be fun watching Trump sperg out on Twitter for the next ten days, like a spastic retard.
Don't you ever get tired of trying to walk up an avalanche of shit?
He's going to stand up for AG Barr. A subordinate in the DOJ is never going to dispute with his superior in public.
You can screencap this
I think the last shred of home that the demosharts have is that this somehow won't happen, but all indications are that it is exactly what will happen.
You think it takes 400 pages to write the word "nothing"?
Nah he'll wait until the day of and then spam, "NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, WITCH HUNT WITCH HUNT WITCH HUNT" right before the testimony begins.
>he is going to lie
>retards will spin it to no end
>trump will get mad
>releases alien files
This is the federal government we're talking about.
I bet if we keep bumping the thread, we'll get more and more shillposts. Let's test the theory, shall we?
mass suicide protests
Why not just read your own posts if you want to see spastic tweets.
Also do your faggot friends know you use terms like "spastic retard"? tut tut be careful now.
Another victory lap for Trump?
Yeah it's nothing cuz they redacted everything
Sick zinger grandpa.
I’m from the future, here’s what will happen
>Mueller’s testimony will reveal absolutely fucking nothing because every possible question the committee could have is already answered in his 500-page report
>The Judenpresse will nevertheless take bits and pieces of his testimony out of context and say BOOOM MUELLER BOMBSHELL IT’S OVER FOR BLYYUMPF
>Everyone will forget about it in a couple days
A whole bunch of nothing will happen. Some dems will get fucking sassy and say he didnt look over the evidence and that he is a liar.
Will May 15 or May 16 be the day Dems and media turn on Mueller?
Imagine Kamala Harris vs Mueller. Or that Asian bitch.
Mueller will confirm everything Barr said and the left will REEE that he's not enabling their fantasies.