Or we’re a minority race who is until recently in history never had our own country and were generally treated like shit by every other ethnic group, and yet somehow managed to achieve world domination.
kill yourself or get murdered by arabs you fucking kike bastard
Easton Lewis
you're evil, that's it
Benjamin Martin
You’re probably the number one reason the world is shit. That is all
Hunter Cook
Do you enjoy your life being so full of hate?
Ian Watson
Why’s that?
Easton Gonzalez
Leave us alone and we leave you alone.
Ayden Brown
i wont be happy until every last jew on earth is not just an endangered species, but an extinct one. you are the most evil race of ppl to ever walk this earth. and just a friendly reminder theres only around 50 million of you kikes alive right now and 1 billion plus muslims your days are NUMBERED you filthy vermin
We’re just trying to live our lives. Don’t understand why white supremacists hate us. Maybe we’re just a scapegoat for their shitty lives? Yeah... we’re not going anywhere. Others have tried to get rid of us, we only ever get stronger.
Christian Moore
The trust descendants of Judah are brothers to the Israelites of the northern tribes who brought the God of Israel to all the nations.
The problem is Judah is utterly infested with Canaanites.
Luke Rivera
Exodus 22:25: “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him." Stop being greedy, kike. Proverbs 13:22 "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous." Just because we aren't Heebs doesn't mean we are sinners. Fuck off with that gay shit hooknoser.
Aiden Clark
You were given a monopoly on usury for centuries. Why do you think the world is racing to be the first to develop AI.
Jonathan Howard
Cuz fanatic edgy nerds.
Asher Rivera
Jews (Ashkenazis, at least) are a very intelligent, successful people. Don't think even the most ardent Nazis deny this. What they take exception to is the means you've achieved that success (scheming, foul play, subversion)
Adam Allen
Textbook strawman, Jews are smart and know to teach their children to hide their outward racism, and thus they are selected be the arbiters of all racio-political discussions as the eternal victim.
They have dismantled the same nepotism among Europeans by law, which they use themselves tenfold.
Zachary White
ok fine its because youre superior and this inequality destroys social cohesion so for our sakes we cant share a society with you why does this stupid false dichotomy strawman get repeated over and over here anyway sage in all fields
As long as you live your life without trying to control or oppress white Christians, I will neither wish, or do you any harm. Is that a fair bargain? You stay in your side of the room, I'll stay in mine.
Dylan Rogers
Were GIVEN a monopoly on usury??
We weren’t given anything. We just figured out it’s a good way to make money since we’re basically on our own. It’s not like you have to be a Jew to get into banking. Do you think Jews run banks in China?
Charles Nguyen
definitely persian mutts that mixed with turks, romans, greeks, slavs, germanic cultures. and definitely a mafia made up of cutdick brain damaged pedorapists. >don't bump this thread if you're going to reply to it
Luke Thompson
Collecting usury from a fellow Israelite is a serious sin, European Christians are the descendants of the exiled northern tribes. Christians obeyed that commandment, the synagogue of satan disobeyed it to amass earthly power.
I am a Levite and descendant of Mattathias, your leaders are devil worshipers.
Jordan Lopez
1) jews are not a race, but they find it politically viable to behave as one. This will ultimately doom anyone of the jewish religion who chooses to believe this. 2) It is possible to be subhuman and also ambitious. Having no or a reduced sense of humanity frees one from the apparent moral and ethical consequences of engaging in behaviours and committing actions which cause harm to others. 3) Jews are a protected class, possibly the first protected class of the modern era. As a result of manipulating the emotions and empathy of whites and well-meaning people of all races, jews have singled themselves out as martyrs. However this charade is rapidly coming to an end as the nations of the world realise what treachery has been committed: hence the push to censor the internet and prevent further dialogue. 4) The jewish intelligencia are international criminals whose financial and media domination have put them in an unchecked position of cultural influence over the entire world, and thus they are able to control who is able to oppose them. 5) You are evil. >t. ashkenazi jewish dissenter
Samuel Martin
I am a Levite as well.
Jace Lewis
I see the race thing as kind of like shapeshifting. Jews are white when it's advantageous to be white, and Jewish when it pays to be Jewish.
Joseph Harris
I’ve never schemed or used nefarious means to get anything in my life. We definitely don’t all get together and scheme. We have no interest in oppressing Christians. We’ve historically been the disadvantaged minority in Christian nations. christians are many of their own nations, far from being oppressed.
Thomas Scott
The Sanhedrin itself saw Jesus Christ as a threat, as he gave people a simple and meaningful belief towards spiritual wellness and hope. The council of Jews are no longer the chosen people, as they failed the test of time to be worthy. Now even the lowest of goyim can be considered chosen - but not the filthy greedy jew.
Jesus is Lord, Messiah and King brother, I think many of our tribe converted when he came and mixed in with the general European population when it wasn't safe to stay in Roman occupied areas.
Our brothers from Judah and Benjamin do not realize they are led by literal Canaanite infiltrators because their pride blinds them to it; they support and defend the evil acts they commit out of misguided solidarity with beings that literally are not completely human.
>Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. Deuteronomy 20:17
>Judah could not dislodge the Jebusites, who were living in Jerusalem; to this day the Jebusites live there with the people of Judah. Joshua 15:63
>I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Revelation 3:9
Jordan Hernandez
>You can’t have it both ways. Why not? Nepotism doesn't correlate to intelligence.
Camden Jenkins
How are we protected? Who’s protecting us? If we were being protected, why does that make us evil? How do you think we’re controlling the world? Most people don’t care about Jews in their daily lives.
Justin Kelly
Nonstop fucking kike treads Sage this shit faggots
Well as long as you don't oppress Christians go and do whatever you wish. Destroy the Muslims, kill the Nazis that are fucking with you. Just stay away from whites that stay away from you. That way everyone can live in as much peace as humanly possible.
Brandon Morgan
>We have no interest in oppressing Christians. We’ve historically been the disadvantaged minority in Christian nations. That is a lie, my ancestors had to flee Judea all the way to Switzerland to get away from the murderers you are descended from, you were stripped of land as a rightful judgement from God.
The real holocaust hasn't happened yet, occultists were trying to force a prophecy in Zechariah chapter 13 that says two thirds of our people will die before we are regathered, that two thirds includes the northern tribes which have not had a die off of such a magnitude yet.
You seem poorly educated in the Law and the prophets, what is the point of even being a Jew if you don't know these things?
Gabriel Moore
This. God has been out to teach the kikes a lesson for centuries, but they never learn.
Brandon Hill
We can’t help it if we live around white people. Whites are the majority in many countries we live in. Many Jews themselves are whites.
We’re not a race, but many racists call us a race. Some of us are white, some of us are brown. You can be anything and be Jewish. We’re a cultural identity more than anything. So no we aren’t shapedhhftibg as you say
Wyatt Ward
jews don't rule the world. actually they have been the ones who had most masters than any other people in history. even today, they are a vassal country, not 100% sovreign. but the jews are subversive, they hate the countries which host them and long for power more than any other ethnic group or social class.
Logan Garcia
You have your own nation do you not? For the first time in over 2000 years you have Israel again so you guys literally have no excuse now for still being Jewish and not converting while in foreign lands. Back in the past your homeland was taken from you so you had an argument about why you would not assimilate. But now you have a rich country that is a nuclear power. You have no reason to fear it ever being destroyed.
Wyatt Ward
I live in Canada and don’t hate Canada. This is a multicultural country, and i’m Just one of many
Grayson Hall
So after having my whole life in Canada, I should just pack up and move to Israel? Why? Because you hate me for some vague reason you can’t really point out?
Jacob Hill
how come Arabs get two different meme flags but Jews get none? It's anti-semitism! REEEEEEEE
Grayson Kelly
Lol I was actually wondering why we don’t have one. Maybe there’s too few of us.
Luis Richardson
>So after having my whole life in Canada, I should just pack up and move to Israel? Why? Because you hate me for some vague reason you can’t really point out? I don't really care what you do, but you will die if you do not leave the synagogue of satan. The modern multicultual order of mega cities destroy the countries they exist within using diversity was prophecised long ago, eventually they will burn in the span of one hour, Mystery Babylon.
There are spiritual forces at work driving the hate, demonkind wants the descendants of Jacob to suffer so they commit atrocities while larping as Judahites. Same reason there is a push to make whites hated.
18 In those days the people of Judah will join the people of Israel, and together they will come from a northern land to the land I gave your ancestors as an inheritance. Jeremiah 3:18
Jason Ortiz
I don't hate you. But Israel is your homeland it's where you fit in best. I mean if I wanted to live in Iran I should be a muslim, if I wanted to live in Japan Shinto/Buddhist, if you want to live in Italy you should be Catholic, Russia it's Eastern Orthodox. Now this does not apply to Canada, because Canada is a nation of cucks and I have no respect for the whites there, they are not of my stock, so feel free to live in Canada and do whatever, hell you can subvert the Canadains for all I care. But for other nations unless you are willing to convert don't live there.
Colton Ross
>thinking jews dont assimilate because we dont have a home
This doesn’t make any sense. I was thinking of something more rational
Nolan Reyes
you hate canada, either consciously or subconsciously, SINCE you believe canada is or should be a multi-cultural country. to you canda should be multicultural, france should be multicultural, germany should be multicultural... what's the result? that those countries become the same, anonymous mess, which is the death itself of a culture and a country. but that doesn't affect you since you are allowed to keep your petty, worthless tribal identity, which is all what matters to you. countries are never born "multicultural", which would be a contradiction. they become multicultural, due to both an intrinsic spiritual exhaustion (95%) and your subversive action (5%)
David Bell
is the tribe of Benjamin, Ruben, Levi etc consider their own race and religion too?
Henry Martin
*all that matters
Dylan Jenkins
People are angry at jews for the same reason that niggers are angry at white people: they dominate and they think it must be unfairness.
It is unfairness, but an unfairness in culture and genetics. Ashkinazi jews are on average 10 iq points higher than white people in symbolic reasoning (which includes the usage of both words and scientific concepts).
Joseph Hill
Taking over the world by lying, scheming, and usury doesn't make you superior. It makes you trash, spiritually. Other races prefer to honor, goodness, and truth to power.No matter how much wealth and power you have, you will always be trash until you reject being a scheming, lying, reprobate who rejects truth.
Easton Gray
Yes, you are a mafia of voodoo white niggers and everybody hates you because you are shit. An example:
Grayson Foster
I don’t fit in best in Israel though. I know very little about Israel. They have their own culture and customs. Sure i’m Jewish, but i consider Canada my home. It’s just like if a Chinese person is born in Canada, he can’t just go to China and fit in. If I was born in America, i’d Be more like you than someone from Israel.
Anthony King
What does being a "Jew" mean anyway?
There are ethnic Jews. There are religious Jews. There are orthodox Jews. There are fanatical racist Jews. There are Israeli Jews. There are quasi Jews, who are culturally Jewish but atheist. There are the Ashkenazi. There are Zionists. There are the double-passport American Jews. There are Marxists. There are globalist Jews.
A lot of these groups are opposed to each other; a lot of these groups overlap in ideology.
Each group thinks THEY are the chosen ones.
Kayden Bell
The average white guy is born and bred to be a servant, Jews figured out the game a long time ago, and tried to avoid it. Unfortunately that can make them an easy scapegoat when shit starts to unravel.
Angel Foster
Why do you use a memeflag
Juan Kelly
Do you?
Blake Fisher
The Jews are our superiors. The Jews propagated the myth that they were the slaves of Ancient Egypt. In reality, the Jews are the masters. It is the Jews who take responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of society. No one is telling the Jews how to do this, they just know. Let me ask you, is the master the one who knows or is the master the one who must seek out the one who knows? The Jews have spun their tale of inferiority for centuries, millennia even. It is a lie. The Jews are the masters. They use the material world to enslave us and create illusions.
Benjamin King
Because you’re the spawn of the devil.
Jace Butler
So I hate Canada, but I don’t realize it? That’s a convenient argument.
You realize I was iron in Canada, so I’m as Canadian as anyone else born here right? There’s not really a strict Canadian culture. And no I don’t think every country should be multicultural. Britain should be British, France should be French etc. etc. If I move to UK I would follow UK laws and customs. But last I checked, UK allows freedom of religion, so it’s not a crime for me to be Jewish. I would assimilate well because of the customs in that country.
Jonathan Scott
>You can't have it both ways
Yes you can.
Will we dare to penetrate the darkness of the greatest mystery of all? Who are the Jews, really? For Alfred Rosenberg they are the organic lie. And Nicolás Palacios, author of Raza Chilena, years before at the beginning of the 20th Century, also asserted that: "the Jew can never tell the truth," recommending that before reading a book we should learn its author and, "if it's a Jew, do not read it, because it is false." Among the millions of beings populating the Earth, who is a Jew? Not an animal (although he could be a sheidim); he is not a human being either. He is most probably a "robot," in the service of Jehovah, an extraterrestrial being. And as such he has to obey his orders, if he is to continue in existence. Thus "God's people" come into being, those who are of Yahweh, Saturn, Sat-an (Satur-day, Sábado, Sa-bbath).
Jehovah lives and feeds on the flesh and blood of Earth's inhabitants. His "agents" describe him in their Biblical myths where Abraham is willing to sacrifice his son to feed Jehovah. The wars and great killings are banquets for Jehovah. And as Kaliyuga approaches its end, that obscure Demon (that Archon), increases his appetite and is in urgent need of a final banquet, since for over fifty years, since 1945, he has only been fed with small wars. He is fasting! Jehovah needs a new World War, where the Aryan blood of goyim is massively spilled. Instead he is running the risk of disappearing as Satan, Saturn, the Archon imprisoned by the Demiurge.
We don’t take over the world through lying and scheming. We don’t control the world. We have the same virtues as any other group of people. I don’t understand why you think we control the world.
We’re not superior, we’re not inferior. We’re just people. No matter how different, we’re mostly the same thing.
Ian Brown
How do you become superior? A Chinese person born in Canada, unless he is a traitor to his kind will fit in China, as long as he respects his elders, and reveres his ancestors will be able to make. Same with you if your mom was a Jew then you can go to Israel under the law of return and then you just listen to your Rabbi and you will fit in, and have a decent life in Israel.
Isaiah Nguyen
A cross between animal and man, according to the Bible. With age the Jew starts developing animal-like features.
The rabbis, who also seem to have demolished their own beliefs, already have a new instrument with which to oppress and dominate the non-Jews; another spare "religion" with which to torture Aryans and their sense of guilt: the Holocaust Religion. If Christianity accuses the goyim of killing a God, then the "Holocaust" blames them for murdering "god's People." The first was utilized to accuse the Egyptians and Romans. These are now replaced by Germans, as subjected as the previous, accepting.meekly and doing penance in the "Museum-Temples" of the Holocaust, the new religion, in spite of knowing that deceit was also present from the beginning. Because just as the ancient Jewish religions and beliefs were based on falsehood, so the new Jewish Holocaust religion with its six million sacrificed (the number six is archetypal in Judaism) is another lie, even if its "dogmas" are blindly accepted by non-Jews. The Demon Yahweh projects his hypnosis over the goyim, thus helping "his people" of robots, but only until they have successfully prepared his Banquet.
And what if they cannot induce a Third World War? What if they fail? Could the new religion serve them as consolation, keeping their own people together in spite of the growing discredit of them rapidly spreading throughout the world? That remains to be seen. At the end of all things, at the nadir of Kaliyuga, their famished god would also abandon them.
Aiden Richardson
name me one jewish inventor one? Some say they cannot create anything of their own.
Colton Green
Not true, what’s do you mean a traitor? If you’re born in a country you’re likely used to that country’s customs. It has nothing to do with loyalty. If you’re white in Canada, does that mean you feel comfortable in a European country?
Yeah I could do that, i’m Not even sure what the immigration laws are, but why? My home is here i’d Rather stay here.
Caleb Scott
Freedom of religion is eye roll worthy. It means you don't believe in your faith. I mean if you see two children fighting over which imaginary friend is better, you would shake your head and tell them to get along with each other and their friends. Only an atheist who believes in no god and that religious are deluded would support it. Every country should be a theocracy. Because that's what God wants.
Brandon Adams
based. they conceal their hatred under a mask of inclusivity and universal love. it's a well-known behaviour of the inferior ones, i mean, trying to inspire pity and making others believe we are all friends and equal, so that the actual dispair and diversity will vanish.
Henry Watson
Albert Einstein
Eli Smith
It depends, you would feel comfortable in the European country of your ancestors, or neutral one. But not an enemy one. And yes you live in Canada which is a fake nation mutt nation who stole the land from the native people's anyway, so jews in the new world in north america are not doing anything wrong. Well they aren't doing anything wrong compared to other white people. You can argue that everyone who isn't a native in North America should go back to their native lands, and the Natives should retake their land.
Anthony Edwards
when you are so incompetent you blame all your problems on the 0.2%,
No, freedom of religion means people are allowed to choose.We don’t even preach universal love. Hippies do that. Jews are usually not hippies.
Owen Jones
>Heh, don't worry guys! I'm one of you!
Evan Gutierrez
Sure but you see that wouldn’t work right? If everyone should go back to their original country, how far back should it go? Go back 500 years many European countries didn’t exist today.
Hudson Ortiz
oy vey :D you really did it. The Zionist that stole all his work from Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz and failed to credit them. (((What))) did he get the nobel price for again? Read 100 autoren gegen Einstein. Since Einstein is just a plagiarist. Name me someone who invented something.
you don't understand because you don't have a clue of what "culture" is. you understand only your tribal laws and identity. culture is not something pertaining to the state, or the laws, or even the tribe. obviously tolerance is right. but culture is another thing, and saying "this country should be multicultural" is EXACTLY the same as saying "this country should not have a culture (anymore)". and you say it because you want that culture destroyed. and you want it beacuse you are greedy and resenting, and, as schopenhauer said, you hate everything which is great and beautiful. and evropa is the greatest and most beautiful thing that happened to the universe.
Wyatt Morgan
Dude, if you’re curious, you can google Jewish inventors. I don’t know much about that topic cuz I never rly cared.
Jace Williams
And why are they allowed to choose? If god commands us to do something then we should obey yes? So God has told us through prophets and saints and other holy men in the past certain things. That means those things should be part of law, and if someone insults God or says they are a satanist they should be killed because they are an enemy, quite literally declaring war on God. Now practically the whole world won't be one religion so nations should have different faiths yet be peaceful towards each other, however they should enforce religious law within their own borders.
Gabriel Russell
You literally didn’t understand what I said. I didn’t say there should be no culture. What do you consider a culture?
Michael Howard
the only superior race is the one that doesn't get holocausted and survives. check back in 100 years, 1000 years, however long it takes. we will see.
Justin Jackson
It won't work because it's not practical. But actually most countries 500 years ago did exist. The English knew they were english, the French knew they were french, spanish also, Germans did but they were divided into principalities but they knew that even if they were austrian, or bavarian they were still German since they spoke the same language. Some nations were just under the yoke of another power but were still seperate nations like Ireland.
Aiden Perez
Well I’m Jewish, so I follow the Torah. But I’m not so ignorant to believe everyone will do the same. People have their own interpretations of what God wants. Unless God himself comes down and tells everyone what to follow, I think interpretation is fair.
Christian Bennett
I wish I was jewish. Just admit it, judaism is the ubermensch religion, its a successful religion since its been thoroughly tested for 3000 years :
-survived slavery from ancient egypt -survived the babylonians -Persia was pretty cool though, good man, the king Cyrus . -survived the greeks -survived the romans -survived the christians, inquisitions etc -survived the cossacks -survived the nazi -survived the arabs
you name it
The coolest jews are the orthodox jews, they have all their ehtics covered with thoughts and developements.
Brody Reed
Okay, how about a thousand years then? Two thousand? Where should the mark be?
Jeremiah Collins
Inferior subhuman.
Oliver White
Lol I’ll take that as a compliment.
Austin Morris
You don't care that the man AE himself was a fraud a thief and a liar. Doesn't that reflect on you as a person. I personally care very much for anyone who creates useful inventions for the advancements of humanity. Can you see the difference between us. Cam you understand how much it hurt me to find out that (((they))) corrupted science.
A tapeworm is good at being a tapeworm. It can kill a man without striking him. Even so, a tapeworm isn't better at being a man than man.
Tyler Martin
Who has time in their life to track down every injustice ever done in humanity? And not everyone thinks AE is a fraud. People get slandered for all kinds of reasons. I’ve never really cared because it dkesn’t affect my life.
Andrew Hill
Doesn’t explain why you think it’s a tapeworm and not just a man.
Ryan Rivera
Yes, I agree with you thats why I said each nation should have it's own faith and interpret it in which way it wants. And it should allow people from other states in as tourists or pilgrims or even refugees if their need is dire. But in Israel for example if someone starts quoting Hitler about how Jews are evil, you guys would be completely within your rights to have that guy stonned to death.
Ryan Lopez
I doubt that’s legal in Israel. By the way, Christians and Muslims live in Israel too.
Benjamin Allen
As far back as is possible. I mean Jews and Israel is a few thousand years, same for Egypt, Greece. Rome gets a bit complicated because so many can claim to be their heirs. But the Gauls are ancient French, Dacians ancient Romanians. I mean we do come from our ancestors and while we have changed a lot from them we still have that link to the past.
Anthony Powell
obviously you didn't say it, you rat. you rather say "muh country is multicultural" , which is the same but looks better at first glance. the best definition of culture i know so far is that of nietzsche > Culture is, before all things, the unity of style, in every expression of the life of a people. Abundant knowledge and learning, however, are not essential to it, nor are they a sign of its existence; and, at a pinch, they might coexist much more harmoniously with the very opposite of culture — with barbarity: that is to say, with a complete lack of style, or with a riotous jumble of all styles. in order to make a culture, race is the only essential requisite. this is why diaspora jews like you try to import niggers in their host countries as much as they can.
Adrian Morgan
Why should people do that though? How would that improve the world today?
And why not just go back to being hunter gatherers while we’re at it?
Easton Morales
Yes, Israel is in a unique situation since it's the holy site for three religions. I support Israel's right to exist not as strongly as American evangelical republicans though because there are conditions attached to my support. The conditions are simply that you will allow in religious pilgrims unless you have reasonable suspicion that person is a terrorist or going to do major harm to Israel, second is to not destroy any holy sites or ancient artifacts in Jerusalem and all of Israel, and finally to allow the religious clergy to have control of and custody of the holy sites. They can mediate between faiths if there is conflict though. If those conditions are met Israel has my full support for control of the Holy Land, and to be custodian and guardian of the holy relics. They can do pretty much anything else they want.
Brody Green
>Not everyone thinks Albert Einstein is a fraud. True and many people believe that fat-shaming is bad.
>I’ve never really cared because it dkesn’t affect my life. Do you know how much time it cost science to work around Einsteins misinterpretations of Henri Poincarés work. Are you typing this on a computer? Your logic is ah who cares about lies as long as the goal is something I want. You really don't see this as wrong?
Jose Reyes
Eww, thats disgusiting. We were basically nigger tier before the year 10,000 B.C. After humans built cities thats when civilization was created, and there is nothing wrong with colonization or exploration as long as you don't invade other's lands to do it. So 15th century european colonization bad, but space colonization good.