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I hope Hamas fires a rocket on it and kills everyone.
Israelis are white
this. unironically
Can't fucking wait.
Who tf watches this shit of a show anyway?
checked and based
fuck eurocucks bringing their degeneracy here
based kike. checked
I watch it to see what a mess my country will do this time.
Not Netherlands.
Me but only when I was
checked, Israelis are Asians.
>represented by a gay arab
>in a european contest
>happening in israel
based and checked
>2004 2008
You mean when it was actually good then. Okay deal
This thing won last year so Israel has to host the contest this year. It's a guaranteed money loser.
lol, nobody is stepping into that shithole full of mudshit niggers
The Jow Forums threads are always quite fun.
Christcuck stream
stupid cow bitch.
shes really disgusts me, its like someone took all the stupidity, the vulgarity and the grotesqueness in israeli society and put it all into a single person
>be me
>she might have had a good song
>go on jewtube to look it up
>chip chip chip bakak bakak
>muh empowerment
Okay, my expectations fell way off
It seems like everyone hates the degeneracy in their respective capital cities. Almost makes me wish for a zombie virus or some shit.
Just in case the digits lie, can't MOSSAD give a helping hand, pleeeeaase Moshe?
It will be the liberal Orgy for sure
Pedos, satanists and some occultists will be there
But Tel Aviv is already degenerate what you talking about?
make sense since the jews own EU
I really started to believe in ZOG...never thought that possible 3 years ago...
I guess this is what you call Chutzpah...
>Hamas/Hezbollah bombs Eurovision
>Leftcucks proceed to place blame on Israel because cognitive dissonance
>Chinese internet news article headlines read "Muslim Terrorists attack Homosexual European Music Festival
>MFW best Eurovision since Lordi
Still less degenerate than Conchit Wurst. But then again: that's Juden culture aswell.
I hope they go sicko mode on the eurovision
Israel is inherently Evropean
That's something I would do.
Checked but you still need to repent.
And Australia is going to win. Might be time to rename the contest.
Or to absorb Australia into Europe.
the votes don't decide the winners. the winner is already chosen before the semi-finals even happen.
why do you think that shitty Ukraine song and that mess of Israel's song won the last two years? certainly no one would have fucking picked them legitimately.
Never actually watched it before. Guess i was naive for thinking the best one would win over the best political statement.