What's wrong with this?

What's wrong with this?

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They're white and that's an issue

And this? What's wrong?

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Which one is the bitch?

I ain't voting for no Bitch!

Anal fissures

Based J. Edgar Hoover.

What's wrong with this?

Attached: EdgarHoover+Tolson.jpg (400x433, 60K)

And in case you never connected the dots...

Attached: Rohm.jpg (800x422, 39K)

Terrible fashion sense. I hate their fucking shoes and that lime green shirt.

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The rise and run of those concrete stairs. Probably not up to code.

They’re homos

Gayer than cum on a mustache.

There are three beings in the photo. Which two are the couple?

The biggest sin is Pete's mama jeans. I get it, he's a politician and doesn't want to come across as some cosmopolitan Euro snobs, but pants need to be slim.

dogs are filthy animals

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I used to be pro gay. I don't really care much now, I would vote a pro fag party if it was to limit immigration and implement race based policies HOWEVER

>can't produce children
>goes against our ancient traditions
>wants to adopt children
>look up gay people stats, if they are so normal why do they kill themselves so often, have HIV so much AND have partners in the dozens?

They have AIDS and their kid is a trans faggot maggot

They can't produce kids.


Yeah, he really could stand to take some fashion tips from Marti Kuusik. That guy has style.

Even they are gays they probably do their stuff in Privacy

His poor taste in everything makes me doubt he's really a homo.

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Nothing. Cute dog. Nice home. Look like good neighbors.

Gake and fay.


blue pants and green shirt do not match

Needs to trim that fucking tree to start, too close to house, will cause water damage.

Why did you label the picture cute couple? Are you a faggot? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Propensity towards child abuse is my main issue. They also agitate towards anti-social and degenerate policies and redistribution of wealth to cover the diseases they perpetuate.

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they're lacking the pitbull and a adopted black daughter

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go away faggot shill
you're a dumb goy..
>oh well they look nice, therefore they are.

That dog is overweight and needs more walkies.

Attached: fat-bassett-hound-fea.jpg (808x500, 69K)

And males have a propensity towards violence, does that mean we should eliminate them? Though as a feminist I would be open to the idea.

So what? As long as they don't actively spread and promote their lifestyle it's fine by me. Though I would prefer if we somehow phased them out of existence due to technological innovations.

Strange. Usually fat dogs have fat owners.

Those genetic dead ends are consuming nonrenewable resources which could have been used to help future generations.

everything you aids ridden faggot

The Brits found a cure. So what will be the excuse for hating gays now?

Most of Jow Forums is single and are genetic dead ends

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I agree.