Itt: Ameritard logic

>USA won the space race because they were the first on the moon
>USSR won WW2 because they were the first to reach Berlin

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man i bet the first guy in space from russia is a hero! whats he doing today? how about the dog? did they create a breeding program from that hero?

For once the leaf is correct

USSR won both

user, I am not a Ruskie lover nor commie or red, but wft with all the US against them threads?

I have no beef with the Russian people, shit, I think some of them are awesome people that can live in Siberia and what not.

Instead of posting antagonistic threads, show us some cool shit from them Ruskie lands and their people.

Samefags, samefags everywhere...

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USSR needed that moon landing to win the cold war, burger cuckoldcracy and capitalism had advantage of being retarded hedonist utopia

Look at these ameriKEKS. RICH.

USSR: first and only country to adopt Lord Tachanka into their army


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husour looser

The only thing Canadians have done for space is build a fucking arm and have that one fag with the moustache.

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the USSR did win WW2 though. WW2 was, by and large, the battle between Germany and the USSR. The western front was a fucking walk in the park compared to what was going on in Eastern Europe.

The USA did win in the sense that the war forced Britain to disband the empire, but that wasn't 'the war'. 'The war' was the fighting in Eastern Europe.

The war was definitely keeping British and french troops pointed at the enemy and not the atlantic

the space race was a demonstration of power and resources.
yes, it was good to be first at something, but America passed the endurance test.
They had dozens of moon missions (many of them failed), but it had the resources to keep pumping billions of dollars into a potential military presence in space.
The communist vampiric Jews in power in the USSR had been bleeding the country dry since 1920. And did not have the financial lasting power to compete with the US.

>be challenged to a race to put a man on the moon
>dont put man on moon
>claim all the mile stones before putting man on the moon was actually what the race was about

its sad

>no one else has put a man on the moon 60 yrs later
Ye we kinda won

It's always either the Czechanons or the Croatianons...
Maybe someday you guys can have a contest to see who's more of a brainlet.

>first womyn to do x

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Do you even know how races work? It's only about the finishing line, not any previous checkpoint.