Red States rely on Blue States for money

Why do Red States rely on other states, especially Blue ones, to get their money?
>Inb4 biggers
Some of these states like Montana have more white people.

Attached: FedAidtoStates-01.png (1354x1211, 242K)

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Because the blue states don’t want to starve to death.

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No money goes the other way fags. The federal income tax sends over 75% of the money to the north east and California. When you ask them what we get for that they say “an economy.” It’s a fucking scam. Democrats can’t keep their shit working without aid.

>what is exporting goods for money
l2 economics

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Federal aid is a threat and bribe in the same action, it literally shows you just how much of our economy is a completely centralized controlled socialist joke.

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>States that have lower taxes and smaller populations get less tax money than overpopulated communist shitholes that relentlessly steal from their citizens


>this includes taxes, but not utilities, liquor sales, and state pension investment income
Some very specific exceptions there. For those not paying attention, this is why CA is ranked so low. CA has some of the highest utility taxes in the nation. Also explains WA's low rank, since they have the highest alcohol state tax rate in the nation.

I also notice this entire image makes absolutely no effort to say how much each state spends total, or how much money they are getting. Because if you expect me to believe TN or LA took in more federal money than CA, with CA's population and homeless rate, then I need to see some proof.

Montana is number 4 and is 90% white.

>Money in =Money out

that isnt how it works but whatever.


Bullshit, literally nowhere else in the world is the disparity that high even with black people.

INdians are literally worse than niggers.

All you faggots that bitch about Negros no nothing about fucking savages.

t. Arizonan

And just looked up some numbers.

California(#43) had a 209 Billion dollar budget for 2019.
Montana(#4) had a 6 Billion dollar budget for 2017.
California(#43 in taking federal aid) took nearly 60 Billion in federal aid in 2014.
Montana(#4 in taking federal aid) took a littler over 2 Billion in federal aid in 2014.

And yet there's liberals dumb enough to claim 60 billion is less than 2 billion.

you have to ignore proportion if you are on the left.

To recognize relativity is to defeat your own beliefs.

1 million people live in Montana versus California's nearly 40 million. 2*40 is 80 billion and California takes in 60 billion, that's less than Montana does per person.

If the state already has an exorbitant amount of Gibs the money the feds give them will be a smaller piece of a bigger pie than the states with smaller government.

Show a map with true dollar amounts or per capita. Otherwise this is just a bait thread.

This is literally what happens when you get a liberal arts student posting after they complete their take home final. Welcome to summer boys!

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>Some of these states like Montana have more white people.
Montana has a lot of federal land, which is managed by federal employees, and not a lot of people. Logically, there's plenty of federal tax dollars going there.

Obviously it's per capita, that's why rural states are on the top of the list.

>You were the commie all along
Pretty funny.

The map is compared to it's state revenue too, so Montana is basically worthless since it is ran by Bureaucrats and takes money from the government.

At this point, you're almost a retard for not milking the system dry.
And I don't mean food stamps and such.
I mean tax breaks, grants, and weird regulations.

Read the map, this is the ratio to the revenue they create and how much they take in. True dollar amounts isn't needed.

>Why do Red States rely on other states, especially Blue ones, to get their money?

Because the wealth is concentrated into the hands of the 1% and the 1% live in blue state cities where they have throngs of impoverished brown people on government programs slaving for them.

Red states are full of working class whites and decades of wage stagnation have destroyed the American industrial base and left the working class unable to support themselves.

We're all slaves to the elites, some of us just live closer to them.

>TX gets less than person than CA
>get's less total from the government than CA
>still get's ranked higher because they have a smaller budget than CA

>>as percentage of state revenue


And it's the leftists that make their lives leaching of it

Per Captia: for each person; in relation to people taken individually.

This map: Federal Aid as a Percentage of State General Revenue.

Definitely not Per capita. Does it hurt to be this stupid?

Texas has nothing to do with it, it's economy saves it and that's because they exploit migrant workers.

The amount of federal aid they take is probably per capita anyways

Attached: Figure-B-Per-capita-federal-grants-to-states-vary-dramatically-Per-Capita-Federal-Aid-to.png (850x599, 57K)

It's needed if you want to understand the actual impact the State of California has vs. Louisiana.

I would assume there is a certain amount of Federal Aid each state is gonna get regardless of it's size. The Federal Governement owns a certain percentage of most these states for example.


That federal aid is to famers who have been relying on the government for too long.

That is very true, corn farmers are the biggest welfare queens.

huh? don't fight facts. red states just tend to be very poor. people have lower incomes. they pay far less in federal income tax.

they require the disproportionate governmental assistance. this isn't some partisan conspiracy, it's just the way things are.

red states also - by a lot - are the least healthy states and are the largest drag on the healthcare system.

southeast united states is basically a 3rd world country that runs on fast food.

farm subsidies only exist to metigate the effect of the inflation
don't bully the poor people
it's the money printing satanist that are to blame

California exploits a lot more illegals than Texas does, so that's a moot point.

way more wealthy people in CA and NY than MS. and the rich still pay the lion share of the fed taxes. the poor and middle classes pay more for everything for the privilege of living around rich people, but their wage slave tax payments aren't propping up the red states like they'd love to believe.

This still doesn't take away from the fact that low population states with a lot of federal land will be shown at red on your map, which is obviously dishonest as fuck.
Why shouldn't the fed pay the state to upkeep their land?

Stop ignoring the fact that most of the red states on that map have a ton of federal land, which the federal government pays the state to maintain.
This amount is not adjusted to population, and as such this map unfairly hurts low population states.


you realize the exact same thing could be said about everyone who complains about having to "subsidize" black people on welfare? Unless you're a millionaire, you aren't subsidizing shit with your taxes

That's not as as bad as red states, California has been concerned with their problems a lot more.

>>States that have lower taxes and smaller populations get less tax money than overpopulated communist shitholes that relentlessly steal from their citizens

The FEDs are throwing money out, all the states are addicted to that cash. The reality is the states are just behaving like your average American who feels no regret taking free handouts. The issue is that these handouts exist for what was once a confederation of independent states. The Federal and State governments need to be free from financial influence if they are to best serve their purpose.

That doesn't take away from the fact that the farmers haven't been able to support themselves in other forms.

What exactly is counted as federal aid here?


This state is literally home to a million government bureaucrats whose salaries come entirely from the government, to claim it's one of the least reliant on federal money is the most jewish fucking lie ever


Companies like Apple literally get subsidies to ship factories to china while paying no taxes, again this is some jewish bullshit.

>low taxes
>Feds will do it anyway
>niggers in the deep south, spics in Florida, Texas, and AZ.

Because they're getting away with taking money from the government but shun other people who just want a more fair system.

Its nonsense meant to make rural states with lots of BLM and Indian reservations and poor blacks look bad

Sucking beaner dick for votes isn't "concerned with their problems" you shit eating mongoloid. When we cut you off, you're going to starve regardless of your jewish math.


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nice cope. red states are trash

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North Dakota - German Masterrace confirmed

So stop fucking taxing me then

>you live in a small town with no strip clubs? LOW DEVELOPMENT

based jews

Do these calculations include money given to the States for federal programs, like Medicaid and federal highways? If so, once you factor in that the red States offer fewer services on top of those federal things then a larger proportion of their budgets would be federally funded things.

does this count farming subsidies? it's basically a map of where there's significant amounts of agriculture and significant amounts of black people.

It's not Jewish math, it's just called math.
I don't know why you would be okay with corporations exploiting people for less pay. Even if you were against immigration, you wouldn't want them to work for that little money anyway.

The probably have price limits through regulation or something on how much they can sell their products

We have something like that here where the price of bread can't jump too high

The best way to get rid of the FED is to take away it's function as something neccessary for the people

Demand the removal of all taxes

The goverment can print all the money it needs and it won't scratch 1% inflation
Right now it's around 10%

Taxes only exist to keep people poor and miserable

if we can meme this and make it catchy
we may have a chance of getting rid of them

We don't really have a good indicator of what "Development" means. Is it infrastructure? Because a good chunk of the south are forests, marshes, and swampland. All of which either lie on private property, or are just a general pain in the ass to get rid of; with no real sign of a profit being made in the near future.

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Military bases are expensive as fuck.

You don't deserve the government's money just because you're surrounded by corn fields.

The entire point of importing beaners is to destroy wages you fucking brainlet

You whine about corporations and then do their bidding. Kys.

Aren't farms also accounted for in these circumstances? Since we no doubt have a food surplus, and subsidize our farmers to keep them in business.

yeah im sure the UN development method is based around strip clubs, which definitely don't exist anywhere in the south.

He thinks his food comes from factories

Opinion on N O R T H D A K O T A

Only right answer

If I'm surrounded by niggers and go cut their heads off I think I'm entitled to government handouts.

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Are you retarded nigger? State funds raised by the state itself pay for it.

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That is what I'm saying, they never did this because they believed in immigration, they did it because they want more money and that's a problem. This isn't even a partisan issue, the issue is about what we do with them, which I never mentioned.

No, you're entitled to them if you work in rural farm lands apparently.

>nice cope
Your map is trash.
This map used life expectancy, income per capita, school enrollment, percent high school graduates and percent college graduates to determine a development score. So it doesn't account for cost of living at all which is probably why the city areas are so blue

Every state benefits from one of another. That's been happening since decades and even a civil war in America happen over it. Why does this surprised you OP?

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No, in the US a lot of states get federal funding indirectly.

cost of living is not a useful factor for looking at human development

blue states rely on red states for food
you ignorant twat.

And red states rely on blue states user. So it's double way.

Red states do it more.

Red states have minimized taxes within their state and so they have to draw more from the Federal Government.

Blue staters are left with the bill. Then you guys complain about black people while living off Neetbux because you're delusional and think real world is anime at this point and you're a ninja warrior out to save the kawaii white girl and repopulate the earth with white people.

Then the world is overpopulated by deregulation and there's all these babies without stable housing and people fighting each other and war because no one bothered to learn anything and just shitposted on the internet about how horrible everyone else was around them while being horrible.

Sorry, should read:

"overpopulated and polluted by deregulation"

>FY 2014
>doesn't count SALT deductions as gibs from fed govt

How embarrassing, your point is utterly false

What money?

To my knowledge, I don't receive ANY dollars in my bank account from the people in NY or CA. My roads are shit because my local city council spends the money on the nicer side of town and in nigger central because maybe if we remodel an area downtown white people will come back (nevermind the hundreds of homeless niggers). My house doesn't get any money for repairs from "blue states". In fact if it gets fucked up my insurance pays for it. My property taxes go to help local niggers so they can have more bus stops.

So WHERE is this blue state money?

Oh yeah another thing:

This infrastructure plan that Trump and Senators (((Schumer))) and (((Pelosi))) just agreed on....who gets to decide where that money is spent? On what bridges and roads will the money be spent to repair?

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If you have low taxes that don't pay for your costs and rely on someone else, then that's a big problem. That means their low tax states don't work.

That doesn't mean you get a paycheck signed by Newsom, you're just being naive.

>To my knowledge, I don't receive ANY dollars in my bank account from the people in NY or CA.
They don't need give you money to show it.m their corruption or greed. And gerrymandering happens in almost all states user. You should know that by now.

Your map shows Federal Aid as a Percentage of State General Revenue. General revenue is money from taxes. So, if a state with high taxes and a state with low taxes each receive the same amount of federal aid, the state with high taxes will have a lower number on your map.

HDI is a meme, it simply awards High levels of urbanization.

All urban counties are HIGHEST all rural counties are LOWEST

It needs to be current and up to date (2018-2019).

I asked a question. Where is this blue state money going to that without it MY life, as a 30 year old white working man, would be in shambles without it?

Wikipedia. that map. HDI is a decent metric but it overly rewards urbanization

SeeI live in Florida. Where the fuck are these blue bucks at? I don't see them.

But income and school enrollment is?

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>ome of these states like Montana have more white people
don't you generalizing faggots call all whites redneck nazi trailer trash. so whats the problem here

>Not including tax subsidies.