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Red-pill me on the Sandy Hook hoax
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The real plan is to traumatise the children about school shootings, so when they grow up they'll be in favour of gun-grabbing legislation. That is what Sandy Hook was all about. They faked it because if they did it for real; they would be laying themselves open to criminal prosecution if it all went wrong.
school shooters are heroes that stand up for the little guy at the cost of their lives, every single one of them is a lamb of god removing psychopaths from your society
kids are alive
parents were fake
here is a cool thing. If you go look up Nancy Lanza it still lists her in the public records. It has Ryan Lanza & Peter Lanza, but no adam lanza
here's another weird thing. that house where all the cops are hanging around. that house is owned by the CEO of newtown savings bank. Its right next door to the Lanza house.
Then the lady in the little article blurb talks about Nancy Lanza's house, but she describes the CEO's house with the pool. its weird
It wasnt real. Where is adam lanza and his trial? Its fucking fake as shit.
>FBI during Obama Admin
guaranteed to be fake as fuck
I still think there may have been a real element in the mix. something that only a small handful of people know. the parents are all DHS phonies though.
It was probably fake
I don't think you're going to get a trial, mostly cause he killed himself.
I think there are nuggets of truth to the story. the reason I say this. if you look Pulse nightclub shooting. You can find lots of elements that look like a fake DHS staged drill. like the people carrying the wounded down the street, but if you look at where they are carrying them, its not reality. makes 0 sense
BUT if you go and look at the photos they released during noor-salman's trial. you'll see the crime scene photos of the dead bodies
The kids were already dead for various reasons.
>tragic deaths
They just used their death to push an agenda.
>ends justify the means sort of thing
Isn't there a video of the supposed father of a dead girl before going live being jolly and laughing? Or was that another shooting?
that was sandy hook
Source on it being next to Lanza's house?
Because it's looks like there's another house just down the street that also has a pool.
my favorite parent is the kook lady Scarlett Lewis who always talks about how she sees her son and hes like some magic aura angel.
and of course like the scam artist she is, has her own foundation for little Jessie Lewis
the lanza house is right there on the left.
if someone has a better version.
remember that they completley demolished the old school and the lanza residence
the house was around until like 2015. now check this out..the bank sold it to Newtown for $1. you can read articles about it
to really get the full robbie parker experience. you need to listen to his whole speech. hes a mormon kook
My wife's son attended Sandy Hook Elementary School, and according to DaShaaan I can assure you that it, in fact, happened.
i remember watching the news live that day and it was weird how things played out and was never really discussed again. I remember turning on the t.v. and there was confusion and chaos. The first reports were of school "shooters" and in the beginning there was no talk of adam lanza, instead it was of two armed men with clack coats and camo pants, I remember one was already in custody and another was running or hiding. i remmeber this because of the shed scene when they thought the guy was hiding in a shed by the school, then the chopper picked him up running through the woods and police got him, then all of a sudden it was like it never happened and all cameras were pointed to the black car in the parking lot and the scene of the people rotating in and out of the fire house. it was a sloppy job.
This is totally unrelated to the post, but take this higher quality version, fren
Why are the kids wearing the Charlottesville uniform?
I found some news site that had a timeline list, that showed what was going through out the day.
ryan lanza's name was front and center until the early evening. there was no adam lanza until late in the game. I used to think it was some early morning mistake that got corrected quickly, but it turns out it was the opposite.
which Agency's get involved in a school shooting?
i remember that, they ended up catching him and he said it was his brother, but the first reports where of the two men running from the scene through the woods.
here is a blurb from inquister on the day of the shooting
>IMPORTANT UPDATE, 4:38 PM EST: An earlier version of this post identified Ryan Lanza, 24, as the suspected and deceased Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter.
>Initial reports were rife in the media pegging Ryan Lanza as the shooter, and reports have since surfaced that Adam Lanza, 20,
ryan lanza was being named the shooter until 4:30 at least.
He's trying so hard not to smile...
>but the first reports where of the two men running from the scene through the woods.
that chase was at like 12 PM
He probably has a comfy pension now until he makes a false move and commits suicide via multiple gunshots to the head.
they all had there house paid off.....on Xmas day.. hmmm
You have to admit (((Gene Rosen))) was a hilarious (((actor))). It was all Yiddish theater.
you can look him up. he's not hidden away. he lives in Washington state. he still a doctor's assistant. On paper at least
That’s (((David Hogg))).
can someone tell me how a school shooting is handled? Does the local police show up and then some 3 letter agency takes over?
This and someone had televised the AR 15 being removed from the trunk after the initial reports that lanza had only used two pistols in the attack.
I don't even know why they had that retard. He lives like 5 feet away from the firehouse. There is no reason why 6 kids & a bus driver (without a bus) would be in his driveway.
sometimes there is another guy in his story who is yelling at the kids. I have a feeling it was some kind of coordinator that he accidentally added to the story (whoa youre not supposed mention that guy)
It's hopeless. If you weren't exposed to the true facts during the shooting, you will never know the truth. The corporations have done a good job scrubbing every piece of evidence to make people skeptical of the no believers. Watch the documentary "We need to talk about Sandy Hook", try to find it on Piratesbay because they took it down off YouTube a while ago
Those who seek the truth will find it. Those who wish to argue, fight, and debate, will remain blind
I'm sure they all do.
If you can prove that I will personally jack you off.
the actual day of the event the FBI were probably on scene at the very start. along with DHS
someone could probably create a timeline of who was where doing what and when
I am asking because it was such a sloppy job, that means that they did not have control maybe of the local police?
What a (((homo))). They just happen to look alike. Which is very weird.
if you want to really dig into what was going on. read the state police report. its good stuff
Wonder when and how the Mossad will take down James Fetzer.
how do you guys not understand that a school shooting would be impossible to hoax?
this is truly perplexing
here is another crazy thing I read in the police report. back in the really early stories about this shooting, this is how it went
>ryan lanza murders father in NJ.
it mentions this in the police report & the source wasn't some retarded reporter. I forget who exactly it was, but its not someone who would fuck around. they even had specifics. the body was in room #202
it was almost like it was a big distraction, for some reason (focus on New Jersey for a while)
For anyone interested here is the deposition of Alex Jones in the Sandy Hook case. The lawyer brings up some of the claims that get discussed about Sandy Hook. And they show some photos of the inside of the school.
Okay NPC. Idiot.
I’m not watching 3 hours. At what point do they show the pictures?
video has been released of it. link related.
the state police report has all the nice high res shots from inside. really brings the detail of the moldy walls and dirty carpets
>Students inside the building were escorted out in a single-file line. There are about 626 students enrolled in kindergarten through fourth grade classes at Sandy Hook Elementary, with another 46 faculty members, Newtown Patch reported.
>626 students
>The shooter was originally identified by federal officials as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza of Hoboken, N.J., but law enforcement sources later told NBC News that Lanza's brother, 20-year-old Adam, was actually the shooter. The confusion was the result of Adam being in possession of his older brother’s ID at the time of the shooting.
the funny thing here. Ryan Lanza is the one who told the FBI "maybe my brother had my ID" then it became canon
Soulless eyes
>The shooter came into the kindergarten to 4th grade school around 9:30 a.m. in Newtown, Conn. with two 9-mm handguns -- a Glock and a Sig Sauer -- and fired off "hundreds of rounds," according to witnesses. There were conflicting reports about whether he had more firearms on him but NBC10 News did learn he had at least one other gun -- a rifle -- in the car.
2 pistols. they added the bushmaster later. A reporter during the Wayne Carver press conference even brings this up & he ignore the question
Weird, the jewish lawyers or glow niggers really go after Jonestein. Not a single bloody photo.
sandy hook is like the holocaust. If you are someone with an audience & questioning sandy hook, they'll get the REALLY BIG Jews to take you down.
not only was that sandy hook, but that guy got suicided a couple months ago when the florida kids were offing themselves. Loose ends and all that, I suppose
what loose ends exactly? that bald asshole from sandy hook probably went home to Israel
don't need people asking your crisis actors what really happened
I doubt anyone even knew who that guy was. I had to look his ass up.
wasn't the car actually registered to "Christopher Rodia" or similar spelling??
that's one of those areas that is a little sketchy. If you listen to the police chatter. it's hard to tell if the cop talking about Rodia is speaking about a separate situation that's unrelated to sandy hook
speaking of radio chatter. there is the police officer talking about finding 18 victims, including teacher in the kitchen closet, but as far as I know there was never any mention of the kitchen anywhere.
Yeah, I remember that.
>multiple head shots
you ever notice how many empty water bottles are laying around all over the house
must have used a fake nose too, not to mention the weight difference.
Those guys are good.....real good.
All the fatties from rent-a-center sucking down water as they were moving in furniture
That’s just weird. It doesn’t look right. Sloppy job.
>head shot
I guess if Nacy were 4’7 it would make sense
>In the report titled “Sec 2 – Scene Search Reports for 36 Yogananda”, on page 16-17 (using left side navigation), there is this curious bit of information: An individual logged onto a website called Jow and said he was going to kill himself and to be watching at 9 AM (this was on the 12th of Dec). When asked where, the individual says Ct, but that was all they would reveal. Also on 14 Dec 2012, a person in Texas said their son was playing online 20 hours earlier and a person said “…something might go bad tomorrow this could possibly be my last moments alive as far as I know there’s a list of people that are gunna get shot. I hope I aint on it”.
fake nose? weight difference? what the fuck are you smoking?
it's called glow dust it makes you see things.
>Catherine Urso, who was attending a vigil Friday evening in Newtown, Conn., said her college-age son knew the killer and remembered him for his alternative style.
>"He just said he was very thin, very remote and was one of the goths," she said.
No. redpill yourself
Official Story has False Flag written all over it.
Yes it was a hoax. I am red-pilled.
scary shit going on with youtube i can no longer find all the hoax videos.
>UPDATE 2:45 p.m.: 1010 WINS Radio in New York City is reporting that Lanza apparently targeted his mother and her kindergarten classroom. CBS News is reporting that most of the shooting occurred in that one classroom.
>UPDATE 2:30 p.m.: Both CBS and NBC News are reporting that the shooter's mother, who was killed in the shooting, was a teacher at the school.
>UPDATE 2:20 p.m.: NBC News' Pete Williams is reporting that a parent of the gunman was found dead in a home in New Jersey.
no surprise. They agree with the gun grab agenda.
>According to the official, the suspect drove to the scene of the shootings in his mother's car. Three guns were found at the scene — a Glock and a Sig Sauer, both pistols — and a .223-calibre rifle. The rifle was recovered from the back of a car at the school. The two pistols were recovered from inside the school.
what is the deal with this. Then MUCH later, when its dark outside, they film themselves taking the shotgun out of the trunk.
because it was a hoax and never happen. the town also got a brand new school where the old abandon commended from black mold once stood.
$58 million in taxpayer money. They also got a new community center thanks to General Electric
fucking disgusting welp im download the last few videos lef ton youtube that prove its fake while they are still up. they have worked really hard just this past month to delete most of them. bet they got another false flag planned soon.
Amen brother
Dude on the left is William Aldenberg
They got the script for Sandy Hook from the Dunblane school shooting in Scotland. The Dunblane shooting was real, a whole classroom of 5 year olds got killed by a Masonic peado pimp to the high ups, a bit like a pound shop Jimmy Saville. There was a video on YouTube by an ordinary house wife from Dunblane and she shows how they used the Dunblane massacre as a template for Sandy Hook. Might still be on YouTube but haven't bothered to look, just find it somewhere yourselves.
The Lanza house is on the left.
The majority of conractors used to clear sandy hook were brought in from many states away and put on busses to get there and not told where they were going or where they were when they got there. They had no idea what they were cleaning up