Thread for discussion around the Greek NatSoc political party Golden Dawn.
The elections are close, in the 26th of May we have the local elections. Ilias Kasidiaris, the spokesperson of the Golden Dawn is running for mayor of Athens and he's polling second place with around 16-20% of the vote. (He has a swastika tatoo on his arm btw, definitely /ourguy/).
On the same day we also have the European Parliament elections, we need to elect as many Golden Dawn MPs as possible in order to accelerate the destruction of the EU.
This year in a yet unannounced date we will also have the national elections. Golden Dawn is polling third place with around 10-15%, WE NEED TO MEME THEM TO THE SECOND OR FIRST PLACE. The polls always give them less than the percentage they actually score btw, so I excpect around 20% in the elections.
Pretty much yeah. It has lower percentages from other far right parties in Europe, like National Front in France but that's because it's super extreme right compared to them. Other European nationalist parties seem like leftists in comparison to the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn openly praises Hitler, denies the Holocaust, calls out the ZOG etc
Make it happen Greekbros, fucking love your country. Had very comfy summer vacations at mt Olympus and Corfu. Good food, good sea, good climate, good people and good culture. ZITO I KHRISI AVGI
Julian Ross
Should watch ou tho. I don't know how strict your free-speech laws are but movements like the Golden dawn got banned immediately in other countries and labeled as ''terrorist organizations''. Also, how common is Golden Dawn under the zoomer generations? Is there hope ?
Julian Jenkins
Don't worry not all catalonians are for independence nor are they retarded,some of us happen to experience he'll in live like any redpilled californianon. Btw is the support growing or about the same i mean we used to get constant news from Greece until it all went silent,i just know syrizia got humiliated but that's all. Love you guys greek sounds very similar to spanish (from spain)unfortunately you guys usually speak English quite well so I can't get to listen to Greek as often as other tourists
Cooper Adams
Golden Dawn is second party with about 20% in the ages 16-24 year old according to a recent study 2 months ago. According to another (maybe less accurate) social media study on Instagram and Facebook they have more than 35% support for ages 15-25 year old. I also belong in that age group and in my experience that percentage seems right. People in this age group are really based here in Greece and nationalism is kind of seen like a fashion (you'll see kids wearing nationalist tshirts and listening to nationalist music)
Connor Allen
Brandon Fisher
No that post was made by me actually but instead of showing Greek flag it showed catalonian that's why I'm confused. I know there are based Catalonian people.
Julian Powell
Jeremiah Williams
Future looking good man. Here in the Netherlands we have the FvD which is far from Golden Dawn tier nationalism but its a thing. It's an anti-Eu patriotic party which is now polling first by quite a lot. Still quite pro-Israel usual stuff tho but it's a start. It's getting more popular among zoomers like me by the day, mainly through all the memes.
David Moore
>center right
We don't have center right. New Democracy are neo-liberals and SYRIZA communists.
Jose Reyes
Golden Dawn is not like the other parties like Le Pen,Vox,UKIP,FvD,AfD,Salvini etc and organizations like Generation Identity etc
Golden Dawn is a real National Socialist party.Like literally.And it's the only one in Europe right now with that kind of popularity
I know it's completely different, and that's why i find it so extraordinary. A literal Natsoc party polling second. If we had a Golden Down- esque group here it wouldve been dismantled immediately. How did you Greekbros pull this off ?
Hunter Davis
i don't know but i heard it's very popular within Greeks.Even here in America
Samuel Bailey
Its in our DNA. We have a rich history and culture and a beautiful Race. It's natural for us to want to defend it from (((those))) who want to destroy it.
God speed friends. I hope and pray golden dawn wins. If they do, maybe other European countries will follow the same path. A national socialist Europe would be beautiful but perhaps im getting my hopes up.
Michael Nelson
>I know it's completely different, and that's why i find it so extraordinary. A literal Natsoc party polling second. If we had a Golden Down- esque group here it wouldve been dismantled immediately. How did you Greekbros pull this off ?
AJC (David Harris) and AIPAC order the previous Greek Government to send the entire Golden Dawn party in prison while these kike rats funding some pseydo-right wingers in Europe like Le Pen Farage and other shieet.
Sadly for the kike, Golden Dawn politicians are not greedy faggots like the eurocucks of Brussels.
What are golden dawns ideas? What are their plans and policies? How will they fix Greece?
Grayson Gutierrez
Bump for distant Nordic brothers. Our election is pretty soon too, date not yet announced. But campaign posters went up all over the place this weekend
Joshua Johnson
Id rather be dead than Nordic. I like you guys but Greeks are Mediterranean. We are completely different racialy. When we built the Parthenon you guys were still discovering fire.
Adam Foster
>What are golden dawns ideas? What are their plans and policies? How will they fix Greece?
Militarists, gun supporters, Army and National Guard on borders without help from Frontex NATO and other 5th columns, banning of NGO, mass deportations. Instead of giving 700 bucks to invaders, the money will goes to women who making kids. But, we will be ruthless. We are not "human rights" advocates and we despise UN because they failed to punish Turkey who invade Cyprus.
Kayden Nguyen
>Parthenon you guys were still discovering fire. Nope, not about the Parthenon, but don't fall for the blasian manlets propaganda. No impressive shit up here when you were building shrines. But fire, waterproof homes and well made clothes were a requirement to even survive here. So of course we had, the first arrivals here brought that with them, yes, from the south. Still, best of luck with that golden shower thing of yours.
John Evans
They have a huge detailed PDF file whee they explain their positions in detail but sadly it's all in Greek. The only thing I found in English is this short ideological text explaining a bit of their worldview
I don't have a problem with the Nordics. You guys are European brothers but you can't call us "distant Nordics" as I said... We are proud Meds
Carson Gomez
Is my asian wife allowed in the greek ethnostate?
Jaxson Ortiz
No non-Greeks allowed except for tourists. Not even you would be allowed unless you're diaspora Greek lmao
Brody Russell
Greek can unironically make it,I'm fucking sure in case greece got kiked badly by the EU they can fall into russian influence so I doubt they can get kiked by force I wish you guys would start some shit I'm at a point where I'd volunteer to go fight for any european country that gets un kiked first. And I'm sure you guys would get lots of western balkans and ruskie volunteers since there is a bit of you in all of us europeans and we all feel like we are related to Greece for one thing or another.
Nordic resistance movement in Sweden, other than them? Probably.
Joshua Sanders
Works for me, tourism will do.
Adam Smith
Pretty much
Wyatt James
I think he meant the globalt north. Which is Europe
Brandon Perry
Διατί πατριώτη , να kαταστραφεί η Ευρώπη; Πού είναι το σχέδιο της χρυσής αυγής; Θα μπορούσες να με παραπέμψεις;
Bentley Martin
So for lets say an italian fascist would not be able to stay?
Nicholas Adams
Do they care more about the refugee invasion of Greece, Europe or about ''muh border of 1800 wuz here''?
Caleb Thomas
I support GD but cool it with the anti nordic remarks op
Isaac Rogers
>Not even you would be allowed unless you're diaspora Greek lmao
Only Greek Americans who are already GD members. American Jewish lobbies jailed the Golden Dawn parliamentary members while pseydo-Greek lobbies like AHEPA cheering, so we cannot be allies with them. Americans are not trustworthy people. They think they can buy friendships and loyalty with money. They are a threat for the Greek and European security.
The max we can expect from Golden Dawn (I would say) is around 12% which yet, it is gonna cause a massive butthurt and further cement them is the public consciousness which is good, but that alone in not enough to achieve any meaningful results.
Still it is expected that they will do better than ever (remember in European Elections people dont care that much, they got 9.4% in the European Elections of 2014). This, along with Kassidiaris who as was said is running for Mayor of Athens and has a good chance of getting to the second round (where he will though lose) are the two things that will cause the typical media hysteria which I am very much looking forward to!
It should of course be said that they are being censored from everywhere and everyone is denouncing them as evil nazis non stop all those years.
We are not anti-EU, Union is the reason why European Nations have peace and freedom. We gonna change the old wrongs things "like open borders" "foreign military bases" and NATO and we will be fine after. EU needs its own army. NATO is obsolete and worthless.
Noah Thomas
How is it national socialist if it wants a multicultural, multiethnic country/state?
Samuel James
JewSA has never been white. Before the 40s the Hispanic/Arabs etc registering themselves as white because there's only two options, white and black. The first Americans was Mediterraneans, later after the American revolution JewSA flooded with cumskins and kike.