Muh 100 gorrilion dead by Communism
Muh 100 gorrilion dead by Communism
you forgot abortion
Since when is bad to kill third world savages, communists and radical muslims?
>Genocide of Native Americans
lame myth
Pox blankets bitch. Not even nazis were that cowardly. Americans are the scum of humanity
>500 years of slavery
>country has only offically existed for a little over 300 years
Stopped reading there desu
Cope more, I can't see you yet crying behind irrelevant meme flaggot
>Native Americans had shitty immune systems
They also slaughtered each other long before Columbus landed
>slaughtered each other
native american wars were mostly ceremonial things, fought with shitty weapons.
if a tribe fought all year, maybe like 2 people would die.
just admit that America has always been awful - why are you so reluctant to kill that sacred cow?
Sioux and Cherokee, along with multiple other tribes hated other and were constantly at war with one another.
so if they slaughter each other it's ok to kill them?
>implying global poverty is somehow my problem
haha, what a joke
Hunger poverty preventable disease all caused by the lack of a free market
I wouldn't be riding my bmw M4 and typing from my samsumg s10+ without capitalism, try again cuck.
>riding a car
Busriders back to /o/
It doesn't add up to 1 billion let alone 2. Jesus leftists are terrible at memes
>every single passive death in the world is the fault of ideology A
>every single active death in the world by ideology B is excused as "not real B"
People should stop replying to obvious bait but what can you do?
>Muh meme flag posting.
It goes in all fields.
So you are saying that capitalism is more powerful?
Kinda like how scalping was started by Americans, the pox blankets are a myth. If you want to blame the genocide of the natives on anyone, put it on the Spanish, French, and British who were the ones who brought the ailments. Also half of the wars on your list were also backed by the USSR.
Commies are the definition of cowards,faux rebels sold the idea of revolt and revolution while living in the luxuries of capitalism,modern communists would be despised by their older counterparts,all while risking nothing because they are servants of their elitist masters
We’re #1 again. Out fucking standing.
Also how many points do we get to take off for all the people we saved through the foreign aid that did manage to make it to the poor, all the food they send out to the rest of the world, and all the countries they kept from going red.
I didnt realize capitalism was a part of african culture...
Only way to blame capitalism for all this is blame war on capitalism, which is fucking retarded considering communist countries and to blame global poverty which is mostly caused by communists. The fucking irony
You know all that kvetching about the 3million, omg you burned the 4million because you gassed the 5million etc etc.? This bullshit infographic has a higher death toll for injuns than their entire fucking population