Greater than 40 degrees Celsius on a daily basis

>greater than 40 degrees Celsius on a daily basis
>hazardous air quality
>water is probably fucked
>over 20 million people
>it’s going to get worse

How do Indian people deal with this? Climate change is going to make the entire country completely uninhabitable.

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>New Delhi
Could care less, the temp in my city rn is 28, and reaches 31 on a hot day.

India is a huge country.


Which city do you live in? Is pollution an issue in your city and are you worried about the effects of climate change?

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Who cares about those smelly apes

I literally dont find Indians to be humans at all

>unhealthy air quality

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You're a Burger, why do you have your temp set to Celsius?

Climate refugees are going to be a global issue. Would you rather have Indians living in a habitable India, or coming to Europe to escape a wasteland?

Because I want to talk to Indians about their country so I change the units on my weather app

Lmao you irrelevant snow rat. Funny how these nonhumans can wipe your country off the planet the moment they wish.

India is already uninhabitable for you and me. There aren't any people left. Only mutants. India is just a big experiment for our future space expansion, testing the limits of our ability to adapt to the most harsh of environments. They subsist off a diet of cow piss, corpse river soup, and curry. We won't have sewage immediately on whatever rock we spread to out there, so they're testing to see what happens if we just shit anywhere we want. Super bacteria and viruses run amok in India, but Indians don't die because their immune system has become godlike due to living in their own filth for a century. Once said immune systems are perfected, the India experiment will end and we'll have a vaccine for literally every disease and living conditions so that we can safely explore the galaxy.

Ever read War of the Worlds? We won't go down that way.

surely the attempt to come would relieve the global population pressure

>for a century
more like a millenia

Indians are going to keep fucking and having children. The pollution is going to get significantly worse before India stops growing.

Climate change, as you were taught, does not exist you fucking nigger...
It is simply another method to tax everything to hell and back...

They have refrshinf beverages to cope with the hot climate

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The most based man in this thread

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>32 degrees
Whybis it so cold there when it's almost summer?


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>31 on a hot day
That's below freezing point you retarded poo

The fact is that way before climate change affects India, US and EU would become majority nigger.

>We won't
Oh WE won't.

Degrees Celsius you fucking amerifat 56% retarded nigger!


New Delhi is too hot, India is too hot. How do people live there?
Watch Salboth Trekelax

Thanks for biting retarded faggot

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No, you won't. Once we have your antibodies, the final experiment is radiation testing.

No one cares, they dont even care

31C is kino, anything higher is too hot

India suffered badly during the Maunder minimum period due to disease and famine, it actually went 2 whole years wthut a single dro p of rain, its estimated 4 milion indians died during this period. The bad news is that Grand Solar Minimum Eddy is on is way. This is the reawon China have gone into North Africa, the hve suffered with With famine also, going intl Africa was all about securing their food supply, areas that are not currently fit to use for growing will come online as nothern areas go offline.

The only place I would consider livable in India is Himachal Pradesh. J&K too if it wasn't for the Muslims.

Id be making serious plans to move south if i was you leaf, Canada will be totally fucked when Grand Solar minimum Eddy kicks in, your entire growing areas will be going offline because winters will
Be starting earlier and finishing later which2 will render the growing season too short to grow viable crops

For climate change read natural varitions that coincide with solar cycles. I find it amazing peiople jump all over the slighest period of above average tempetures but the silence was deafening about the thousands of cold and snowfall total records that were shattered in North America this winter.. i wonder what the reason was for not reporting those ?

I have lived in Delhi for a great part of my life and I can assure you that weather is decent. Dry heat feels like nothing and I have had more troubles with heat in fucking Wisconsin

I'm not gonna lie but you won't be able to handle the cold due to the lack of infrastructure. Imagine living through Siberia tier winter with no heating, running water and barely any electricity with no insulation


40degrees is bearable if you are not homeless.
Govt taking decisions to bring down pollution and switching to renewable power.
People in Delhi are scattered and distributed to the neighbourong cities as well. With time people will start living in satellite cities

In India you cannot just go and buy property in any of the mountain states, this keeps UP and bihari boomers from ruining these places.
I would also include uttarakhand and arunachal pradesh as well