Tariffs are fucking me

I run a small electronics company and we manufacture our products in China and then assemble units here in America.
The trade war tariffs cost ME 10% on every package that I have shipped to the states. This is a massive and unnecessary cost. It is about to go up 25%. Sure big companies will pass it on to the consumer but I will be butt fucked as my goods are held by the state at customs until they get their ransom. This is hard to do when cash flow depends on me selling the batch that I am importing.
Trump promised us less taxes and less immigration and now we have more of both. Thanks Trump!!!

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Make it all in America or starve. Win-win

This. Making shit in China is destroying America. Those companies should fold. Good. I piss on their ashes.

>small electronics company
>we manufacture our products in China
So you rebrand someone else work? Sounds pretty jewish to me.

This, fuck OP.

Basically 90% of amazon merch

>angry kike noises

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This. Top kikery there bro.

Cry moar faggot

Do a CBA and figure out how to get the assembly done in the US. That is the entire purpose of the tariffs.

thats 99% of all online retail
are you retarded, or delusional?

Woah I though you were all lolbertarians who liked the free market n sheeeit

work with locals instead of importing shit from china
your job is trash

The fat fucking idiot doesn’t even care that tariffs are paid by U.S. importers of affected Chinese goods, not by China's government or by Chinese companies. Then passed down to us

make it in the US then you fucking faggot

>This is hard to do when cash flow depends on me selling the batch that I am importing.
Holy shit that's some terrible business practices

>I run a small electronics company and we manufacture our products in China and then assemble units here in America.
>The trade war tariffs cost ME 10% on every package that I have shipped to the states.
That's the point.
Quit outsourcing labor to low-wage countries that don't care about the environment.

Excellent riposte

You should be fucking lucky you are able to completely cut out the american worker from your company maybe start making local goods or die off when your parasitic kind isn't needed anymore

If you don't like paying the traitors' tax, maybe you should stop being a traitor

Yep fuck the OP.

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Stop manufacturing in China you piece of shit

make your shit here, faggot or kill hourself

>we manufacture our products in China

kill yourself

Better give up. OP is struggling.

Ding, this. Op is a giant whiney Jew.

Unironically this. If us labor is too expensive, automate. At least we get jobs running the robots

Wtf arent you a jew?

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then move your manufacturing to america and create american jobs

How about you manufacture your products in the US you dumb faggot

You CANNOT do this. The only people manufacturing PCBs in America is aerospace and defense. It’s not economically feasible. The shitty dell you are posting from would cost 10,000 dollars. America is a design powerhouse. We design, China builds. We have neither the capacity or capability to produce these goods in the states. It takes 10x longer to produce the same items here at 10x the price. Now I’m sure all the people who replied lol just make it in America probably do not know this but that is because they are retarded NEETs who lack the skills or gruff to engineer electronics or run a company.

No - I design computer systems, brainlet

Fuck off kike.

Wow it’s almost like cash is tight when you are in the early phases of running a company! Jesus fuck I’d love to see the basement you dwell in as you cast comments on stuff you don’t know about

sorry bro. I am OK with your temporary inconvenience.

kys Chinese loyalist

If your design is valuable shouldn't the materials only be a fraction of the cost?

Construction costs vary by commodity prices, you don't see home builders going bankrupt because the price of lumber doubles.

Then pay the fee you stupid jew. That's the cost of convenience.

>stupid faggot boomer is upset he can't use free chinese slave labor anymore
fuck you and fuck your shitty useless electronics

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Do Liberals complain about outsourcing, even when saying Americans need a living wage?
I know they're retarded enough to claim only prices for fruits and vegetables will increase if we got rid of illegals and hired Americans at $15/hour or more, but fast food and retail prices won't go up with $15/hour.

Have fun with all of your products costing 500% more and having terrible air quality across the country

Yes. But this is eating into profits. I’m getting goods RANSOMED by the state at the border so that my tax dollars can pay for gibs. Boot lockers will defend this.

Lol you're a faggot selling drugs huh? I bet you're important Cartridges for vapor fucking smoke shit. You're a loser. If you can't figure out how to make a business work, you're in the wrong business and you should hang it up you loser faggot.


Die kike

>I can't have my chinese soaves anymore

Kill yourself jew.

Taking our jerbs and building up our enemies. It's the rope for you nigger.

Once upon a time, everything wasn't manufactured abroad and wages were high.

Make your shit in Vietnam

We used to do both, we can do it again. Nobody claimed it would be easy and painless.

I don't give a single fuck nigger. There is so much redundancy and vanity in electronics and the overall consumerist schema, I could delete 99% of all extant products and I wouldn't care. Fuck you, fuck your company, fuck your shitty product, and fuck your slave labor.

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>the government taxing me for outsourcing labor to a communist country is infringing my FREEDOM

The point is that someone will start a PCB company in the US faced towards cheaper markets than AeroDef. Guaranteed that you can find one if you just fucking google it.

If not, then someone will make one and create jobs not only building those products but also in serving and supplying that company. that is the entire purpose behind tariffs. yes, things will end up more expensive slightly, but more people will have more money in the US

That's no different than EU taxing American cars or lumber and steel tariffs. Just because you're in the electronics market doesn't mean you're immune from tariffs.

Make a better design, add value otherwise you're proving a commodity and will go out of business.

>i sell out my fellow countrymen for a quick buck
>pls gibs sympathies and shoulder to crie

get fucked kike

This is why we cannot have low IQs dictating policy. This user has a vacant lot between his ears. I would bet my dick and balls that this person has never had more than $5k in an account

>Fuck Americans out of a job for shekels
>Get fucked by a better shekeler

>trying to make sense of Jewish games

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Yes because trump wants you to manufacture products here, reducing shipping, creating jobs, made in the USA products. But you gotta have your Chinese slave labor don’t you?

China is preparing themselves for a potential war with the United States.

The reason China became so powerful is BECAUSE of trade with the United States. We grew their middle class to the point where China needs to expand.

I have sympathy for your plight, OP; but frankly national security is more important.

Find a new supplier of labor. Now.

>I manufacture in China
Good, they're supposed to be fucking you. Make your shit in the USA you faggot.

Not until you buy that shit


I can't fucking wait until landscaping screws are just one white guys who's job it is to oversee and protect the roomba-mowers

His bullshit shutdown cost me 5k

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We supposedly have oil for centuries in texas in this oil basin in the western parts.
So uh, fuck em.

Trump so dumb he doesn't realize tariffs are paid by the importer; not the host country.

You. Can’t.
Do you not understand this? Go design a piece of electronics and get it made in the USA then get back to me on how well that goes.

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OP is jew kike shekel lover that is upset because he had a 90% Profit margin making his shit in China and now its gonna go down to 75% and he wont have that much money to send to Israel every month..

Fuck him...

Your electronic product is worthless vain trash and doesn't need to exist. How bout dem apples?

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>don't develop part of your business plan around being a Chinese re brander during a Trump presidency
What's this? Trump is putting tariffs on Chinese goods? This totally came out of nowhere

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No, you're a faggot traitor for selling out to China.

This and this alone will be the reason he will be reelected

trumps tax bill incentives outsourcing

well you voted for him, you get what you deserved

ITT : jobless neet that don't understand how their own economy works.

at least we're making shit ton of money from america's stupidity




it's always amazing to watch you retarded Americans complain about China when 99% of you buy products made in china.

>also we need to increase the wage to 15$
>and we need to never stop importing shitkins!

Stop buying Chinese.

>that flag
nice try shitholer

You faggots took the capacity and capabilities when you all fucked off to China. Fuck off OP no simply here.

I understand how the globalist economy works, nigger, I just don't care. All globalists and globalist allies and globalism scavenger niggers need the rope.

you have to at least admit the steel and aluminum tariffs are fucking retarded, right?

This makes sense, definitely looking at other options


They aren't retarded though

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The real question is how can WE innovate and make cheaper products here without slave labor?
America used to be great at innovation, why not now?

You literally are lying, there are plenty of pcb houses in the us with competitive prices and 1 week turnaround. You are literally a jew.

>China is preparing themselves for a potential war with the United States.

That would be ludicrously stupid of them (though I would not put that level of stupid past a bunch of chinks)

As soon as war breaks out with China, all debt they hold against us is voided. Their economy is propped up on our debt

I have a ton of money you fuck I’m just sick of the government stealing it so they can waste it on bullshit. If half of you could see past your jealousy you would agree.

You think it's a choice? People vote with their dollar and buy american at every chance.

Chinks and Robots make Hardware. Americans create software

>America used to be great at innovation, why not now?


All manufacturing is done in chinkland or pooland because there is zero regulation

I want 0 products made in china nigger. 99% of extant products don't need to exist. We need a major deletion done of this consumerist nightmare we live in; nobody needs to buy any of the vapid baubles sold by the truckload that end up in the ocean as nanoparticle plastic trash. This cycle of destruction and filth must stop.

There are plenty of us websites that will take your board/gerber files and give you a quote in a day; with turnaround in a week.

What are you on about?

There is absolutely nothing about you or your life I am jealous of, little pea brain materialist.

What do you think we run on the hardware that gets produced? Jesus Christ learn to logic

Move to China if you don't like America.