Why do people take this delusional boomer seriously?

Why do people take this delusional boomer seriously?

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cause they need a father figure in life
and they aren't consciouss enough

He is very good at sounding like he has something interesting to say.
His self help shit is bog standard but with some cryptofascism thrown in. He got famous from misinterpreting (perhaps on purpose) what C-16 was about and triggering the libs epic style


I remember watching a video from Juden Peterstein where he said "elevate the individual over the state". Holy fucking cringe, I hate people who cling to these abstracts concept of freedom and liberty

His advice is objectively bad "firm handshake" boomer shit.

>He is very good at sounding like he has something interesting to say.

He talks fast and throws a lot of unrelated concepts without usually adressing the point. I guess it works on stupid people with low attention spans.

Keeping your house and car clean is good advice but thats about it

Pebblestone is an actual boomer idol for meme 30yo boomers who want to go back to "the good old days", and he provides the fantasy they want of "how to be a man" and "how to be a good person" and "how to live a life of purpose."

Basically there are people who can't handle dealing with what's happening to society by themselves, so they need a Daddy to tell them what to do.

Reading what I've just typed, that sounds a little harsh but it's fundamentally accurate, guys who don't know what to do need someone to tell them and they've found a guy who fills that role for them.

I'm obviously talking about his political views, his views on women, on religion, on all the fucking immigrants infesting the west etc. All his views are bluepilled af. He larps as right wing but is actually a lefty.

wrong quote

"what do you mean by belive. And what do you mean by devine"

because hes a gatekeeper whos doing his spiritual job well


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>I'm obviously talking about his political views, his views on women, on religion, on all the fucking immigrants infesting the west etc. All his views are bluepilled af. He larps as right wing but is actually a lefty.
Im no expert on Peterson, I've only seen a handful of him on random youtube videos.

He's basically a glorified self-improvement shill. He has some good, albeit generic, advice for making yourself better. Jow Forums mocks him for the "clean your room" mantra. It isn't a bad point by Peterson, but it is trite. It dates back to Jesus's parable about the plank in your own eye. remove it first before criticizing the speck in your brothers. This is Peterson's whole schtick, is advice and thought patterns along this line, but he doesn't really evolve much deeper than that or give any situationally relevant advice.

Forgive me if I misremember some of his political views, I thought he was moreorless a classical liberal in some senses, very libertarian and small government and laissez-faire, but I honestly forget. I know he has "stood up to" feminism but all I recall of that is him shilling some run-of-the-mill MGTOW points which, while true, don't really negate the fact that hes arguing with easy prey and not really saying too much of relevance himself.

He had a spiel on the jews too, and I think this is where Jow Forums really puts on the tinfoil. Peterson said that jews have 105 average IQ and therefore are statistically more likely to be in positions of power such as government and business executives. He also said that jews are liberal and that is because intelligent people tend to be very "open" on the openness scale and that correlates with liberalism.


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Jordan Peterson is afflicted by a wendigo curse.

Peterson criticizes the influences of tribalism, and his perspective and most everything is strictly through the lens of an individualist. This individualism strongly appeals to some demographics (MRA, i.e.).

I think a lot of people would agree or like to agree with Peterson on the importance of this point. It is however strange of him to give the jews a pass for any tribalistic activity when he himself seems to oppose tribalism in its various forms.

It is my personal opinion that he is potentially a severe personality disorder. This is conjecture and pure guess on my end, but I've seen some videos where he appears slightly deranged. He is generally well composed, but he has some strange ticks and an obsessive nature at times.

ITT: incels who recoil at anything that teaches moral responsibility.

He's in the top 0.5% of scientists by citations. Of all the things that Peterson does, by far his best contributions are his science and lectures on personality and maps of meaning. You can watch them for free on Youtube and actually get an education in personality, the big 5 traits, IQ and the architecture of belief.

>His advice is objectively bad "firm handshake" boomer shit.
His advice stuff is more normie tier but most of it is based on good and mainstream psychological science. If you're saying unbelievably daft shit like it's objectively bad then I don't think you know what either of those words mean.

He's remained political neutral the entire time. That's the whole point, he can offer important perspective and present evidence in a way that transcends politics which is what the archtypical stories are about. He's always maintained throughout his lecture series and many of his public talks that there's a place for the left and the right and neither is inherently good or bad but different sides of the same coin.

>muh (((citations)))

I bet you'll be happy when they roll out state enforced cuckold programs

Washing your penis is good advice

No man is an island unto himself. Humans are social creatures and they naturally self segregate into their own identity. Jews and Blacks have a strong ethnic identity but white are criticized and told to act as individuals instead of a community. I think that as whites become a minority in the US, white identity and the Alt-Right will become much more popular
An intelligent person should realize that not everyone things like him and society as a whole functions on much more conservative rules. Being "open" does work out when couples get divorced or women have children out of wedlock

Hes not delusional that piece of shit knows exactly what he is doing

Look for Resurrection Europa on YouTube. He's got a great video about Jordan Peterson.

Don't forget to buy his book and t-shirt!

Because all the media belong to (((them)))

if you dont know it by know, consider suicide

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Isn't his daughter like...completely fucked up?

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>This is Peterson's whole schtick
Well he takes the biblical teachings very seriusly and integrates these old stories and parables into his advice, for a reason because it deeply resonates with people. His advice tends to be fairly broad and generic and not address specific problems because it's essentially the old tale of teach a man to fish rather than give a man a fish, he wants to arm people in such a way that they can work out how to tackle the minutia of specific problems in their life by themselves, so people are more self reliant.

He's not really libertarian as such, he considers the primary unit of importance as the individual and that you subordinate yourself to the state as a last resort, rarely if ever. And that if you put yourself together enough then you don't really need the state. he's not particuarly MGTOW friendly, he called us pathetic weasels but then later apologized for it, stating that he recognizes that society is staggeringly tilted against men especially when it comes to divorce and family disputes.

He's done loads of work reviewing the IQ literature and why that matters and has noted not only the higher than average intelligence of ashkenazi jews but also that the higher IQ you are the bigger the scatter between sub components of IQ and that specifically the ashkenaszi jews are very high on verbal acuity and so that explains their positions of power in places like media and literature.

He's easily wound up and when he becomes hostile he loses his composure a bit. While I think that's to his detriment in the case of winning over normies, I don't think it leads to bad arguments per se. What you have to understand about the man is that while he has roots deep in history, mythology and religion, he's also first and foremost a scientist and his world view is structured in a way as to be coherent with the scientific perspective.


>hes not really a lolberg
hes a fucking crypto-bolshevik

looks pretty dysgenic

Pic related is by far the superior father figure if that's what you need anons

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>juden peterstein
>has life wisdom
>raises instawhore

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Isnt he a closet Luciferian that fucked his daughter?

Is the anus a sex organ?

Because nihilism and marxism has a big grip on our culture

It's a classical measure of the contributions of scientists, how much other scientists cites the work you've done and therefore endorse it enough to be a basis for the science that they do. It's not perfect by any means but it's a really good rough measure of the accuracy and impact a piece of work has. The moment someone uses that measure with Peterson it's all MUH JEWISH CONSPIRACY. You're a fucking idiot.


He's anti tribalism though and he's anti identity politics, and the right love that when he's criticizing the left for their class based neo marxism, but then have a proper paddy about it when he uses the same ideas to critique white nationalism.

It's not great and it's clear the guy doesn't understand Peterson's body of work in the slighest. Of course he's upset about Peterson because he's stopping thousands of men from becoming radicalized into white nationalists, he's single handedly undoing most of the work that white nationalists have done in like a decade.

Yes it's his daughter. No she's not completely fucked up, she has a severe auto immune condition which caused her serious problems throughout her childhood which she's largely fixed by moving to a carnivore diet.

Yep. It's ironic.

Yeah, and the thing is she's not only butt-ugly but also mentally ill.

how is he delusional?

It's an appeal to popularity ya fucking bong. Should I start listening to tinder thots now? Kys.

>He's anti tribalism though and he's anti identity politics
Only for whites because, as he's said, that leads to very bad things. The guy is a globalist plant and shouldn't be listened to by anyone here.

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The people that cite scientific work are also scientists who are themselves are published and so passed peer review. So it's a kind of popularity among vetted experts, it's how all science is done and has been a yard stick by which scientific contribution is guaged for as long as there has been science. But it's more than just popularity because if you cite someones work it's generally because your work is in some way based off theirs, it uses prior works of science as a basis for the science you do, and if their work was faulty then the body of work extrapolated from that would also likely be faulty. And so when one scientists produces and piece of work and many others make successful science based off that it lends validity to the truth of the original science.

For a psychologist, he sure does conveniently overlook the huge surge in people with undiagnosed symptoms of schizoid personality disorder and blames sociology instead.


What is that thing he says all the time, "If we can't address it or diagnose it, how are we supposed to solve it?"

It's almost as if he's creating a narrative to try to get some of that sweet, sweet book deal, panelist, expert correspondent money instead of actually addressing the real issue.

he's pretty neat
don't get what people's specific criticism of him is, I think the guy's pretty solid in his messages, and the way he prizes being articulate he can't be any other way

of course pol hates him cause 'jew shill' but that's pol, aside from constantly rhetorically making out with Shapiro, hes alright

I'm not talking about her diet. I'm talking about the
apparent high levels of thotery here. Combined with the "alternative diet blogging bs"

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Because even although he is a poor man Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade, its quite important to young people to understand Myth and the psychological story structure people live in.

I dont really give a damn about is opinions on anything else.

Social sciences are influenced by ideology.

She looks like a downie.


Every woman is a thot user. You realize eventually you make your own woman. You dont follow a blind idiotic true love ideal.

Also people mentioning his cryptofascism.

Its evident in Mircea Eliade, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century that nobody knows sadly.

cringe and bluepilled

enjoy raising tyrone's son

You are misinterpreting what I meant. But fine.

>You realize eventually you make your own woman
Your pillow is not a woman, user

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i watch your dadds videos

Literally this. These shills have been astroturfing these daily Peterson smear threads ever since January 18th, 2018.

How I wish Pygmalion was true.

I meant you shape the choices you encounter in life with women, and juggle them appropriately.

He is done and busted. Zizek is the new trendy intellectual.

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Well it's clear that diet plays an incredibly important role especially in the life of those people who suffer from auto immune conditions and things of similar nature. And that doing an exclusionary diet where you remove food stuff that are causing you problems can lead to significant health improvements. Part of the reason she's so involved in that is because modern science was unable to help her when she was in unbearable and crippling pain and the following depression. And that the science behind food and diet is extremely bad, so she's helping other people that suffer the same kind of problems as her by sharing what works. Despite all of her burdens she's a white woman who has married and started to have kids despite the extreme burdens she has to bear.

There's something like 3-4 pictures of her showing off her body post recovery. She doesn't make money or fame off the handful of people that follow her instagram, they're mostly health people who are using her advice to help them deal with their problems. If you think this is ethottery then I seriously don't know what to tell you. Don't ever go to the beach in summer, you might have an aneurysm.

>He got famous from misinterpreting (perhaps on purpose) what C-16

SAUSSSSSS stop lying duchebag

True. I agree with the disgusting commiefag. He ended up helping to promote Zizek. That may be a good thing, because Zizek doesn't have a proper defense of communism, mostly criticisms of capitalism. He may awaken to fascism one day. If it won't be him, one of his followers that happens to be based.

Yeah they are, I agree with you completely. Which is why when someone comes along who is a social scientists but is heavily influenced by good data, who is willing to hold the feet of SJW sociologists to the fire, they need as much support as they can get. The solution isn't to try and abandon the entire scientific field but to clean it up with respectable science based on data and good methodology which is why he's so highly cited.

Peterson memed himself into stardom by refusing to use different pronouns for trans students that caused a shitstorm and garnered him attention on the right in Canada. Since he was one of the few openly socially conservative people.
Then he parlayed that into international fame with a mixture of traditionalist pandering (let's go back to the classical liberal good ol' days of western civilization) and being a self help guru that appealed to susceptible right wing fags from places like here.
in truth he, like virtually all conservative internet stars (are there even any comparable lefty ones? afaik it's a pretty uniquely right wing phenomena) are opportunists who get money by pandering to a group that is otherwise marginalized, or at least thinks it's marginalized anyway.

It's even worst than that. They pretend to be "one of us" but if you follow them long enough it becomes apparent you are nothing alike. Their mask slips little by little. Every. Single. Time.

To bad nobody can understand this old blob if sovjet cancer

The problem I have with all of that is that firstly most of his advice is based off 20-30 years of work and from his earlier substantial work like maps of meaning. But also he's a very emotional guy and tends to break up especially at the positive feedback that he gets from fans, and I don't think that's an act, I think that's real and that he's obviously emotionally invested in people turning their life around. Which makes sense for a man who is also a clinical psychologists and has logged tens of thousands of hours with helping thousands of patients. He's not that socially conservative, I think temperamentally he might be but he goes to great lengths to maintain a neutral position on that, if you watch his lectures and talks on hierarchies he talks about the proper place of the left and the right and how you need both and a discussion between them both.

>or at least thinks it's marginalized anyway.
Yeah I would really drop that ironic tone, I'd say that getting deplatformed from almost everywhere turns you into a marginalized group in today's social paradigm where if you are not in a major social platform you basically don't exist.

90% of the shit he says is psychobabble gobbledygook word salad kek

at this point he's becoming a caricature of himself because he ran out of shit to say awhile ago and psychology isn't a real science

>He's not that socially conservative
perhaps not personally though, but his entire initial claim to fame was based on the socially conservative position of refusing to be forced to use different pronouns for people.
>Yeah I would really drop that ironic tone, I'd say that getting deplatformed from almost everywhere turns you into a marginalized group in today's social paradigm where if you are not in a major social platform you basically don't exist.
the only real group that's been deplatformed has been infowars and Jones has been a living meme for years.
meanwhile people like Peterson or Tucker Carlson and the rest of the complex continue to get unabated media availability.

also I'd hardly call the right wing marginalized considering Donald Trump was somehow elected and the far right has entered politics in most of europe,

Lotta trannies in this thread. Sup trannies.

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Not for people like you who are smug of their own self intellect probably jealous of somebody who gets more attention about it.

For me Jordan Peterson is the smartest person ever to be alive. I can function normally in society now thanks to him where it would otherwise almost impossible to go outside and to interact with somebody. And allot of people who are the same like me (a product of a broken society) see that he has allot good things to say. He rightfully gets allot of credit for it and you guys need to fuck off and target someone who does not acutally make this world a better place. Incel cunts.

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Peterson has spent 4 years building an argument against cultural marxism , when he was asked to name them, his response was ... hmmm... umm.... eer... this dude.

He vocally pinpointed the reasons men don't find meaning in life and aren't taken seriously. He's mostly speaking common sense but he's also the only one doing it. Personally I think he did a good job at presenting some form of path to lost young men but otherwise he easily gets lost in his own ideas with some form of intellectual masturbation.

Sniff, Sniff sniff

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look if he helped you "clean your room" and function like a normal fucking person then good for you. people with problems find recourse in many different ways, but one day you're going to look back at his videos and realize how much bs he sprinkles into his work

Third world countries tend to be nationalistic

This. Jow Forums is retarded about this guy. He was literally outcast from here because he was too soft on jews/not a white nationalist. No substantive reason has been provided as to why he’s shit on here beyond typical red herring ad hom nonsense.
>hurrr he uses big words to sound smrt he’s actual dum haha

>perhaps not personally though, but his entire initial claim to fame was based on the socially conservative position of refusing to be forced to use different pronouns for people.
Well as I said I think temperamentally he might be, but in his public appearances he keeps politics out of it because the science seems to agree that you do need both the left and the right in society, but also that by taking one side or the other you alienate the rest. But you're right, what made him famous was taking a stand on C-16 and pronouns and for him that was more an issue of freedom of speech, but trivially it seems more related to right wing conservatism, and whatever, fair enough that's definitely how it appears.

>also I'd hardly call the right wing marginalized considering Donald Trump was somehow elected and the far right has entered politics in most of europe,
It's not so much marginalization, it's to do with the left wing politics being somewhat in control of the Overton window and shifting it more and more left wing until the point that right wing ideas are no longer socially palatable. But again if you look at the science, about 1/2 of people are temperamentally right wing and they simply went underground to avoid the backlash of social implications of their beliefs. Trump and the rise of the right and nationalism across the EU is just a natural push back against that.

I'm with Peterson on this though. We need the left, we need the right, and stability exists as we oscillate between them. But we exist in a time where the left reign supreme in social discourse and so the right are re-claiming that as they become more oppressed.

It's why I'm pro anti-SJW to try and reign in their insanity, but I'm not pro extreme right, because the white nationalists are just priming their audience for being the exact same problem as the SJWs, except with a right leaning philosophy. And having the extreme left or right in power is a bad thing.

A lot of the argument against diversity and immigration, all that nonsense about preventing the death of western Civilization, all that shit is unfounded.


No one takes him seriously. He's propped up by moneyed (((interests))) that liked his work with the UN. That probably includes starting threads about him here to try to keep him relevant.

No I will not. Name one thing that would make me change my mind. You can't. You want to bitch about things that are mostly mainstream right now. Like everybody does. I do listen very critically to what he has to say. But there is nothing wrong with Jordan.

Oh wow somebody want's to earn money. What's new.

he was outcast because he is selling snakesoil and weak

>one sides fights for their own interest
>other side fights for foreign interests
These are the same, ok than don't care if your house is robbed because the robber is the same as the defender.

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>not a white nationalist

Nobody can function mainstream with those views you dumbass. What else should he do? Openly talk about why race mixing is bad?

He avoided debating with a marxist, you cant just collect art pieces of communism and marxism and escape a debate with one.

Because he is much smarter than you. He takes history, religion, biology, and philosophy and integrates them into an actionable world view. Some view this as a more effective philosophy and persuasion technique when fighting the radical left than simply screaming "gas the kikes." To each his own though I suppose.

Shut it trany

It is not measure of accuracy at all, in fact, the opposite is true, it is measure of people's twisted understanding of consensus science that ''majority opinion = truth''. That's pretty much how most people think. If a lot of people believe something then it must be truth, this creates incentive for people to do stuff that others like in order to be liked, this leads to massive mindless conformity to one another.

How many people agree or cite your work is completely irrelevant to whether it's accurate or not.

There is no debating a marxist. Maxism is inherently wrong from every point of view.

wash your penis and the penis of the people around you before you comment here


You worthless waste of cum. Maybe you should actually read his book.

Because most americans are seriously uneducated and will fall for any charlatan that has done a fair amount of reading on esoteric authors.

Im still waiting for one fucker to point out the flaws in his worldview. If anyone wants to refute him, heres how you do it:

>demonstrate that the Jungian framework that JP works with is not only flawed, but has been refuted both in science and religion over and over again (his whole maps of meaning loses any relevancy if this is assumed)
>from the psychological/scientifical viewpoint, jungian psychoanalysis has no reproductability, therefore there is no soundness in its theoretical framework
>from the esoteric / comparative religion viewpoint, jungian psychoanalysis reduces the supranatural phenomena to the subconsciousness, completely inverting the sense of the logos and taking symbols away from the religious traditions to fit the made up categories of the archetypes (read Mircea Eliade refutation of Jung if interested)
>show that most of his public speeches are just repackaged stoicism / greek ''pessimism'' for the masses that are too lazy to read Seneca.

Its simple as that.

No. Alt-right is reddit cringe.

Shitty boomer upbringing means any ok advice is seen as good.

>He got famous from misinterpreting (perhaps on purpose) what C-16 was about

Yeah, like anyone could really get arrested for "misgendering"

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This is just wrong. It's not a majority opinion, instead what is happening is a selection of experts in a field which are a tiny minority of all people, and then looking at what work they have created that's passed peer review (by review of other experts) and then looking at who they cited.

It has nothing to do with a majority, because scientists in any specific field are a tiny, tiny minority of people in general who are the most educated in that specific field.

This is why I say that these conditions for measuring good science predate Peterson by a long time, and all that is happening is people are applying tried and tested methods for selecting good science to Peterson's work and finding it valid.

Look, if you have another better way of identifying truth then spit it out. To say that a method isn't perfect is fine, but unless you have a better method then, so what? The scientific method is found to be reliable by the veracity of its results, the ability for us to apply that science in complex technology and build working products that depend on the accuracy of the science.

Hahaha man people who actually watch his stuff will laugh at this.