Fuck trendie soibeards

Youall make me sick with this perfectly trimmed facial hairdo, especially with the skinny jeans and fag shoes.
Punchable. AAAHHHH!!!

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Man those scooters really piss me off.

Fuck yeah those too.

based and basedpilled

wtf I typed based and it said based


Yeah once I knocked out a scooter riding faggot. It's was the most pleasurable thing I had done. I used to knock out skaters in the 90s but times have changed. No more skaters just scooter faggots.

Go on beard man shove a black dildo up your ass, impressive.

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I have to confess my daughter married one of these beardfags, some liberal chef and microbrewing idiot up in Portland, Washington. Ever since she doesn't communicate with me because of my politics. I have been considering flying up there unannounced, ringing the doorbell, and punching that douchebag into the kitchen pots.

>portland washington

goatee is the white man's beard

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Sry Oregon she was in Washington back before soiman

Same as an afro, grabhandle for an assbeating

That dude gets laid for sure

That's pretty based desu

He's a silicon valley fag CEO of some sort so yes he gets laid in the ass.

absolutely basepilledpilled

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This is how a man is supposed to look, not like some faggot with a face like a poodle

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We have those cuckbikes here too. Psy op.

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>beards are girly goy
no, american men are girly, fuck off jew

A bushy mustache is the supreme form of facial hair