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Tick tock centrists. Pick a side

There is no such thing as war crimes. We would all be cheering if Israel was getting the same treatment. There is no sugar-coating war.

Based Israel. 100 Palescum heads for every Jew killed

Attached: Palestinian-Children-Killed-By-Israel02.jpg (580x428, 61K)

Sigh. How many goat fuckers is going to decide to go to Europe over this?

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Play stupid games win stupid prizes

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Stop being such a cuck you fucking mutt.

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This is enough reason to cut the funding we provide for them

buildings sure seem to fall over a lot rather than collapse straight down

Shut up, you filthy kike.

Attached: Abdi Baktur on Twitter Israel is a terrorist! Youre killing innocent.webm (718x568, 645K)

This is why no one respects you anymore. Do Jewish children deserve not to be bombed? Would you let them grow up to be the monsters they have always been?

Defending Israel is a stupid game. We see you.

so they kill a bunch of sand nigger.....i bet the smell got a lot better in that area too

>ceilings and floors completely destroyed
>walls intact
how does that happen?

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>stop firing rockets into our shit

you are right but as long as such fucking nonsense exists and is used as a weapon against any nation that tries to build a white ethnostate there is absolutely no reason for us not to use it against the kikes as well.

not working, shlomo

i support israel because i am progressive, dislike muslims, dislike the palestinians even more, support the expansion of any first world nation, and are tired of watching muslims start all the fights in the world because of their fucking religion and their fuking cave age mentalities.

i support israel so that they can kill my enemy, the muslim. and when they win, the world will have peace for eternity. but for now, i am ready for the end of muslims in that region, and any amount of force i see is a good amount if it means crying muslim parents, and dead muslims in general.

israel is free to use any amount of force they choose so long as the uncivilized muslims scummery continues to use the force theyve decided to use.

fuck the palestinians, throw them in the ocean, put them somewhere else, take their weapons away from them, tell them to fuck off and act civilized.

i support israel because i support the use of overpowering weapons against your enemy. israel is the superior nation in this situation and may israel live long, peacefully and happily.

continue using the force required to send these fucking muslim refugees back to their desert homeland and away from other civilized nations.

if you do not support israel, you are an emotionally controlled moron who is more woman than man.

>more funding for this stuff
Stop letting terrorists live in you homes. Hamas is notorious for setting up rockets at apartments. Mess around and get got

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>Do Haitian children deserve to be bombed? Would you let them grow up to be the monsters they have always been?

Just treat your neighbors better bro they're just like you! Open your heart and your ass!

Hamas is Mossad

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Death to Israel, of course.

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Why would I care?
"Heh, I'm gonna keep poking the bear"
"Waaaaah the bear tore my arm out wtf kill all bears"

Democracy must come to an end for the creation of an ethnostate. The Jewish powers that control the republics/democracies of the world will not let got of control peacefully. Power will have to be seized and then maintained by any means necessary.

I'm sorry, I don't speak autist. Learn to get your point across more clearly if you want to be understood.

>t. Cuck mutt

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If Israel wasn't an illegitimate terrorist state they wouldn't need Hasbara.

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>stop defending yourself goyim

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(((They))) perpetrated the Nuremberg Trials, then (((they))) should reap the Nuremberg Trials directed right back at (((them)))..."wars of aggression" anyone??? meme the Gaza residents as the "new" Warsaw Ghetto inhabitants fighting a brave campaign against the monstrous, racist, supremacists, carrying out genocide against the Palestinians.

So Israel is attacking itself? Base as fuck.

This. Nuremberg 2.0. This time with real criminals.

The more Hamas rockets continue to not kill hardly any Israeli's, the more I honestly think Hamas honestly is an Israeli psy-op. I've never been supportive of Hamas, Hezbollah on the other hand has my full moral backing.

Attached: Hezbollah.png (255x170, 10K)

Hamas is an Israeli psy op and always has been. That's why they still exist.

Checked and REKT! Well done, sir.

I am that inside your head, what you wrote makes perfect sense. But you have to learn to relate your thoughts in a more coherent manner for others to understand wtf you are trying to say.

Why does anyone care about some muslims? Yes death to israel of course but jews fighting muslims is just letting two of our enemies bleeding themselves in my book.

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I'll side with the left on this issue since the right outside of Jow Forums seems to love Israel.


Also, please go ask China and India to sort out Israel problems. Now...


Who cares

Their are no innocent muslim civilians

found the jew

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Hamas was founded by Israel as a counter to Fatah and the PLO. The jews figured (correctly) Islamists would be dumber and easier to control than left-wing secularists.

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Jeremiah 29: 10-14

>This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.[a] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

Israel will have spent 71 years in Babylon in 9 days time. Grab your Bibles lads, we are going into apocalyptic hyperdrive.

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Just like there are no innocent Jewish civilians either. They are all guilty.

Muslims are a completely irrelevant threat. It's the jews that are at fault for our modern problems. It's them who promote degeneracy, break down the traditional family model and open our borders. Muslims are entirely manageable on their own. Focus on the most dangerous enemy first.

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Hamas was founded by Mossad (Israeli intelligence) as a Hegelian dialectical tactic of controlling both sides of a conflict so you control the outcome of that conflict. This has been used throughout recent history by our hidden masters to herd us towards the fulfillment of their agenda. SEE THROUGH THE LIES AND DECEPTION. The 'Hamas' (read Mossad), sending a few rockets into Israel supposedly to incite more bombing of GAZA by the Israelis, appears to be another Mossad false flag operation.

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so... you are for sending the Khazars back to Khazaria then???!!! would your reasoning and "logic" regarding this situation have been the thought process for National Socialist Workers Party Germany using "required force" as you call it to remove the 'alien nation' of Khazar tamudic supremacists, that had invaded their land and oppressed their people???!!!! (((Talmud supremacist))) logic is always so "interesting"....

Oh wow congratulations, really ... Excellent job. Call a guy calling for Jews to fight their own battles...a Jew.

How's that working out for Jew?

>Implying this is a secular war

The only side to pick is Jesus.

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jews gonna jew,

totally agree. "rules of war" is just as big of an oxymoron as chistian-zionism or nigger intelligence.

How did that place look before?
Looks like the average arab village to me.

Ah yes, the jews who killed Ebba Akerlund and raped all those girls in Rotherham and Cologne.
Yes Jews opened the gates to them. But just because saruman controls the orcs doesn't mean the orcs aren't a threat.


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Stop being such a kike you fucking jew.

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The rules of war mentality was invented with the specific goal of humiliating American whites in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. The Jew sends the right wing American white male to war, then ties his hands so he cannot win and must suffer moral defeats watching the enemy attack him at will and the deaths of hims comrades and the stigma of being a baby killer or whatever gay shit the liberals at home call them. Nice war is a fantasy, nice war is the Jew waging war on Americans. The Jew does not hold back when he wages war, which is what the theme of this thread is. We must return the favor.


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why is there a camera there already?

They just happen to have multiple cameras pointed just where a missile was going to hit and didn't even move back after it happened? Hmmmm

more like
>we lived here first
>yeah but we have bigger guns and the backing the US military and media

(((Is-ra-hell))) created Hamas as an opponent of the PLO(Palestine Liberation Organization), to pull Palestinians into (((their))) controlled opposition group. Bring back the real PLO and join forces with Hezbollah, the defenders of the Palestinian people.

fuck you in the ass nigger.

In b4 Israel false flags Eurovision

Attached: ISIS-Eurovision.jpg (3163x1844, 1.23M)

Because the jews will always win affection over the west in these wars. Then they get more money and as we both know in todays world money is power.

I have more in common with the Palestinians than the kike nest of Israel

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Why has nobody stepped in to stop this war? Give either ISreal or palestine some shore in antartica that has a shitload of oil they can sell.

fuck centrists

It's utterly shortsighted to see these two as equals. Jews have done magnitudes more harm through their subversion than muslims have done through traditional bloodshed. When you remove the jews from the equation you can begin a societal recovery. Muslims are unable to be subversive to any relevant degree. Remove them after you've removed the jews and keep it that way.

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Literally this. Ponder why ISIS can travel thousands of miles to attack Belgium and France but won't go 100 miles to lay a finger on Israel.

Zionism is so god damn evil. Yair Netanyahu is a nazi, and all you nazis are no different. You think you are the resistance, but you are members of Satan’s empire on earth and Trump is the selfish antithesis of Christ.

>Why has nobody stepped in to stop this war? Give either ISreal or palestine some shore in antartica that has a shitload of oil they can sell.

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Star of Remphan actually... Moloch.

That's the problem with you poos. This user has the digits with him. How dare you sir!? Shouldnt you be in the street shitting, rather than disparaging KEK?

whats funny is i was listening to npr on my way to work, and they reported the targets killed as militants.


>whats funny is i was listening to npr on my way to work, and they reported the targets killed as militants.
NPR Producers are Israeli

Israel should just bomb that fucking place till they either give up or are all dead.

Read a book stupid

>Palestine and Israel keep bombing the shit out of each other
>We get kike and sandnigger refugees

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Maybe the mudshits shouldn't harbor terrorists in their residential buildings then.

Attached: NPR-Kike.jpg (1190x1688, 744K)

>Yes death to israel of course but

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Digits don't lie. The Jew's weakness is that they can't keep their big fat mouths shut about being a Jew and Jewing, so they are easy to spot.

>Thigh skin shows
Haram and stonepilled

Killing sandniggers cannot be a war crime

Why does nobody ever ask why Saudi Arabia, one of the richest countries in the world, doesn't agree to take all these doctors and engineers from 3rd world shit holes into their country?

When will there be poo in the loo?


I’m pretty sure the photo is of a building that has fallen on its side.

Because when you guys (ISRAEL/USA) keep fucking bombing the middle east, starting civilwar and stirr up trouble they come to Europe instead, and you guys forces us to take them in.

If not for jews, Europe would only have workimmigrants, and not refugees.

everytime that (((they))) mention Hezbollah or Hamas , just mention the (((Stern Gang))) and the (((Irgun Warriors))), which were (((their))) terrorist groups when (((they))) were invading Palestine. /Pol needs to redpill the people about((( their))) terrorist groups, the(((Irgun Warriors))) and the (((Stern Gang))). Don't forget (((Haganah))) either.