10 years prison for e-thot video

This looks like hit job, 10 years I mean, he’d be a gay when he’s out.

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oh he wanted CP from his fans? well let him burn then. I hope he gets raped in the whale by orcas

(((Bryan Singer))) is laughing his ass off at this stupid goy.

By the looks of his gay hairdo he will enjoy the many cocks he is destined to be impales upon in the joint.

I bet he kills himself before prison lol.

It was like a 15-year-old girl, not a child. 10 years is fucking draconian

He deserves it. Stop rationalizing degeneracy.

What exactly is degenerate about laying with a woman?

He looks like he's in his late teens himself. Girl was 15? Yeah no 10 years is way too much. Save that for the kid diddlers and nigger rapists

You people need the rope

Meanwhile genuine pedos like Singer, Polanski, and James Gunn are free. I'm stilling pressing S for this degenerate though.

Overreactions to this stuff really gets the noggin joggin.

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This guy is literally fucked.
Imagine knowing your future holds two paths, one being suicide and the other is getting assraped every day for years
Hope he kills himself, itll be funnier

>15 year old having sex with young man is unnatural and immoral
>Somehow has Biblical world view
God made sex and it's EVIL.

Your logic is top notch.

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t. 23-year-old roastie

I hope he gets raped everyday then murdered the day before release. Pedos die slow.

Nothing but this was a girl. 15 years of age does not mean your brain is fully developed. Having the ability to procreate before full brain development is a survival mechanism. Essentially if we need to we can get to fucking earlier so we can quickly multiply but in a intelligent society trying to advance itself there is no need to fuck anyone with a undeveloped brain. That is reserved for apocalyptic or re-population scenarios.

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Female’s brains never develop past adolescence tho, get fucked

Your mind is as damaged as the rest of you.

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15 isn't fully developed but neither is 18 or 19. I knew what I was doing at 15. Dont conflate high schoolers with 6 year kids it's fucking stupid

It's not about a sexual relationship to a 15 year old (I think its even legal here in Germany) it's about him forcing her to produce child pornography by taking advantage of her fandom.

It's just a really scummy thing to do, especially since most people at that age aren't aware of how stuff on the internet can't be deleted, or that it is inappropriate to ask in the first place.

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he deserves it. Fuckers like him like to fuck children and force them to kill their babies.

sounds alpha af tbqh fammalam

he should get 10 years just for being a fag eceleb

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He was obsessed with making them talk about their age.
Shit like "this ass is only 14"

Did this guy never hear of sex tourism

Is this the guy who asked the girls to like spread their butthole and twerk?
There was an image with all he specific shit he asked.



This. I've fucked plenty of 15 year olds in high school, you fucking incels are saying that now it's a 10 year prison sentence because he has a young audience? Sorry you never got any underage tail while the getting was good but it's not this kids fault. Keep projecting your insecurity into a 10 year prison sentance, faggot beta incels.

By this logic, the age of consent should be somewhere in the mid twenties.

I understand where you're coming from. I've done stuff like that too. But he would pressure and manipulate these girls to feel bad for him to send him nudes. People have gone over his dms to girls and he is trying to get them to feel bad for him and stuff like that.

He was specifically obsessed with making them talk about their age.
Shit like "this ass is only 14"
This guy is a predator.

Also a high schooler having sex with other high schoolers is totally different and I'm pretty sure you know that

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Dude you are fucking retarded. Its not that he had them following his ass around or some shit, it was literally him repeatedly asking for it and telling about that 14 year old part you fucking pedo

>oh he wanted CP from his fans? well let him burn then.
Like clockwork. The kiddie fucker appears.

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Ooooo yeah I just read the court documents. He's fucked. Didn't know this dude was 24, he looks underage himself in the video.

>Shit like "this ass is only 14"
Woooow what a crime. Worse than murder.


Women hit their peak at 16 then its a decline from there.

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>I’m a pedo!
And you’ll get the rope if any real men ever find out, degenerate nigger

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Based jews destroying white boy.

Plenty of their fathers found out. I was underage at the time too. Deal with it, faggot.

I will, if given the opportunity

does pic related deserve it too?

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Women should be married off at 13

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Guy is clearly a predator

14 is peak pussy.

Obvious incel projecting his frustration that he never got tight underage ass when the getting was good. My young 16 year old body endlessly spilling seed into little sophmores and juniors getting gets you upset, huh? I did that shit daily. Statute of limitations for whatever you're making up in your mind is loooong gone.

>i was mentally mature at age 15
time for you to bust out the fedora, mr cringe lord.

This is absolutely true and the laws are literally cucking men.

>10 years is fucking draconian

dafuq, banging a 14-year-old wouldn't even be a crime in most European countries

Look at what he actually wrote and told the girls, fucker deserves 10 years

Not an argument

those little sluts are only mad they didn't get to be famous social media stars like he promised, he literally did nothing wrong. those sluts aren't innocent they knew exactly what they were doing. but they are giving him 10 years like he murdered someone. fucking insane.

asking dumb little whores to act like dumb little whores, dude probably laughed his ass off about it. R kelly pissed on underage women on video and didn't get 10 years.

he was merely relieving himself and there was no toilet in the immediate vicinity. whats the big deal?

>wrote and told

10 years because of words.
You sicken me.

Big Herc approves of this fresh fish bait.

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His haircut is horrible, but soliciting pornography from minors like this shouldn't be a crime. We need to abolish the age of consent.

It would make more sense to punish the parent, as they are the legal guardian supposed to be looking after them.

Why are parents giving them smartphones and webcams in the firstplace. Its seems everyone else gets punished for bad parenting.


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>15 years old

the state of western society

that dude is going to have fun in prison. His fucking asshole is going to be so loose, he going to need a 10 gallon bucket for a cork.

State of the world 26 year old preying on 14 year olds.

Fucking faggot.

It's fake obviously.
You are mentally sick or too old to remember how a 13 years old look like

the state of gringos.
No wonder they are fading away... at last

seems a bit excessive, you could rape and murder a whole preschool and get less here

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You're retarded. People use to marry at age 12-15 not so long ago in the western world. God It infurirate me how you guys are like some deluded sheep.

I'm not saying it's OKAY to do it, what I'm saying is, it's completely NATURAL to want to do it.

>brain dictates genetic code
Kill yourself.

there's something very funny i've started to notice about you untermensch lately. you're very passive aggressive and hateful towards your betters. it says a lot about your psychology, you know on some level that you're a retarded shitskin but whether you know it consciously is a coin toss.

JURY NULLIFICATION!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!!
This is why I go to jury duty. I'm not sending any white man to jail for pixels.

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Grown men never married children.

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>l towards your betters
kek... the absolute state of a fully cucked country
> it says a lot about your psychology
yes goy, (((psychology)))... what have you read about it, basshunter?
>, you know on some level that you're a retarded shitskin
better be brown and have the truth than white with dillusional powers

Death to pedos
Hopefully this faggot will get a taste of inmate justice when Jamal sticks his sharpened spoon into his neck.

>Jamal sticks his sharpened spoon into his neck.
Degenerates believe they can use violence to redeem themselves in the eyes of society. They really just prove how dangerous they are.

Why are mutts so stupid when it comes to age of consent? Must've had some awfully sad teenage years.

>age of consent
>little girl grabs your penis and starts rubbing
what do?

>uses absolute terms
Kill yourself, not only are you wrong, but also stupid.

>kek... the absolute state of a fully cucked country
all kinds of untermensch want to come here, just like you faggots want to border hop into america. we make superior societies.
low iq mexican cant figure out the underlying meaning which is "mentality".
>better be brown and have the truth than white with dillusional powers
the truth? of what? your people were still literally beheading innocents by the hundreds to your "sun god" while whites invented things, explored the world and brought christianity to the furthest reaches of the world. you will never change, savage. the underman shows his hand without knowing it, every time.


You're doing god's work. Especially considering that the same white cunts fuck blacks. The white dude gets jailed for pixels, while the """"victim"""" blows dark cock.

Sounds hot.

>People use to marry at age 12-15 not so long ago in the western world.
> it's completely NATURAL to want to do it.
No it's not.
Something is wrong with you

>we make superior societies.
You only make hadron colliders, niggers, nobody respects you in the world. Chinks even make better hadron colliders and cellphones. You satanic wannabe relevant albino niggers
>low iq mexican cant figure out the underlying meaning which is "mentality".
you can't even think for yourself. Jews told you to believe in a meme (((science))) and you follow along like a stupid nigger, nigger
>the truth? of what? your people were still literally beheading innocents by the hundreds to your "sun god" while whites invented things,
I'm still here nig nog, I'm not beheaded...yet
And the only thing you have invented is basshunter and dota songs
>explored the world and brought christianity to the furthest reaches of the world
thinks Chrisitianity is not a spook... top fuckin' kek

faggot bootlicker

is this the WTF gif dude

whites invented almost everything you use in your daily life. what has a mexican ever invented? the ultimate border crossing technique? truly, you are pioneers.
i literally told you it was a stand in for mentality. but you're so fucking dumb you cant understand what i say even when it's in front of your greaseball face
>I'm still here nig nog, I'm not beheaded...yet
you're not actually responding to what i said, low iq beaner. the point was you were and are savages.
>And the only thing you have invented is basshunter and dota songs
>thinks Chrisitianity is not a spook... top fuckin' kek
based beaner doubts the legitimacy of God, lmao.

based saudis - must be married

if that was enfoced in the west then within one generation our society would improve tenfold

The insane length they will go to in this witch hunt of people who view pixels. Its as stupid and wasteful as the drug war.

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>whites invented almost everything you use in your daily life. what has a mexican ever invented? the ultimate border crossing technique? truly, you are pioneers.
taking cultural appropiation inventions from some other coutries... lol
>i literally told you it was a stand in for mentality. but you're so fucking dumb you cant understand what i say even when it's in front of your greaseball face
oh yeah, change your words, everything is possible on the internet.
>you're not actually responding to what i said, low iq beaner. the point was you were and are savages.
yup... building cities, infrastructure in top of water is pretty low iq
>based beaner doubts the legitimacy of God, lmao.
I do not doubt The Creator, but the religion which is Christianity, moron

>cultural appropiation
imagine actually using this wet fart of a meme and thinking it makes your point for you, lol.
>oh yeah, change your words, everything is possible on the internet.
your english just sucks, i get it.
>yup... building cities, infrastructure in top of water is pretty low iq
>I do not doubt The Creator, but the religion which is Christianity, moron
so you'll burn in hell when you die, what of it?

>imagine actually using this wet fart of a meme and thinking it makes your point for you, lol.
you have invented nothing. You are as irrelevant as Haiti. Even Haiti is more famous for its disasters
>your english just sucks, i get it.
may be. your reading comprehension sucks as well.
building a civilization on top of a lake is pretty low iq
>so you'll burn in hell when you die, what of it?
I'm not denying The Highest or His son. But you'll burn in hell for building hadron colliders, negro

Okay he got caught the fuck out. But guys hasn't 2019 become the yer of pedophiles and mental health. Like s soon as that MJ documentary hit. Yet again everyone think everyone else is a pedophile. Like it is the go too thing to ruin people. Just saying the real pedophiles and rapists and fucking just as many children and beating women; if not more thanks to all this confusion. Again it is bad what he did. But it comes with the turf of people an *e-celeb*

tom de longe

I had girl lying to me they are 19 or stuff and it turned out they were 14, 15
Should i get 10 years now or what
Also there are kiddie fuckers out there, who get 6 months, why the fuck should you get 10 years for porn

>Should i get 10 years now or what
Depends entirely whether you keep in contact with the 14-16 you fucked. Because staying in contact gives you 10 years automatically dude.

What a retarded-looking sperg.
That was a real youtube channel that had viewers?
Fucking zoomers...

Imagine the beef curtains his ass will have by the time he gets out.

should you be punished for having sex outside of marriage? and with a minor at that? yes. you should learn your lesson, degenerate.