Women are free

Stop telling women what to do

Attached: fam1.png (496x948, 657K)

Since when does the dishwasher respond to a command with anything other than "Yes, sir"?


Attached: d80fc92b.jpg (1920x1440, 145K)

I can tell she is destined for greatness, she doesn't follow the craud. I can only assume that's some kind of crustacean, and if you follow them you'll drown.

T. Jew

No shit? I know you niggers don't read, but goddamn.

sigh, just because you mimic our behaviour doesnt mean you wont get the gas


Wow she mad tho

She mad 'cause she's a spinster now

Work makes you free.

Attached: 023 (1).png (2048x2048, 804K)

they asked for this

Attached: 1534810296017.gif (850x357, 597K)

Mind repeating that in German?

Fucking Wageslav(e)

>no kids
>not ready
more like overdue and soon expired

Attached: 608rwynw0uf21.jpg (768x768, 66K)

>Single no kids speeding towards the wall
>Not following the craud
She is the craud. Ffs

Arbeit macht frei, juden.

women are animals that need men to tell them what to do

Attached: modern american women.jpg (1464x1054, 348K)

Women should be banned from the internet.

Getting tired of this rampant illiterate retardation. That picture had nothing to do with the melting snowflake.


Attached: arttu kouvolasta.jpg (313x297, 30K)

they are free... and miserable because of it

>If you have a family, you have everything.
Based and redpilled.

She does not how to follow the craud. This is obviously what's wrong, the craud is good.

Arbeit macht frei!
Und jetzt raus hier, Judenlümmel. /:^=)

Cute 2D images make everything seem better than it really is. I can tell the power of cute 2d really got to that womans head



Based kek

Attached: 478.png (1000x1000, 120K)

Stop expecting men to work for you

Hahaha look how the little kike tries to fit into the conversation

Attached: 7DD736A7-4165-4BA5-8159-DF3341567A1F.jpg (401x367, 62K)

Smegmaking is a literary artist.

Fuck off Abrahamist

Someone is triggered and scared of being alone.

Good image, needs sources and it should be a .PNG, nice get.

Siebenarmiger Armleuchter nocheins! Beseitigen sie jetzt endlich den Juden!

Tick tock.

If the person commenting has money, then clearly the cartoon isn't saying they have nothing. If they're poor and don't have a family, then yeah, they probably do have nothing.