Is this true /pol?

Is this true /pol?

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and who the fuck works on the left utopia?


It's the exact opposite (please don't be a shill thread)

>left wing utopia-all the stuff I like with no cost
>right wing utopia-all ghe stuff I don't like with none of the benefit

This man is literally retarded.

>left wing: good good good happy love completely flawless

>right wing: bad bad bad evil puppy murders satan

>free to pursue their ambitions
>dystopian future of drug addicted America high on LSD while Russia invades and conquers land

watching bad evil puppies murder the idol of the jews actually sounds fun

Robkts and non whites

shill yang on reddit.
White people work because they love to create things.
What is sage?

>People being allowed to pursue their ambitions in a left-wing society
Is this Tweet satire?

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Funny how the left wing Utopia would't include any left wing social media companies since people aren't free to pursue their amibitions. "like stopping left wing promotion of homosex and genital mutilation via Trans movement"

Left-wing utopia: Venezuela

>Twitter screencap thread
>Single sentence OP
>No input whatsoever from OP
>Divisive question guaranteed to rake in (You)'s

>please don't be a shill thread)

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Both of those are fictional.

And what is this? Ambitions in the left wing utopia? Ambitions for what? All they want is activism and consumerism. They want someone(s) to slave away while they sit at the top doing whatever they feel in the moment, while also having a non-intrusive, yet authoritarian government to make it happen for them.

In other words, they want a daddy.

if this were 100% how it was, id vote yes

It's amusing how American lefties use Scandinavia as their ideal socialist utopia, considering no Scandinavian countries are socialist and they're primarily successful because they're still >90% white.

Left-wing reality:
>The "fat cats" you hate so much still get loads of money from all the poor, illiterate, and uneducated people you allowed to come into the country from the developing world which makes the welfare state and any increased wage useless, same with healthcare
Right-Wing reality
>Whites can at least have some time to live a normal life without shitskins leeching off the white working man before birthrates wreck the country
I'll take the right-wing reality.

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>white americans working in right wing utopia
If it was a true based rightwing free market utopia all white americans would be homeless and without a job because their rich overlords need to cut down on expenses

The left-wing utopia is a literal fantasy where unlimited resources exist. The right-wing "fantasy" would create a utopia where enough resources exist that whites can pursue their ambitions since niggers won't be wasting all the resources.

>left wing is utopia
>right wing is realistic

in right wing utopia whites don't really work at all. They work on projects that interest them and we have already achieved zero point energy and nearly infinite food and heat.

right wing utopia: everyone works to support the incredibly system that improves all our lives

left wing utopia: fucking magic lol

All Ningen are dead

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>less government and no nigs
>work more

o k eep me posted

And because of their nationalized fossil fuel reserves.

>1 post by this ID

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White people in gulags, assuming we aren't just exterminated.

I don't even know what left and right wing even means anymore. Such stupid labels, since you still have monarchists, fascists, communists, anarchist and syndicalists. They don't even really fit into that paradigm at all.
Most people want self-determination for themselves and their community, but we really can't have that since it is either state enforced or it is enforced by big money interest buying up the state that undermines every attempt, they are my enemy.

>while Russia invades and conquers land
Why do Americans think Russia would want to invade America? That would be an insanely unnecessary and costly thing for them to do.

this twitter man is a faggot

Do these people not understand that right wing love of capitalism, in the US, is mainly so all of their money isn't taken and used as welfare for non-whites? If this country was over 90% white you would probably see way more support for public works programs

I agree with you. Politics is a spectrum and isn't black and white. I only posted this because a friend on Facebook posted the screen cap and wasn't sure if it was true or not so I had to come here for answers.

Utopia: Oὐ-τόπος (Ou-Topos; No-Place)

That's irrelevant. Norway was one of the top ten GDP per capita countries before discovering oil, thanks to our massive commercial fleet.
It's not just what you have, but what you do with it.

Utopias are fake and gay.

I can't imagine what America would look like if we didn't waste all our money on war and welfare

>Left-Wing Utopia: Acceptable speech is determined by a cabal of politicians, bureaucrats, bankers and CEOs, Luciferianism is the official religion, and the white race is enslaved or dead.

If you even have to ask, you are also a retarded faggot like the Twitter boyhole you posted.

nobody is stopping you from building your utopia in SF or NY. Do it.

>Is this true /pol?
Let me ask you

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I suppose the irony is that if you didn't have brown minorities, you could afford all of the "socialist" luxuries the lefties are whining about, and still come out of it better than you do today.

Left people and ambitions, they have none, besides fucking everything up.

Right-Wing Utopia:
Everyone lives in their own countries
As a result there's little to no racial hatred
Strong social cohesion
Low criminality
No degeneracy means good birth rates, self-improvement, strong families
Society based on meritocracy
People innovate and work hard to earn their worth

And despite but burgers say, a welfare state isn't incompatible with right wing ideologies. Imperial Germany was the first welfare state in the world, you don't have to go full commie to have a welfare state. Going full ancap is pure kikery

Right wing fantasy:
>Everyone minds their own fucking business and everyone is free to work toward their subjective version of success.

Left wing fantasy
>all children are forced to undergo HRT before the age of 6. Niggers are allowed to rape, murder, and rob without consequence. White working class is taxed at 90% to pay for nigger and immigrant housing, utilities and healthcare.

No, what a retard

right vs left
old vs young
female vs male
democrat vs republican
black vs white
christian vs jew vs muslim
straight vs gay
communist/socialist vs capitalist
Fox News vs CNN/MSNBC
All to divide and distract the chattel, while the privately incorporated Federal Reserve and its member banks rob everyone blind.
pic related Interest alone paid on debt by US taxpayers. That is billions.

Wake the fuck up.

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The later is a prerequisite for the former.

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They could take back Alaska.

White people create
Brown people parasite
Leftist utopia only appeals to parasites
If they were productive they wouldn't be leftists

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Left wing utopia:

Right wing utopia:
Hong Kong

This. Idiots.

Better than living in faggot world

>a welfare state isn't incompatible with right wing ideologies.

>People innovate and work hard to earn their worth

Your own list shows why a welfare state is incompatible.

Left wing utopia
No one works, people fuck animals and children and its a constant fuck fest, praying to satan 66 times a day, boys get castrated and if you dare to missgender someone you get shot in the head with canonball made out of 6 million foreskins

>Left and Right wing utopia: all the niggers are dead
wow so racist of you

>Your own list shows why a welfare state is incompatible.

Money is shouldn't be the only measure of somebody's worth. So a right wing utopia and welfare are not incompatible.

>Free to pursue their state mandated ambitions

He's full of shit. The left-wing 'utopia' is that urban centers have full control over everything and the upper class controls the urban centers. That's their "utopia". Everything they bitch about comes down to that one thing.

>safe, healthy, happy, educated
You can't push legal abortion and encourage men to try to get out of fatherhood(i.e. what legal abortion does and everyone knows it) and then think you can have children being raised to be educated, happy, and healthy. You can't have legal abortion and good childhoods since legal abortion turns fathers against their children and mothers are too fucking retarded to raise kids on their own.

Leftism is all about urbanism. They love social media companies because they can bend them to the urban will.


>>If only everyone joined my cult and completely agreed on every issue the humanity would be at peace and happy.
Every single religion says that. And leftism is religion now.

most atheist men are just dumbasses who tried to get their children aborted, had that used against them during the custody battle, and thus push atheism so they can justify trying to murder their children. They also push atheism because they want others to be in the same position as themselves. That's why you'll never find an atheist man who doesn't try to convince everyone around him to try to kill their kids.

>won't work a 60 hour week
Not very ambitious desu. The right wing utopia is what they describe as the left wing, it's just that the population is around 2 or 3 billion

the right-wing utopia is already here, except all non-whites are still alive

Left wing utopia - No one needs to work, all shit is free.

Left wing reality - No one needs to work, so society stops functioning and people need to eat rats and dogs to survive.

The sad part is well be the first to go, but youll be soon to be next. Its hard to convince people its better keeping immigrants out.

>Left-Wing utopia:
>Everybody on earth is safe, healthy, happy, educated, and free to pursue their ambitions. And white people pay for all of it.

In my utopian pipedream women are able to have rational thoughts and all humans act in a mature manner.

> In the real world the average human is garbage, and whites are simply less shit and less retarded than most other groups.
> In the real world work has to be done in order to produce goods, thus we need as many competent people as possible to make as much work as possible without sacrificing fertility rates.
> In the real world there is no room for socialists and welfare leeches, they destroy the reproductive fitness of the least shitty individuals and they drag everyone down.
My utopian dream is looking more and more like a decades long civil war where the productive and rational people either win or die fighting.

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>can't imagine what America would look like if we didn't waste all our money on war and welfare
don't forget the annual half trillion in interest alone on the debt

His left wing utopia involves mud people free to lay about while white people work 60 hours a week to support them.

Yeah, it's all fucked. I don't think people realize how important the ethnic link is between the US and Europe. The reason we're so closely tied together is because of the shared history of our people, and the fact that all real American emigrated from Europe at some point. If you supplant the population, this connection is severed, because the people in America and Europe will have no common history, ethnicity or culture to bind us together.

Muh communist utopia it'll work this time I swear.

In my utopia all Jews are killed and their wealth is redistributed to goyim.

There's obviously varying degrees of welfare. Having a safety net and avoid being practically doomed since the day you're born isn't the same as gibs me everything

>left wing utopia: fantasy
>right wing utopia: reality

Christianity doesn’t say that at all....

You are so stupid that I don't even know how to deal with a retard like you, I think that a nursing degree or something similar could be required

>Is this true /pol?
Yup. Get back to work.
And saged.

>strawmanning the right
No. It's not true.

kys pussy

based & stalinpilled

>my side of the kosher sandwich is better than your side of the kosher sandwich.

Left wing utopia:
Everyone is a slave for greedy liberal jews, life is shit for everyone in the entire world except jews at the top. The only pleasure in life is rubbing your genitals against ugly people of the same sex as you.

Right wing utopia:
Everyone is a slave for greedy orthadox religious jews, life is shit for everyone in the entire world except jews at the top. The only pleasure in life is that maybe, just maybe your jewish overlords will allow you maintain a normal family and leave small communities in peace.

Left wing utopia: Venezuela

Show me a nigger with ambitions.

>Left wing utopia
>Blacks exist

Which of these goals is obtainable?

me as for my wrong think opinions I go to gulag 424

most dawkins tier militant atheists i know are actually autistic. The same is true of the faggots and trannies ive met. I think theres a connection: these freaks brains arent wired right and this is coming from an autist

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Religious people find Dawkins-type atheists autistic

Dawkins-type atheists find religious people autistic.

>everyone is homeless except rich overlords
>nobody has job
>businesses still manage to operate
Take an economics course

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The right-wing utopia is heaven

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More like:
>right wing utopia
>everybody is an aryan ubermensch with 200+ IQ through years of selective breeding
>humanity has long since taken it's rightful place among the stars
>prolly just exterminates lesser races for shits and giggles

>raped by bolshevism
>raped by zionism

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This is what happens when you can't discern fantasy from reality

I'd settle for 40 hours a week

Didnt someone go to jail for having an evil puppers that wanted nothing more than to heil furor?

>left wing utopia

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