Preach bootleg, oversimplified Christian values on youtube

>Preach bootleg, oversimplified Christian values on youtube
>Call it pagan
>Zommers look up to you because no one ever cared to give any life advice to them and their fathers are not home to begin with so having a bearded boomer telling them to not beat their dicks sounds like a total revelation plus it makes them feel warm inside that a male adult seems to care about them
The absolute state of western parenting

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The absolute state of western parenting
Well, yeah. But one has to start somewhere? At least he is not like Peterstein.

Watch the Golden Goy/The Glorious one. Not him.

>muh sacred judeo-christian values *drools*
lol just kys christcuck

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The absolute state of you, seething Christkike.

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the sience of lowered expectations

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>Later that day...

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When there will be a Military March of Wotan conscious soldiers, anyone who does not believe in Wotan, Blam! Yes, the same process as the Mohammedans did, with sword and Koran, we’ll have to do that. Do you believe in Wotan or not? No, Sir, Blam!

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and sometimes later than that

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>discord trannies in full force

Pagans are so gay lmao
they don't even follow the Hermetic tenets.
hey pagans it's against your rules to criticize others religions you know...yet you do it constantly.
way to go

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The Christians celebrate the birth of a Child-God they call Jesus, who will later become the "Kristos." For almost twenty centuries this has been imposed, insisted upon, believed. For those who were born and lived under this belief, it would seem impossible that it is not true, that none of this ever happened, that this temple-construction is based on a carefully elaborated lie, forged from its beginnings, and later modified and projected by the Archetype. And it is precisely now, after two thousand years of imposing the most terrible sense of guilt upon the Western Aryan world for the murder of a "God-Man" and destroying old cultures and pagan civilizations in his name, in the Americas and throughout the entire globe, that these very same manipulators who enslaved the soul of almost the entire Earth, are announcing that none of this was ever true, because the basis of that story, that "tale," never existed. And for this they rely on the most recent
archaeological and anthropological investigations. Therefore neither Abraham nor Moses ever really lived nor were David or Solomon ever kings. There was never any captivity taking place in Egypt, much less a crossing of the Red Sea, or the tumbling of the walls of Jericho. Which is to say, therefore the whole Old Testament is an invention, a forgery. There were no twelve tribes of Israel, or anything like it. There never was an empire, or a fatherland in Palestine. Now then, if the Old Testament is an invention, then the New Testament, the Gospels, based on the Old, were then also invented.



If Abraham never existed, nor Moses, or the Tables of the Law, or the Ten Commandments, then much less did Joseph, Mary or Jesus of Nazareth. The Evangelists were then authors to a "soap opera," as someone would say nowadays; that or a gang of skillful "politicians" conspiring to overthrow the Egyptian, Persian and Roman empires, being thus able to impose a minority, a Gypsy-like tribe, over the rest of the "two-legged animals," by means of their cunning and their deceit.

>assuming values/morals/virtue came from a social construct, a piece of paper dog-ma, rather than our racial spirit.

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>they don't even follow the Hermetic tenets.
Nobody is trying to be an ancient Egyptian here you moron.

We're proud of our own spiritual heritage

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Yes, of course. And it will get a lot worse before it gets better. You will look back at these days and remember how original and wise people on the internet like Varg were...

What kind of reincarnation did the Druids believe in? Most of us have heard or read of the theory of reincarnation where one returns to individuality, either going up or going down a zoological ladder, based on the theory of Darwin, or based on the theory of evolution, going back into an animal or progressing until we become angels, all based on the theory of so-called Karma. This concept of reincarnation is completely the opposite of the truth. It is not based on evolution, rather, it is based on involution. Man did not descend from the monkey, the monkey descended from man as a degenerative change, involution. The same thing has happened with man today. He is a degenerative form of the divine world, the God-man. The physical earth of today is nothing more than a degenerative form of a spiritual pristine earth.

Therefore, what we see is the result of the complete breakdown of morals where vice and corruption has become king. But there existed an ancient Earth and there exists an interior of the earth where nature is completely different and will return once again to it’s pristine purity when the earth becomes transfigured. The purpose of reincarnation is for one to return to one’s original homeland, to one’s own divinity, the individual’s place of origin. Reincarnation is but repetitive attempts to repeat the same history over and over until you find your own perfection. Once you find that perfection you are immortal. The memory inside your blood and chromosomes makes it an obsession. This is the memory we have with our own God.

Many times we have premonitions of the future because in our memories we have lived these scenes over and over. The people we meet seem familiar, as though we have met them before, and we have, over and over, in life after life. We also have in our memory banks the memories of all the natural disasters that occurred on this tortured Earth: cosmic disasters, the disappearance of Atlantis, the disappearance of Thule, and also everything that will happen in the future. We already know because we have already lived it time after time. Part of the Initiation is to reactivate your memory banks in proportion to your free will as a warrior, in order to reveal and remember Hyperborea.

If I am able to remember the marvelous city of the golden apples with fruits and animals that talked and communicated with man, because they were our friends, they were part of man itself, then it is because my heritage is from the Celts, or the Druids, or the Visigoths and because I was born at the South Pole. All this is in our memory banks within the cells of our blood. This is also a part of my Polar Initiation. This is my reincarnation, the reincarnation of my obsessive melody, my perfect note. To be brought to it’s highest tone.

>how original and wise people on the internet like Varg were...
you need to grow up

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OP was not a fag this time.


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The intellectual key to Hitlerism can be found in the Aristotelian idea of organic-genetic development. This is not different from the truly scientific Aryan Kristian idea of magic transubstantiation and refutes the irrational and absurd Judaic superstition of so-called evolution most recently dredged up from the sewers of the Talmud by that degenerate son of an ape known as Darwin. Because the so-called theory of evolution is merely a sly Judaic misrepresentation of involution or degeneration. Darwinian evolution is not the origin of species, but rather the death and destruction of species. It is the false Judaic similitude of the scientific law of organic-genetic development it maliciously resembles and hides.

Similar Judaic tricks are to be found in every science. Much as the Judaized Darwin is used to hide and distort the truth of the Aryan priest Gregor Mendel in biology, so the plagiarizing Jew Einstein is used in similar fashion against the true Aryan physicist Max Planck in physics. In logic every Jewish sophistry is used to hide and distort the truth revealed by the greatest logician of all time, the Aryan mathematician Kurt Gödel. In psychology the cocaine-addled Jew Freud is used to hide and falsify the true Aryan psychology of Carl Jung and the Phenomenological School founded by the Aryan priest Franz Brentano. In every art and science this same pattern is to be found. Everywhere among them Esoteric Hitlerism is the defender of Aryan Light.

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Mark my words! The worst is yet to come.

The religious equivalent of this can be found in the Aryan Kristian idea of the Divine Predestination of the Aryan God Kristos, also known as the Light-Bearer (Luciferos) and Wotan/Woden. Those who share in the divine predestination of Kristos/Lucifer/Wotan are themselves divine Aryans whereas those who do not share in the predestination of the Aryan God are only animal-men at best. Although animal-men are still men. The truly low ones are not they, but rather the Jews and their slaves who might be better described as robots and robotniks. Also known as Ziobots.

In any case we should never forget that, unlike the Ziobot, the non-white races are human beings and all-too-human beings. They are between the Aryan and the Jew and its Ziobots, but they are far nearer to the Aryan than to the demonic Jew masters or their worthless Ziobot slaves. They are not the enemies or slaves of the Aryans, but our companion races. Their destinies are theirs to shape, just as the destiny of the White Race is for us alone. As for the Ziobot White Traitors, they are only dead men walking towards their well-deserved extinction. The Esoteric Hitlerists feel no pity and instead in every way compassionately assist them to quickly achieve their inevitable end.

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when did peterson grow a huge beard?

Then the all-too-human non-white races shall inherit the earth, but the divine White Race shall inherit the stars. Because we, Esoteric Hitlerists, are the Sons of Heaven and Her Aryan God: the Returned Kristos and God-man Adolf Hitler.

Esoteric Hitlerism is the survival of the White Race. It is the identity and kernal of the White Race that carries within itself the entire honour, heritage and glory of Western Civilization. It is the one true hope for universal peace and prosperity in eternal liberty and justice. It is our world-wide Pan-European Destiny, that which for us must and shall be.

Among the many important aspects of Esoteric Hitlerism are the Folk theology of the White Race, Indo-European Panentheism, and our Folk philosophy, Wagnerianism. Not to mention Magic Realism, the literary and aesthetic heir to Germanic Romanticism, Medieval Germanic Gothic and Romanesque and Greco-Roman Classicism. Our economics is not different from the social doctrine of the historic Roman Catholic Church (now mystically dead, but awaiting the Esoteric Hitlerists, she is the Sleeping Beauty of martyred Christendom’s embracing Princes). Our religion is the Higher Paganism (or Trinitarianism) of Aryan Kristianity, the true Re-united Christian Church and harmony of Protestant Reformation with Catholic Counter-Reformation. Our politics is the Confederate noble freedom of Rome, the historic Three Reichs of Christendom, the Fourth Reich of Holy Imperium Europa that is to come as well as the Eternal Fifth Reich, where the White Race shall rule among the stars.

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Vargs problem is that he preaches chthonic cult of motherhood, Goddess Mother. We need revival of olympic, apollonian principles from the North, not another asian cult.

It couldn't be any more obvious, the anti-Christian shilling has been all over lately.

this is absolute true and not debatable

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Esoteric Hitlerism is a psyop to make National Socialists look insane.

>Implying he even believes in those stuff himself

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I loved this image. Thanks mate.

Maybe because, in synchronistic unison, whites all over the world are awakening to their true heritage and birthright?

It's New Age bullshit
>whites all over the world
lmao most of you are indians

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Hitler said, “Whoever thinks that National Socialism is only a political movement does not understand anything.” National Socialism was always Hitlerism, and Hitlerism always had an esoteric foundation. At the end of the 1930’s and during the war years it was not possible or convenient that this theme be widely known. However, after the war and its apparent loss, there was no other way for Hitlerism than the esoteric development. For me, Esoteric Hitlerism is being possessed by the Archetype of the collective unconscious, which the Greeks used to call Gods — among them, Apollo, which really is Wotan for the Germans, and Vishnu or Shiva for the Hindus — and its development in the individual and collective souls of the actual Hitlerist warriors. That means a new/old religion, with all of its rituals and myths which are necessary to discover, or rediscover. Its central Drama is the apparition on this earth of the Person Adolf Hitler, the last Avatar, who came to produce this enormous storm, or catastrophe, in order to awaken all those who are asleep, and to commence the New Age, which will come after the Deluge.

>all over the world
Yeah im sure you are gonna wipe the cheeto dust off your fat sack of shit body and leave the basement and go to all those pagan worship services all over the world with the HORDES of random white people going out to worship tree spirits and all that faggot shit

just gonna leave this here
*tips fedora*
fedora faggots are the worse

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>New age
>Savitri Devi

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>t. Seething Mutt

His wife is definitely bad influence on him.

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>She is credited with pioneering neo-Nazi interest in occultism, deep ecology, and the New Age movement

>dont follow this desert religion goy follow this “”””indo-aryan””””” street shitter religion instead

Yeah I guess im arguing against the vast majority of whites who worship fucking elves and ice giants huh?

Jewish fairytales, just like your Bible.
Ofcourse you believe it.

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fucking kek

From one of his books.

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I was referring to the fact that you called her Indian, retard.

Another one.

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The (((author))) of that also argued that the Last Supper was a gay orgy

>Praying to a magical sandnigger in space as a native European

Just have Talib fuck your wife to why dontcha.

>all according to keikaku

>The majority of Latin Americans are Christians (90%),[2] mostly Roman Catholics.

>Christianity is now one of the most widely practiced religions in Africa along with Islam and is the largest religion in Sub-Saharan Africa. Most adherents outside Egypt, Ethiopia and Eritrea are Greek Orthodox or Protestant.

Just convert to the (((Judeo)))-Christianity, goys, and Europe will be saved!

Even Varg will not be spared.

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we wuz hyperboreans an sheit

He is actually not a bad person and many of his ideas are legit. Ofc, he's a delusional pseudo-Pagan (he's really not a Pagan, but an Atheistic Scandinavian that hates the retarded Protestant heresy into which he was brought). I pray for him and I hope that God will forgive him, just like some great Pagans are in Heaven or at least not in Hell (Caesar, Plato, Aristotles etc.).

Shut up Medscum Varg is fine.

We are the joyous Hitler youth,

We do not need any Christian virtue,

Because our leader Adolf Hitler

Is always our Mediator.


No evil priest can ever stop us

We feel we are Hitler’s children.

Not Christ we follow, but Horst Wessel,

Away with incense and holy water!


We sing as we follow our flags

As worthy sons of our ancestors,

I am not a Christian, not a Catholic,

I’ll go with SA through thin and thick.


The church can be lost,

The swastika is salvation on earth,

I will follow him at every turn,

Baldur von Schirach, take me with you


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And Apollo, the Bearer of Light, patron of poets and travellers, would never abandon his own in distress. He himself had become an outlaw, even seen as the Devil. But as he was not the Devil, he watched over, in accordance with the celestial laws, the forests and the routes. On the bridle of his charger, he left his carbuncle shining like the sun. When one of his minstrels died, he carried him above the clouds towards the “Mountain of Assembly in the far distant midnight”, in the extreme North. Was it important that his children could not live in the towns as other men and were not buried in the same manner as everyone else? In the dwelling place of the Bearer of Light, there is plenty of light! More than in the houses of God, the cathedrals and churches, in which Lucifer could not enter and would not wish to enter as the stained glass windows let in so little light and represented Jewish prophets and apostles, Roman gods and saints. The forest was free!

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>belong to religion that's 98% brown third world
>claim it's a "white" religion

we wuz Israeli jews and shit. You christcucks are just as larpy you dumb cringy cuckolds. Now go suck some nigger feet.

He's a welfare leech and a murderer / arsonist. He's no better than a nigger

The Fuhrer is a man totally attuned to antiquity. He hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity. According to Schopenhauer, Christianity and syphilis have made humanity unhappy and unfree. What a difference between the benevolent, smiling Zeus and the pain-wracked, crucified Christ. The ancient peoples’ view of God was also much nobler and more humane than the Christians’. What a difference between a gloomy cathedral and a light, airy ancient temple.”-Joseph Goebbels, Diaries, 08 April, 1941

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Now this is heresy. I fully of approve of christians burning hermetishits. You have my blessing.

Protip: you'll take out a lot of trannies that way too.

Well, he murdered some satanist commie, so who cares. As for the arsons, if he really did them, then he was rightfully in prison, though I don't think he did burn churches. He has some valid points about living in the countryside, having lots of children, living more simple and less luxurious life. Basically that's what us, Christians should be doing ;)

Turk rapebaby.

The swastika is unironically a beautiful multicultural symbol that minutes us all and it pains me to see it treated as "tHE mArK!" by NPCs that literally have a heart rate increase just seeing it. How do you not self-redpill when you realise that you've been Pavlov'd into feeling dread and unease from a black squiggle? Like a child unable to look away from the huge spider in the corner of the ceiling, it just sits there menacingly with its black legs, stationary yet looking like it could pounce any minute.

卍 I want her to come back and unite us all.

This collage is unironically cooler than anything christians have ever done. Gothic architecture a shit.

How can a man who considers the murder of his teenage friend 30 years ago his greatest life achievement be good? Let alone who's still talking about it in his zoomer audience while having kids of his own?


He killed a satanist and a commie. That's no sin. I would even argue that Varg was unaware that he was actually doing God's biding. He was a mere tool in the Hands of the Lord!

LUCIFER: One of the names given to Venus, double she star of Morning. He is also Quetzalcoatal, and Wotan, and Baldur. A hero, or liberated one, who would come to set himself in the sky as a star to initiate heroes, those who here on Earth and in other places through the firmament combat the Demiurge: Lucifer is a distinct light, suggestive, that appears before and after the Golden Sun, prisoner of the Demiurge. Lucifer, the morning star, has nothing to do with the Demiurge, and is “an example by which to live and die” as Otto Rahn said. He lost a war in heaven in order to win the war later as the Ultimate Avatar. He is there above, voluntarily Crucified, immobile and awaiting his possible vindication with our combats. He must lose here in order to carry the Earth back to its origins and trans figure it, moving from City to City, chakra to chakra, untill he reaches the void of the Black Sun behind the sun of Gold and the green ray behind the black sun. He is the God of the losers in the Kali Yuga and the return of Hyperborea. His emblem is the left hand Swastika, that of Hitler, that of The return. He is the supreme guide of the pilgrims of the dawn, of the acolytes of lucifer, the Morningstar.

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As I read this I immediately thought of Konrad von Murburg, and how he died like a little bitch, begging for his life. Lol

Varg is a fucking supertard
>pic very related

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that is literally true
in Roman (pagan) times you could walk safely from Gaul to Babylon
when (((Christianity))) spread, mostly by terrorism, child sacrifice, and infiltration of Roman politicians, we suddenly reverted to feudalism and misery


I am sure that one day Varg will realise that there's nothing more glorious than Christ Pantokrator! And that by living in the countryside, having lots of children, living modest etc., he's actually making what every Christian should do! Let's remember after all, that Pagan Antiquity was the age of huge cities, urbanisation, globalisation, loss morals etc., while Christian Middle Ages were the time of rural life, modesty and strict morals.

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He was his autistic friend and they were both larping as satanists back then. Plus he was still 20 years old when he killed him, we don't know how he would turn out to be in his 30.

Common sense morals have been around before Christianity and will be around after Christianity. In the early Roman Republic you could legally kill your wife for cheating on you and non-virgins were regarded as damaged goods.

>The absolute state of western parenting
There is much to blame there, but what Christfags fail to acknowledge is that the churches have failed us just as badly. The Catholic church has been decaying for decades and now their leader is a literal socialist, and almost all of the Protestant churches preach racial equality.

based and swastikapilled

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>the churches have failed us just as badly
no argument here

Even so, I plea to you brother, find mercy in your heart for Varg! The man has given Europe 7 or 8 children, and in those days that's quite a lot. I am sure the good Lord will forgive him. He only has to repent for his sins and start working in line with God's commands!

Zoomers don't look up at him, they're mostly catholic.
Who follow him are mostly already broken millenials like Venti who are desperate for a radical change and don't have time to understand the importance of catholicism like Nick or soph instead.

You're a literal mongoloid, if you look at the research of Dr Dutton, we've fallen in IQ since the enlightenment, all the way to the same level as the Dark Ages (1400 to be precise), that's 300 years in both directions with and without the presence of christianity

I don't hold any grudge against him it's just that i know that it's mostly underage kids who follow him and he's messing with their psyche. I hope his kids turn out to be ok.
It's hard to believe that a grown up takes

Judeo-Christians BTFO

>Zoomers don't look up at him, they're mostly catholic.

In Italy perhaps, but here Zoomers tend to either drink the lefty Kool-aid or gravitate racialist thought without any real religious convictions. Young "cultural christians" will argue and meme about Christianity on the Internet but don't actually practice it in real life.

Also who the fuck in Italy outside the hardcore "Muh Padania, we wuz celts" lapers would take Varg seriously?

Odin mithos came from Mesopotamia

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I am 25 years old and I was a big fan of his, even bought his game Myfarog (pretty cool game). But he never managed to brainwash me, because my parents instilled a solid Orthodox faith and Bulgarian nationalism in me.

What I really don't like about Varg is that he despises Southerners (I am blonde but hating brown or black haired whites is retarded) and that he spreads historically inacurate and ridiculous stuff like his theory about the Neanderthals and against the Kurgan theory. Also against nationalism...

He totally just wants to see those s*uthron mulattos on pikes!

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All Greek gods are semitic
I don't care about his "philosophies" at all since they're too cartoonistic to be taken seriously by anyone. The Nord vs Med argument exists only on Jow Forums, he tries to appeal to underage Jow Forumsacks that's why he only talks with memes.

Look what the fuck he's doing to this poor kid that retard lol

you elohim is NOT GOD , vai a guardare e studiare un pò la bibbia.

ps: biglino is the way

Yeah, i would explain it through psychology. As kind of pariah he is probably grateful to his wife and has deep emotional connection to her, so completely adopt her typical woman solipsistic fantasies.

>All Greek gods are semitic
Irony or not? I am lazy to read that post.

Yeah, it's insane. We're all equal under Jeebus, the world should turn into a Christian melting pot and should be ruled by a pure Jewish elite out of Jerusalem.
Deus Vult my brother.

Apollon, Aphrodite and Dionysous are for sure. Idk about others.

Lmao don't act like you've some golden genes yourself. Most of Varg's fanbase consist of little zoomer mutts.

citation needed

Just checked Apollon and some scholars really argue that he is Semitic adopted via Cyprus. But it seems that there is not definitive consensus. Anyway, illuminating. What is Greek attitude towards ancient deities (on the right)? Personally I prefer Platos philosophy of forms and but still would be interested how it is on the far right.