I'm looking for evidence that jews in particular were responsible for the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic...

I'm looking for evidence that jews in particular were responsible for the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic, as Hitler and NSDAP rhetoric claimed.

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They weren't. The German leadership was warned not to start WWI because if they lost it would be an economic catastrophe.

The German leadership took out a loan, and begun the war anyway. They lost WWI.

The Treaty of Versailles was then imposed on Weimar Germany as punishment. But the punishment was too severe. In retaliation the French took control of critical German resources, and Germany could not produce what was being demanded of them economically as reparations.

Germany then decided as an act of malicious compliance to print as much money as possible to pay the reparations, but the money was no longer connected to anything of value. This created hyper-inflation, destroyed life savings, and created mass poverty and social chaos.

That's what laid the groundwork for WWII. German leadership making very poor choices before WWI and during the Weimar republic. Then add French cruelty to the mix.

No matter what, you will always have a group of people who handle finance. Whether it be the Jews of Europe or the Chettiars of India. Both have been subject to mob violence because anyone who handles money is going to closely mirror the actions of the economy. It's ultimately cancers within an economy that can start wars (monopolies and oligopolies), but the money handlers are not responsible for that. Economics in general is.

I recommend listening (or reading) to Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics for more on this topic. If you download the book you can Ctrl+F for the subjects that really interest you.

Here's the audio:

Attached: Basic Economics.jpg (800x445, 42K)

appreciated helpful first post.

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Right back at you.

If you find the book useful, then the only thing I ask in return is that you recommend Basic Economics to other people--like I did for you.

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It was pure kikery. Read synagogue of satan by andrew carrington hitchcock, and you will learn about transferring the money made on the 1929 crisis to Germany. It was all Rotschilds.

And the second post is a kike shill.

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>It was all Rotschilds.

As already stated:

No matter what, you will always have a group of people who handle finance. Whether it be the Jews of Europe or the Chettiars of India. Both have been subject to mob violence because anyone who handles money is going to closely mirror the actions of the economy. It's ultimately cancers within an economy that can start wars (monopolies and oligopolies), but the money handlers are not responsible for that. Economics in general is.

>And the second post is a kike shill.

I'm Welsh and Lutheran by heritage.

>I'm looking for evidence that jews in particular were responsible for the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic
they weren't
the war was, obviously. Maybe mismanagement if they could have done better, who knows

>France took control
French companies owned by jews
>German leadership took out a loan
I wonder (((who))) convinced them that was a good idea, and who conveniently provided the loan
>No matter what, you will always have a group of people who handle finance
Then why aren't the most populous races in the business of business, not the least represented race on Earth, the jew? Why is international finance dominated by Chinese, Indians and Europeans?

I notice you also didn't the mention the withholding and price gouging of essential supplies during the war by jewish companies, and the jewish bolshevik revolution in Germany at the end of the war.

Read The International Jew by Henry Ford, rather than slobbing the knob of a "based nigger" to ignore your own racial interests.

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why isn't* international finance

Don't forget the Revolution user.

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So, in these 3 pages I will post you will see the jew is responsible for:
>using international media to stoke the flames of war
>using international media to stoke the flames against Germany
>precipitating beforehand conditions in which Germany would lose the war
>precipitating during the war conditions advantageous to the profit of jewish business
>precipitating during the war conditions disadvantageous to victory by the German Army
>precipitating during the closing of the war conditions advantageous to the usurping of power in the German government by jews
>after acquiring this power sending their OWN envoys to the signing of the Versailles Treaty to further disadvantage Germany and enrich themselves

Can there be any doubt that either World War was caused by the jew? How can one come to any other conclusion?

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we'll do 5 pages actually, round off the chapter

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No. You will never have Rotschild again. They are inbreeding, black-magick practicing complete detached idiots.

And the second part:

No. You are a kike shill.

Maybe a christian zionist. Whatever. Consider suicide.
they created the war. Read some goddamn books you complete utter moron.

International Jew
Synagogue of satan
War is a racket by Gen buttler
Fucking Patton quotes

all revolutions and wars are Rotschilds plots.

You are 85IQ nigger morons or christian zionists.

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>French companies owned by jews
>I wonder (((who))) convinced them that was a good idea, and who conveniently provided the loan

First off, this board is for those who are 18 years and older. Anyone who has ever worked a job, read an economics book, and read some history would see clearly your points are the nonsense of a teenager.

>Then why aren't the most populous races in the business of business, not the least represented race on Earth, the jew?

The majority of people who are in finance within the United States are White and Christian. However, Jews tend to be over represented relative to their numbers. This is due to their having a higher IQ, as it takes a higher IQ to specialize in finance.

Jews have a culture of constant education. Many lower IQ Jews tend to fade out of Judaism. This is something that has been spoken about by Jews before. This has the overall effect of raising their IQ over time.

Certain denominations within Christianity also have a culture of education. Their IQs have also risen over time.

>Why [isn't] international finance dominated by Chinese, Indians and Europeans?

The Chettiars of India specialize in finance. Europeans do, as well.

Walk into your local bank, and see who the CEO is.

>price gouging of essential supplies

Prices reflect the underlying supply and demand of a product. If the product has high demand (food) and it's low in supply (due to war) then prices will naturally rise as a consequence of allocating resources in the most efficient manner. The alternative is to fix the price and run out of food all together. When food is scarce high prices are the only way to make those products go to those who need it the most--such as hospitals, critical police, military, and government personnel.

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>They are inbreeding, black-magick practicing

To everyone reading this, this is why we need a United States only Jow Forums board. This is the level of IQ we are attracting at a global level.

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Yes. That is what your marxist university has thaught you.

Or maybe your JIDF or mossad training camp.


Consider suicide, you don't know nothing and stop pretending you know something.

You are worthless right now. To paraphrase one good Jew - Jodorovsky- "you are shit, but can turn into gold"

Now scram, kike shill

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why don't you search for the truth instead, not hard to find it

and again fucking divide and conquer tactics. Cannot stop the kikery, could you? You sad, sad person. Suicide is the way to go.

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>How can one come to any other conclusion?
examining the full list of shareholders and their individual earnings

the quality of this board would skyrocket i agree you fat fuck can all get the fuck out with your entitled ignorant opinion on everything and nothing
you're all retarded personality cult follower with just enough free thoughts to chose your next kind of fat and sugar fuck your disgusting golem country

>Weimar Republic

>Life is a game
>decide to give a player exclusive access to print money
Who thought this was a good idea?

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all ideas are heard equally in the marketplace

no matter how bad