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Good. This will help him win the rust belt states. He's serious about going after China and getting a real good trade deal if the chicoms choose to play ball.

Win-win situation.

Your rent goes up by $300 next month

Good thing Im not a pleb and own my house. Fuck china and fuck you

>being this gay

A more honest headline "Trump plans raising taxes on Americans"

Imagine seriously support free trade.



>t. Chamber of Commerce kikes

> "but china doesn't pay this tarrif, consumers do!"
argument based upon the notion that china paying is both good and necessary

Who will be paying the tarrifs? Hint: it's not the chinese

This is all Barr`s fault.

The democrats won`t even remember who Barr is by next Friday.

who will not be paying it? People who buy stuff made anywhere else

you will be paying the tarrif


Lol ww3 incoming

Come soon pls

Importers and people who buy chinese goods will.
It is a drive to push for local manufacture.

oh shut up. Tranny fag

>projecting this hard

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No matter what he does china will still be cheaper

Good. Too many Jewish merchant middlemen making money at the expense of the working mans wages. Put those parasites out of business.

>thinks this hurt the jew merchants
are you dumb or just dumb?

>Jewish middlemen buy parts from alibaba
>list item on Amazon
>make money
>costs increase 25%
>cheaper to make in America
>Jewish middleman goes out of business

Fuck off idiot.

and better quality than that boeing shit

just buy directly from taobao you fucking gaijin


China is paying.

Attached: Screenshot - 05052019 - 08:53:44 PM.png (647x337, 47K)

>China will still be cheaper

How about we impose a 200% tariff and punish with death any American that tries to circumvent the tariffs?

War economy is a hell of a drug

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Why aren't you president?

I only buy made in USA products so this has zero effect on me. Fuck off OP.

boomer logic never fails to astound me

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Trump dont want China to rise. But Israel and Saudi Arabia he keeps helping.

More like the private Jewish Federal Reserve is a hell of a drug.

All that money to our gov.

Sweet maga

Watchvthe cog go through the roof.

Count your 100 a month tax savings.

>biggest trade partner raises tariffs
>start a war with them
Are Europeans incapable of independent thought?

>just bend over and get fucked by china!

Why are liberals like this?

This has nothing to do with rent you fucking retard


Lol bs. Learn the diff between made and assembled.

Almost nothing in our market is actually made here.

But that would be anti-semitic

Wrong. This will raise rent.
This will raise inflation.



Why do liberals who cry about corporations turn around and defend corporations when ORANGE MAN sticks it to them? Why are you such a worthless scum-sucking hypocrite?

That is not how inflation works, retard. The FED has nothing to do with tariffs.

Why are there suddenly so many Chinese sweat shop apologists on Jow Forums? I don't give two shits about rising prices. You shouldn't be buying Chinese shit anyway. I want there to actually be jobs in this country.

Rent fron landlord, or rent from bank

Cost inflation dumbass

Jow Forums is one of the most heavily shilled sites maybe on the entire web. establishment kike interests will do anything to regain control

boomers and Jewish shills trying to stop the goyim wageslaves from realizing they are being cheated out of a fulfilling life of freedom

China makes up 1/4th of the world's population. That's more than every single white country put together.

>I don't know what inflation is
Way to show how illiterate you are. Inflation is an increase in the currency supply which results in higher prices. Tariffs can only increase the cost of imported goods. In this case only Chinese goods.

>This will help him win the rust belt states.

The rust belt, along with the rest of the country, will soon be paying higher prices for everything.
Already experiencing this with construction materials, in addition to rising cost of steel.

One thing you can't escape is that $38 billions you pay to Israel goy.


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>Tariffs can only increase the cost of imported goods.

Good luck with that idea. Doesn't work that way, but it's a nice political selling point right?

>oh, God, no
>I'll have to pay $40 for my shitty Walmart microwave that breaks after a month instead of 30
>I won't be able to afford Disney toys slathered in lead based paint
>I won't be able to afford cheap shitty pet food that causes kidney failure
>cheap steel that rusts if you look at wrong will cost as much as higher quality steel

That's what a tariff is by definition. Explain how it "doesn't work that way."

Again. Cost inflation, or increase.
Don't fucking green txt me like a quote that I didn't say fag.

The cost of housing WILL increase. Material cost increases.
Expect a 25% jump on material costs.

Was your apartment manufactured in China?

I know right. These people are fucking dense.

china is a enemy to global peace and continues to make hostile moves against all nato countries
we should be harder on them

No, but all the materials where.
Including everything at Home depot etc.

China flooding our market with cheap shit is such an unhealthy but convenient proposition. I expect uproar in the next few days, then normalfags will adjust like they always do.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the price increase, sheep

Nobody's denying that some costs will increase. It's just that I'm not jewish and thus, I know that national solidarity and job opportunities are more important than that increase in price. See:

haha are you the same electronics fag that was bitching about how these tariffs are going to cost you more to import your shit electronics? Either way you're a fag.

more like $400 if that microwave is made in the US, and it'll break just after the warranty is up

This will fuck all Americans in the ass.

Politicians taking from the market they created.

Chinks won't pay a dollar. Mfg can't develop here overnight.

This is a 25% tax on all Americans, not the chinks.

shut up trump

Tarriff the fucking Cintons for NAFTA

You can't tarriff people, brainlet. You could tax their speaking tour fees, maybe, since that's about all they sell.

Explain how China has anything to do with rent dumbass?

My $600 chink lathe was just delivered

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great,more inflation,more taxes,more people homeless,more crime


I support this. We should be buying American, built by Americans. If that costs more, I don't give a shit. We're literally funding our own enemies military in the pursuit of cheap, low quality consumer goods. Fuck China, I hope we destroy them.

f-fake news
>distant thwap of wet on hard floor, bings, bongs, and faint smell of tomato sauce

>chink lathe

Refrigerated butter is the only think you're going to be able to turn on that thing without it exploding in your face

So why is Trump so heavily in favor of taxing Americans?

“Durr this is a tax durrr tariffs baaaaadd durr. If I can’t buy muh shitty consumer goods from the chingchongland where will I get muh $100 flat screen tv?”

Fucking boomer logic. Tariff the chinks. They have been dumping and killed off most domestic manufacturing. The end game is to make domestic production price competitive which it can be. Domestic production increases, tightening labor market increases wages. Increased wages offset any increase in price of domestically produced goods. Economic growth enhanced. Wages increased. Quality of life increased. Ching Chong land sad. America winning.

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>implying I pay rent

The concept of the Clintons taking payoffs and passing shit like nafta is over your head?

Where are the shills screaming about Jews now?

>factory creates toasters in the us
>tarrifs go up
>chinese steel gets more expensive
>toasters get more expensive
fucking brainlet

This is a really, really, really bad idea.

Of course not. But proposing constructive solutions or having a coherent conversation is obviously above yours. So typical. Why can't you people ever improve your tactics?

I own a house. Jokes on you.


but you just robbed an american billionaire of his $4000 in revenue user

good. fuck china.

>its boomer logic to not import all your goods from halfway across the world because they were made by bugmen slaves


Tariffs are another word for tax

This is terrible! The price of rubber dog shit and wire hangers will triple! Stupid drumpf!

The toaster still had pieces that were imported.
