How come there aren't any black mass shooters?

How come there aren't any black mass shooters?

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Mass shooters do it for fame. So why do that when you can mumble into a microphone.

statistically speaking most mass shooters are black.
gang violence doesn't get news coverage though

Black people rarely have the planning skills required for mass shooting, they end up doing small time attacks for money, with a lack of ideals

There are, they are called "youths".

This, the media over represent white shooting whilst down playing any and all violence committed by brown people

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blacks don't experience social isolation

Niggers need 80 shots per hit.

There are. Its just not reported because 1. It contradicts (((their))) narrative and 2. Even if it was reported, the day would just go on.

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Niggers can't read manifesto

Because they don't count chimps as people.

This. Everytime the niggerloving faggot who posts homoerotic images of pumped mandingoes with the text
>do you really want a race war white boi
I ignore, but not before the thought flashes through my mind
>I wonder what it would look if he posted the pictures of the worlds best shooters. All and any rifle, pistol and shotgun competition
And realize that in an all out race war, the only ones we really have to worry about, is east Asians


>How come there aren't any black mass shooters?
Requires planning.

>How come there aren't any black mass shooters?
Nigga wat? Yu foegit bout me?

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>How come there aren't any black mass shooters?
Ayo. Stupid cracka. Me too

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Dont forget LL Cool J.

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Gang shootings do not count. They are militant faction vs militant faction. Not the same as some pathetic white coward that targets innocent non warriors like the pussies they are

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Mass shootings from 1982 to 2019 by race.

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Are you retarded? Literally every weekend, all over the country.

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Chris dorner? There just aren’t that many black people. And they’re rarely in their own head given all the other problems they have.

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They shoot each other so much no one bats an eye when it happens here.

Its on the news literally every other night.
I've known two personally who were killed.

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there are. look up "workplace shooting"

because niggers shooting each other happens so often it stopped being news decades ago

they just do many little shootings

because a mass shooting require a brain, whites are better at everything, including bad things, niggers will always be the majority in the field, but if we do it we will always do it way better than them

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>doesn’t have a frontal lobe
>murders black children from own community in random driveby
>”y’all whiteys are cowards unlike us Egyptian kang warriors”

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Maybe because they're too busy shooting each other. Also, there probably are, the media just isn't as eager to cover it.

>the only ones we really have to worry about, is east Asians
Well, in the first race war, Race War I, the east Asians are going to be our allies, obviously. So we're okay that far. It's when Race War II kicks off and it all comes down to the conflict between East and West, Occident and Orient, Doc Savage vs. Fu, may the best men win.

If they wipe us out because they used CRISPR to create a breed of super soldiers while our culture got caught up debating the ethics of whether you can prosecute people who identify as asexual for jacking off in public because they don't conceptualize public ejaculation as a sexual act, I'm not gonna be mad at the Asians.

they're just called gang violence, user

This. FBI defines mass shooting as 4 or more (shooter not included). The media doesn't consider these to be mass shootings.

As for why black people aren't going on massive killing sprees, consider the fact that most of these occur at colleges and you've already answered your own question.

Everyone saying "there are, the media doesn't count them" is only half right. The media counts them in some contexts, and discounts them in others. When they want to fear-monger about the frequency of mass shootings, when they say "It's May 2019, and there have already been 72 mass shootings this year", two thirds of that sum are the work of blacks. They just make sure not to mention that. But when they want to demonize whites, they abandon the numbers, start applying qualifiers until they've essentially narrowed the definition down to "mass shooting committed by a white guy", then say "White people commit 95% of mass shootings". They play it both ways.

There was a CNN article published around 2016 that tried to pass off both sets of statistics in a single paragraph. I wish I'd saved the screencap.

nigger you and your boys ain't militants

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Based poster. Thank you user

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That's called gangwars

Gary Martin killed 5 in Aurora, IL in Feb. Funny while looking it up I couldn't find an article with his picture on it. Hmmmm fucking kike MSM

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Michael Julius Ford. Denver Safeway warehouse shooter. Killed 2, wounded 6. The only reason I remember is because I lived nearby at the time. Not only a nigger, but a recent convert to islam. Again, every article does not state his race, religion, or have a pic of the shooter. If the shooter is white they put his whole facebook up

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see. most of the blacks who shoot everyone are placed into the "workplace shooting" category.

are you just too slow in the head to open a google tab?

> militants


That's right. Forgot all about this. It's incredible how many of these incidents take place, but it's never mentioned that they're black.
I find find details, lol google won't help, but sure there was a similar incident two years ago in New York state 13 killed.
Will go hunting...

Yup, in black communities "mass shootings" are referred to as "Tuesday".

Right. The two I posted I remember because I lived in those states at the time of the shooting. I don't recall this NY one you mention, but I bet they memory holed it for a reason.

they kill enough people allready no need to get specialized

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Or a BBQ

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Lol tell that to the innocent bystanders and unaffiliated victims you nigger piece of shit. You cry about 5-10 victims once every few months while niggers collectively murder themselves and others on a far higher rate daily. You don't deserve to live.

Whya aren't there that many zionist jewish psyop hoaxes with blacks as the protags?

there are

Navy yard hoax
Dorner Hoax
FSU Hoax
Oregon Hoax

you haven't been around long enough fuck head


Aaron Alexis, 34
12 killed, 3 injured Washington DC Naval Yard, 2013


>there aren't any black mass shooters
Just look at fucking Chiraq, the reason you don't hear about it is because it does not fit the narrative of an evil hu-white man on the loose

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This. There are no black shooters because there aren’t black anything

Off the top of my head

Too low IQ to do any planning for any kind of sophisticated attack

Too low IQ to let nihilistic tendencies take over

Too low IQ to care about politics or the state of their country. Their thinking space is limited to their neighborhood.

>How come there aren't any black mass shooters?
A properly conducted mass shooting requires planning.

Hurray, Newsweek. Newsweek keeping it real.

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Micah Xavier Johnson. Dallas cop shooter.

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