Muslims suffering makes me happy!

The one thing Israelis are good for.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Israel is a terrorist state

looks like 9/11 tqbh


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They're the same people that arm the Muslims, you stupid goy.

Terrorists to mudslime. Heroes for everyone else.

Heroes ? Everybody cry about the kikes.

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Fire rockets into Israel, they fire better rockets back...proceed to cry.
That's like if a manlet walks up to a large man at a bar and punches him in the face. Guess what is going to happen to you.

hahaha yes!!! thank you based jews for killing religious people!!! i stand with israel!

Kikes and mudshits should be wipped from the planet.

Fucking lol.

I completely support this.
They need to push the Arabs into the Jordan river while they're at it.

Have you ever tried halal MudDonalds. Those muds are monsters.

>Israel is a terrorist state
Only because Palestine doesn't exist.

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>sand niggers and nose niggers blowing each other up
If only they could exterminate each other at the exact same time

>does not know the difference between secular anti-israeli arab and israel-serving muzzie

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typical burger zogbot, #neverchange

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This. Only incels hate Israel


>not playing both sides

For shame, user. You should know this by now

Every single Palestinian I've ever met is Christian.

>In 2009, there were an estimated 50,000 Christians in the Palestinian territories, mostly in the West Bank, with about 3,000 in the Gaza Strip. Of the total Christian population of 154,000 in Israel, about 80% are designated as Arabs, many of whom self-identify as Palestinian.

To niggers who think isreal is in the wrong. These niggers have been fighting for 100 years. This.conflict is basically the only thing that keeps Isreal togheter. Let them win and then it will all fall apart.


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Lol the brown explosion looks like a small dick and balls

Hamas supported the (((rebels))) over Assad so they literally deserve this.

>be arab diaspora
>be this mad about your shitty ummah getting BTFO right now as we speak

I stand for israel

Fuck these sandniggers that's what they get for messing with the jewish master race

Congessmemer Jihad Jane piping up again.

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Why the hell is there an obvious gasoline fireball? High explosives don't do that.

Someone tell me what good it is to criticise Israel on left-wing commie cuck grounds.

Besides, it's basically a voluntary concentration camp. 10 million schlomos won't stay put or move to Madagascar if the commies and muslims get their way. They'll go to the U.S.A.

Dead mudslimes, dead kikes, doesn't matter. It's a win-win

i'd be ok with whatever happens in the middle east if only we stopped sending money and weapons that way

get rid of these people as soon as possible

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this and only this

Islamic Jihad says no ceasefire talks, Gaza media outlets say groups have told Egypt they plan to fire on Tel Aviv

fuck off kike

When will the world quit making us pretend niggers are human.

Long live Zion Jews are the only true master race America's only purpose is to serve Israel. Otherwise they shouldn't have a military or borders.

>arm muslims
>kill muslims for fighting you
that's actually fun

>makes me happy

You want more refugees in europe you scumbag mutt?

Yeah Israel only attacked the totally based Muslims not the bad Jewish controlled Muslims.
End sarcasm, Muslims are an enemy. Saying that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam or that it's only Israel who is involved with control or funding them is another Muslim trick designed to take blame off their terrible religion and actions and put it on Israel.

The Muslims constantly use a strategy of attacking a group with terror attacks or rockets and killing some, having their own people get massively killed back and then using that as propaganda to cry and say they are oppressed.

This is the correct response.

"Based Muslim" congress women, who has more loyalty and care about Palestine than she does about America.

Why do we have so many Muslim and Jews in our congress now? Why should any American Christian which is the majority of the population care about these people?

If you hadn't told me it was Gaza, I would have assumed a Saturday night in Chicago.

Delete this

Nope sick of the muslims narrative. The only people that need to be criticized right now are the jews.

Fuck the gayrabs. I might hate you kikes but I hate Muslims even more.


Oh is that why they got banned??


>fire on Tel Aviv
this girl deserves a safe haven in Italy

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only christcucks support Israel. Theyre dying out though, that's why we see them posting here daily to recruit others to the mental mind virus. Ignore them and deny all Abrahamic religions. Side with neither muslims or jews. Christcucks should be forced to move to Israel.

The flag that invaded Iraq because "Bio weapons"
Dont worry though. That makes us both terriosts so its fine

funny and true

jews are cowards and will get double punishment

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so did hamas press the fire buttons by accident again? or did israel pay the to press it (i.. i mean TELL not pay lol)

>burps and gurgles in boomer zogbotspeak

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How can I support Hamas?
I really want to see those damn kikes dead and shitsrael in ruins

As expected from satanic supporters...

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hol up, hol up, hol up! Ifif okie dokie dirty little stinky holey

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A Jewish national movement, Zionism, emerged in the late-19th century (partially in response to growing anti-Semitism), as part of which Aliyah (Jewish immigration) increased. During World War I, the British government publicly committed to create a Jewish National Home and was granted a Mandate to rule Palestine by the League of Nations for this purpose. A rival Arab nationalism also claimed rights over the former Ottoman territories and sought to prevent Jewish migration into Palestine, leading to growing Arab–Jewish tensions. Israeli independence in 1948 was accompanied by an exodus of Arabs from Israel, the Arab–Israeli conflict[2] and a subsequent Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries and Europe to Israel. About 43% of the world's Jews live in Israel today, the largest Jewish community in the world.[3]

In non-lies, that means the Establishment (((Christians))) and (((Western Governments))) just took the land and gave it to Zionist kikes.

إذا كنتَ تَرْضَى أنْ تَعيشَ بذِلّةٍ فَلا تَسْتَعِدّنّ الحُسامَ اليَمَانِيَا
وَلا تَستَطيلَنّ الرّماحَ لِغَارَةٍ وَلا تَستَجيدَنّ العِتاقَ المَذاكِيَا
فما يَنفَعُ الأُسْدَ الحَياءُ من الطَّوَى وَلا تُتّقَى حتى تكونَ ضَوَارِيَا

Yes it's only the Whabbai Muslims who are bad.

All the other Muslims are totally based!

We should open our borders to the based Muslims and have them help our societies!

We should give more foreign aid into rebuilding Palestine and making it great again!

Muslims are always on the side of White People!

Who cares I hope the entire region gets glassed.

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Reminds me of the time I saw a bunch of ants ripping the limbs off another ant

Why does the UN and virtually ever nation on earth recognize Israel as a legitimate country?

I'm not christian, I'm not cuck
religions are for cucks
but I support israel
kill muslims

>kikes and Mudslimes killing each other with rockets

I can only get so erect

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the bongs back stabbed us for the arabs, they deserve every bit of it.
claiming they supported the creation of israel is a lie, the balfour declaration was made to get the US into WW1. the britbongs didn't even vote in favor of the partition plan

I want to know how Burgers deal with this cognitive dissonance.

All this big talk from the worlds leading country in war crimes all around the world. Yet whenever it gets brought up you get all this chest thumping 'MURICA FUCK YEAH' talk but as soon as Israel is brought up all of a sudden they start sounding like leftists and apparently they care so much about Palestine and the United Nations.

Is it just low IQ stormies or what?

>op cheers for israel
>you can't call him out for it though, then you love muzzies

Straw-manning Palestinians as a threat to Europe when they are in fact a thorn for Israel and have zero power projection against Europeans is something only a boomer zio-christian or a jew would do. Cheering against Israel does not imply acceptance of muzzies.

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fuckers , they start this when its Ramadan.

The bongs literally gave you your fucking country you ungrateful disgusting kike.

America spreads freedom. You spread being a cuck and letting black men fuck your women.

how big is your dick?

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Are you that faggot who make anti italian posts?

I don't care about Israel. I don't care about Palestine. I hate Rashida Talib or whatever the fuck that cunt's name is.

How many dead so far?

>His Majesty's Government believe that the framers of the Mandate in which the Balfour Declaration was embodied could not have intended that Palestine should be converted into a Jewish State against the will of the Arab population of the country. [ ... ] His Majesty's Government therefore now declare unequivocally that it is not part of their policy that Palestine should become a Jewish State. They would indeed regard it as contrary to their obligations to the Arabs under the Mandate, as well as to the assurances which have been given to the Arab people in the past, that the Arab population of Palestine should be made the subjects of a Jewish State against their will.
from the 1939 Palestine white paper.
they back stabbed us so the Arabs will like them.
we used terrorism to kick them out of this land, without that, we wouldn't have existed.

you piece of shit they let you immigrate back but you had to take over everything so they naturally tried to stop you

The sooner Islam is crashed the better. Islam is cancer

It's 2019, men these days cry if they get offended.

>arab complaining about conquests

>spread freedom
Leaf logic
Go drink tree pee you call maple syrup

Do you guys realize just how offensive your existence is to the rest of us?

$38 billion goy
Keep it coming goy
Good goy

While I hate kikes, you have to admit that Americans truly are everything that the kikes mock goys for. "Amerigoys" is really well-deserved.

This stupid fucker thinks Muslims were always united and trying to take over the West when for the majority of history most of them just desired being left alone. He doesn't understand how it's Amerigoys who are the real aggressors.

there is a huge difference between conquest and genocide
yeah and i like it, my mere existence causes butthurt, that's how powerful i am

I guess the mentality is just different there. You derive pleasure by inflicting misery on others, whites derive pleasure by making others happy. It's why your country is so underdeveloped, when you aren't making foreigners miserable you are thinking of ways to make each other miserable.

based and redpilled

it was in 1939, our conquest didn't even begin, what are you on about?

Based thread. Fuck mudshits. Fuck kikes too, but fuck mudshits in particular.

>whites derive pleasure by making others happy
Lol, fuck off you cucked satellite state. Don't you have more of your women to share to snow niggers like Peter Scully?

Are you white? Why are you so offended and why do you call whites snow niggers?

no he is an american.

thisthere were brits there ofc it didn't begin, that's why British troops were attacked, for it to begin

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I feel a sense of patriotism knowing they're using American weapons to grind sand people into sand.

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What is your opinion on the Rothschilds? Do you think they are helping you or do you think you guys are just puppets and small fry jews to them?