Mixed race women

We should welcome mixed women. People here talk about muh Asians but biracial women are already 50% white and can be bleached. They can be based too and conservative. Plus they are beautiful too

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certified mutt thread

Looks like a dude.

They're abominations to God and the Bible explicitly says that bastards won't get saved, even to the tenth generation. Race mixing is a sin.


OP is a dudegot.

They are innocent. We should welcome and love them

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No, welcoming a specific subrace is pure fantasy, either no mix or mix. Plus they are 50% niggers, I don't want their shit genes in my gene pool.

uh no
im a mutt cuz my mom is a coal burner and my sisters have mental problems, and are dirty
also all the mutts ive ever met have mental problems as well
fuck you and your fetish shit

All humans are mutts if you go back far enough

based mulatto