>add artificial womb and AI
bye bye women, this is the only way that humanity will reach the next stage of advancement.
Add artificial womb and AI
The first thing I’d do is rip the womb out
Yeah and then the Muslims will really take over
This is a really gross model desu.
This is exactly what I'd expect for pol
what's it like to have such shit taste?
How do I convince my mom to buy one of these dolls for me?
The dolls will eventually be so realistic that they won't talk to you either.
they'd likely sell wombless models
you can get one of these with a dick, right? asking for a fren
replace the shitty barbie face with an expressive screen or just straight up animatronic skull and then we'll have something to talk about nigger. Also Jow Forumsing robot version of pic related
why would you need an AI?
Homosexual detected
Yes, and do you know why?
Because Muslims took women's rights away.
Do you know how you beat the Muslims at their own game?
Take your women's rights away.
Not willing to do that?
Then you're a cuck and it's only a matter of time before the Muslims take your women's rights away for you... while you lie dead, bleeding out in the street while your "muh loyal Aryan wife" happily schlorps Mahmoud's cock.
I'm not going to bother with thots until you take their rights away. And if you don't... well, Allahu Ackbar!
>Create sex robots
>Make them look like humans.
Reminder that sexbots are the answer to the female question.
They can look however you want them to look.
This, and why make them look like fat humans? At least give them a cute body.
Btw y'all, before we sink too far into degeneracy don't forget about other important threads.
>men will finally be able to live in a civil society where they can go home and brutalize their spouse as they please with moral impunity.
Why would you want the womb inside the doll ??
Add self cleaning and i'm sold
what does Rommie from Andromeda count as?
Be kind to robots
Shit taste
Fucking incel
Do you watch anime or somethin
You just fucking know some people are going to abuse the robots and ruin it for the rest of us.
robots are the answer to the threat of jew sorcery induced crotch rot
Bros... If I'm still an incel by the time these things become mainstream I don't know if I'll be able to resist.
Pleasuring yourself to erotic thoughts is more real than that silicone. It's a synthetic doll, a lifeless object incapable of emotion and thought. Is that what you value in a partner? Would you ever have a silicone child? It's difficult to wrap my brain around something so detached from sanity and what we value as human beings.
What does this have to do with the thread?
gotta push the "personal health product" aspect. otherwise get a job for a few months.
Absolutely disgusting. 3DPD as fuck.
Robots are meant to be beaten and abused.
>comic inc
>you wouldn't download a car
Now this leaf knows what's up.
low t nigga alert
w-what is he going to do?
But I can't insert my penis into 2D.
What's it like being a virigin with shit taste in women/dolls?
Part 3
Last part.
oh you have my same fetish
>Having sex with a cold, lifeless cunt that will never love you back and cost you a fortune
>buy a sexdoll
Obvious choice is obvious
modern women are also incapable of emotion and thought
>virgin insult
how many stds you got, buddy?
Add a beard and age him 20 years and it would be me. To be honest after you break 37-38 years being a kissless virigin stops being a problem.
Ultimately, the best way to go about this is to create working robots that can go undetected by {{{them}}} (I'm not talking about (((them))) I am talking about {{{them}}} hehe).
We slowly released these undetectable "perfect obedient robowomen" into the population. No biocunt will be able to compete with a 11/10 sexbot.
The sexbots will only give birth to CRISPR males. So women will eventually die out, and the only women that will exist will not have been born, but manufactured.
>tfw I literally had that exact model in my shopping cart on the website, ready to check out, and decided not to
>instead downloaded tinder, found a chick, and two months later found out she'd been cheating on me and gave me herpes
Should've bought the god damn doll.
Intelligence is inherited from the mother.
There won't be a ban, not without a war.
>a lifeless object incapable of emotion and thought
>you wouldn't die childless, alone, and bitter
Oh, you actually will.
>Idiocy is inherited from the mother
I'm already predicting muh racism after white dolls vastly outsell black ones... even by non-white purchasers. Get ready for sex doll sales quotas.
We're already at war.
You know I'm surprised some dude hasn't posted himself fucking this exact model of doll yet. Out of all things I've seen here, that one seems the least impossible. Not that I wanna see that or anything...
first you leave your basement
>MGTOW: "Women are stupid like children!"
>MGTOWs act like children
>Ergo MGTOWs act like women
>Women crave more with sex than just orgasms
>MGTOWs think they are different and will be satisfied with a fuckdoll
no you dont understand.
I want a model with a womb to rip it out
>13 posts of cringey MGTOW shit
Maybe those women are right, user.
this, at least voting rights.
And if a non-black ever purchases a black one it would have VERY PROBLEMATIC SLAVERY UNDERTONES.
Am I..I mean, I know this was just one small panel but, goddamn. When I reached the end of this I choked up a little. What the fuck?
You think you have it bad, try one day lucking out and fucking a drunk girl, then she's not interested in you the next morning, and you're never able to replicate this or date anyone else, so you've had sex and now how good it is but cant have it again, be grateful you never had it
Yeah there's a line of robotic sex doll heads which you attach onto regular sexdoll bodies and it emotes and talks and shit.
Something must be wrong with me because I'd feel morally wrong fucking this. Like I'm abusing it even though that's what it's meant for. I'm confused and my head hurts.
Sure about that roastie?
>getting divorced raped, never getting to see your kid and deciding women aren't worth it
try losing everything before making stupid statements
It's not war until both sides are fighting.
Good to see some have excellent taste as well.
AI doesn't exist. It's a meme. I would still fuck the thing but it's never coming. AI is just like global warming.
You overestimate your beef flaps.
I said that I don't think it is bad anymore. When your like 20-30 it kind of a sucks, but after that it just doesn't matter. And I can imagine your story ending worse, with her everything staying the same only you preg her or she says you preged here, and puff there go any of your plans.
Just put it in her non-stinker
>more divisive cringey MGTOW shit
And you probably hate third wave feminists too haha. You are the other side of the coin, dumbass.
Women are incapable of being "right".
>The blacks ones are constantly on sale for $14.88 at Walmart
It's called coming to a realization that the current state of women are so toxic that it is easier and more realistic to find love with an artificial woman.
While I personally think Gene editing and artificial wombs will one day result in a race of Male Ubermench I think at least for a significant amount of time having a hot real woman will be a form of status symbol for men.
it's not degenerate if it's with a robot or cartoons.
Like how mudering people in GTA or battlebots isn't immoral.
Don't be confused.
>be femoid
>never gives affection to < 9/10 guys whatsoever
>hits the wall and is searching for a beta cuck provider
hey roasties, I will have a 10/10 women inside my wardobre that will never age, why do I need you now?
They need to stop making these look like ugly hoes and start making these look like this.
Does this thread agitate you {{{roastie}}}?
Roastie toastie pudding and pies
Can't get a boyfriend so she cries
Goes to Jow Forums and finds a thread
Shocked to find that in her stead
Males are done, they've had enough
Of roasties cries and mental stuff
Robots soon, the future's near
And that which gives the roastie fear
No longer will guys have to try
with perfect waifus they will lie
She kicks and screams and throws a fit
A well rehearsed and vocal skit
Her only worth has been tossed out
And all she can do is cry and pout
Her posts are short and fraught with rage
How can she compete at ripe old age?
Fingers pounding at the keys
Dumping endless pointless sleaze
Stuck inside her private hell
"I've got you now, you fucking incel!"
But nobody listened, cared or heard
Not a single bloody word
The men rejoiced and had a pint
Together on a joyous night
Roasties no longer waste our lives
Now that we've got robot wives.
The sex dolls cant pee on you.
>come home and find your dog fucking your robo wifey