Fuck Jamaicans. Nigger stole my food and ice chest right off my boat. Wasn't gone but a minute.
William Parker
I turned anti black when I left an apartment my brother was staying at and later found out 5 blacks with guns broke down the door and stole thousands in cash and drugs. It was years later I found out the guy (white dude)renting the apartment that my brother was staying at was breaking in and robbing every other apartment on the block. I don't know how to feel now about blacks now. A senseless act of violence turned into a justifiable response and my brother just got caught in the middle.
have you ever been to Jamaica retard? I have, it's a shithole. They have had entire cities/municipalities run by drug lords who had shootouts with military
dumb fuck kike OP, I bet this thread was created just to shill that nigger bitch in the picture
David Jenkins
its a bombed out nigger shithole flowing with drugs and gun crime, pretty much the same as the U.K. Plus they did that bobsled movie which was pretty good. Forward Jamaica
>good food >eating only cornbread, fried food, beans, candy, and soda
its no wonder that 99% of black women are obese
Juan James
Cooper Scott
fifth highest murder rate in the world. no white nation comes close to that
Daniel Torres
I thought my brother was a victim of nigger violence, but turns out the friend he had at the time was robbing niggers and brought it on themselves.
Brayden Scott
>Rents an apartment >Robs every apartment on the block except his own
Did they assign the Unabomber task force to this one? You lying walter spastic.
Bentley Murphy
Just because your parents paid you to go to Sandals doesn't mean you have seen the country. Fucking zoomer
Hunter Ramirez
There are literal gangwars happening there on daily basis
William Bailey
They’re half white
Why are people who are half black considered fully black and not white to you you fucking racist?
Bentley Smith
And it's Chinese owned.
Juan Peterson
>Chill live and let live
Are you fucking retarded Jamaica has one of the highest murder rates per capita. They are all yardies and fight with the neighboring hoods.
Anthony James
Go to Jamaica and drive 5 or 6 miles away from the resorts and tell us how you feel then.
Matthew Jenkins
it really is bizarre that you'd pick jamaica to make a case for this and not ghana or something
Carson Morris
what? he was just picking the locks dude. The guy was a scum fuck drug addict that even got caught trying to cash a forged check in his grandmothers name. He robbed some hood gang related niggers and received retaliation.
Matthew Ramirez
>Half white >This is what 56% mutts actually believe
Grayson Williams
>OP has never been to Jamaica
Dominic Gomez
Also you don't need a task force to pick a lock.
Aaron Edwards
>top tier tourism don't leave the resort
Owen Smith
Barbados is the example often given of a black country run right. Jamaica is a crime ridden Caribbean island where people have to carry guns on them to avoid being robbed.
Leo Hill
25% white is a half "white" for a 56er though
Bentley Torres
>food >tourism Actual meme points that don't mean shit.
Jayden Sanders
>Why are people who are half black considered fully black and not white to you you fucking racist? Why is it still considered coffee when people fill it half-way up with milk?
Michael Allen
jamaica is run by whites and jews in the tourism, produce, and aluminum industries. niggers make up the workforce and mulattoes are their middle class (ie when they get enough money and either employment or training elsewhere they leave)
Justin Collins
Because it's coffee and milk then, faggot leaf, kys retarded cunt.
Isaac Diaz
Jamaica is Liberia without the cannibalism and ebola, plus a couple of resort towns protected by small private armies. It is a hellhole.