No cause of death has been released. Any Jow Forums educated guesses?
(((Hollywood))) Actress Lisa Sheridan died on 2/25 at age 44
She died of a broken heart
Dude from office space girlfriend
hung by a red silk rope
>Clem said that everyone was "blindsided" by Sheridan's death in a statement to Deadline: “Obviously, we were all blindsided with this devastating loss. Lisa was deeply loved. We are heartbroken.”
"blindsided" its all in the language
She hit a wall
Overdoses on Jew cock.
Another cult like this NIXVM or whatever cleaning house before getting discovered.
She also never had kids
>While her family and friends are not yet certain what the cause of her death was, they are sure about one thing: she did not commit suicide.
If only you know - smile
I've seen less than a dozen movies made after 1998, so i have no idea who this cunt was.
I bet 100% she committed suicide after menopause , I have known women her age in real life that did the same
I would of done anything to be Alison macks sex slave.
LOL! Realized she threw it all away for all the wrong reasons, time to go!
pizza related
uhh, guys
So many women like her, no kids, commit suicide after menopause strikes
They don't realize how badly they fucked up, unit it's too late
Could have jad a cardiac arrhythmia due to excessive weight loss supplements. Could be pulmonary embolism. Could have been an overdose, which is my best guess.
If they are a hollywood actor its because they signed a deal with the Illuminati
If they die mysteriously it means they were
trying to expose the Illuminati and gtfo.
She had information that could have led to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
Checked. After looking her up the only thing I recognized was the CSI shows. I'm so glad Hollywood is pretty much irrelevant. Also RIP in peace
Wtf is it with hollywoood kikes and ugly feet
My jewdar is pretty good user, I don't think she was a jewess
I'm talking about what is it with kikes and iking girls with ugly feet. Not a foot guy either, but her toes look like a piano players hands.
Her toe next to her big toe, is bigger than my big toe
Satan has the biggest toe of all
she was cute, sad. something fishy about no cause of death released in over 2 months
Suicide after realizing she was too old to have kids.
Obvious logic dictates that we go back 2 months, and see what was happening with NXIVM back then. They delay this shit to keep people from connecting the dots.
fuck off Lucifer, her feet were fine
>Jow Forums crying over a washed up old drugged out whore
Have sex
digits approved post
this, better than 70% chance she an hero'd with pills due to middle aged roastie syndrome, including
>the wall
>cock carousel
>(((casting couch))) regerts
>blackened gunk under the nails and looks like rachmaninoff's hands
Disgusting foot faggot gets the gas
AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAH that fucking file name I just realized die foot fag
I keep seeing her head blown off
possible, although the kikes would probably exploit a gun suicide to push gun control rather than bury her cause of death
what was her foot game like, senpai?
strange, something is happening
(((they))) didn't cover this one up
Empty life.
OD'd on opiates.
I love herrrr
She wouldn't drink the blood of gentiles, and got really sick because of it
Michel J. Fox is also a good example of this
she ded