Communism is the future
Communism is the future
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Actually it's a dead past nigger
I've been waiting for a good excuse to eat my dog
I wonder how he tastes like...
That's a man
kys with your smelly tranny and co*unism bullshit, nigger
>meme flag
oh no chief
What does this cute loli have to do with communism?
All fields
>how dog tastes
Korea friend says terrible, but will give you a diamond hard boner
10/10 would breed with my free market semen, as long as she consents as to not violate the NAP
Hey tranny how would you feel if i held you down and raped your communist boypussy?
How would you feel if i unleashed all my nazi cum inside you
Ngl, that’s gucci with me but I ain’t a commie
Are you atleast jewish or a leftist?
I wanna completely dominate a faggy liberal/jew
Its the other other white meat
If you could redpill us on how the gulags weren't real and that food shortages weren't either (I've seen some pretty convincing arguments) then maybe we can talk.
>tfw your worst enemy is your own imaginary unicorn utopia
Why don't you show us that flag, Shlomo?
It’s a dead end.
I want to fuck this guy
Leaveeverybodyaloneism is the future.
The end of history.
No children are the future and we must secure there existance.