Was he based?
Was he based?
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you first
He said what is on the mind of every ruler, past and present. He failed to weasel himself into a position of power and got himself jailed. Guy was mediocre at his tier.
Yes. Ol' Nick was completely and utterly based.
evil cocksucker
You should read his writings
ENTP with too much time on his hands
Read The Prince, it was really good. Are any of the others worth reading?
People give him shit for being evil but the fact that he wasn’t that evil that we even know any of the things he said
He is Italian, not white and not european, moor rape baby.
Ye sure m8
Take off flag
He's a big guy
The Prince is actually a pretty good read
is this all you losers ever think about?
I’d never not recognize that instantly recognizable face, of course.
I'm thinking about getting a tattoo of him on the left side of my chest. Sorta like one of those devils or angels you see on the shoulders of cartoon characters, i could look at him for directions. He wanted to be an advisor, so maybe he could advise me.
Seemed like a cool idea when i was high, thinking about getting my friend to draw it and get it done while i'm at a festival this summer.
>getting a tattoo
>ever a good idea
take it from a 30yo boomer who got tats in his late teens/early 20s, you will regret getting that tattoo in years to come
>being a paki
Bullshit fake-philosopher. Considering how much of his teaching is similar to Masonic Social Darwinism, I really doubt he even existed.
All of his books are nothing but Wall-Street-platitudes and over-repeated cliches.
Look at the size of his head *wheezing*
Do you like being able to read and write?
machiavelli was most triggered by the "turn the other cheek" morality, and worked all his life to demolish it. to him social relationships and hierarchies are the no more than the outcome of a blance of powers - and people are not born equal.
it goes without saying that there is nothing liberals hate more than machiavelli, since they share with the fascists e.g. the same collective-oriented mindset and subsequent ethics. for machiavelli life is plain natural selection. the best ones survive, the others die.
The only people who don't like him are usually low IQ faggots up their own ass with the concept that humans have some kind of inherent natural morality or greater right or purpose of life, aka normalfags.
tattoos are for niggers and prisoners
Either way he's overrated much like Nietzsche, although the latter has a lot more weight behind his works.
He was a cuck that was tortured to death by the same people he wanted to suck dick with this book.
>Seemed like a cool idea when i was high
If this doesn't make you reflect on your decision I don't know what will.
Liberals don't even think about him much, he's (too) ancient history to them.
he died with no offspring and no power
You forgot to take off the flag kebab
Yes il discorsi are very similar, he writes on the different forms of governments, their pros and cons always in comparison with the Roman republic
My parents were vocal about being against tattoos so I never got any even though I thought about it. Now in my late 20s, I'm really glad I listened to them. They've become a mark of degeneracy at this point.
Yes he is the greatest political thinker of all time.
He is also more relevant than ever now when the right must learn to lie, cheat and steal in order to crush the left by any means necessary.
We can worry about "morality" after we destroy the left wing parasites because if we lose, the morality is gone anyways, so it really doesn't matter how we get to winning considering winning and winning ALONE gives us an opportunity to secure right wing morality for future generations.
> t. butthurt jew worshipping goy
Me too. My dad has a few on his arms. He always asked if I ever wanted to get one, my mother never really had an opinion. I came close to get one at one point but was too indecisive to actually pick something. Glad I never got one. One of my friend has a shit upper arm tribal tattoo he got in the mid 2000's. Bet he regrets it now. Tattoos are embarrassing now, everyone has a sleeve or the same generic tattoos. One of the worst is the tattoo some women get it's like a lacey/chandelier design under their tits. How can't they see that turning bad?
You're right about abandoning morality at this point. We're going to have to eventually if we're going to have a chance of survival. All law and order will go out the window. It's not like the subhumans invading Europe are living by any moral standards; why should we? We need to be savages in our approach to combating the invasion, just like they are in invading our continent. But we are more intelligent and have 1000x more potential than they do. We could put an end to this now if we abandoned any appeal to morality when it comes to defending our homelands. And we need to get rid of the current treacherous leaders of Europe who are preventing us from being the force we need to be in doing that.
Plenty of my friends are in their 30s and still getting tattoos. Did you get some of those generic tribal ones?
Idk why i expected anything more from pol
But i'm not high now and it still seems like a kinda cool idea
Your friends sound like bluepilled normies who havent grown up. I didn't get a tribal one. All tats look shit and they're superficial. Why would you get a permanent tattoo of another man on your chest? To try and look like a plastic intellectual? Or just like a gigantic faggot?
His doctrine was common knowledge among politicians before the Christian thought of ''love thy neigbour'' took over Europe.
master at the theory
mediocre at the practice
then again, inheriting your power and influence at birth is much easier that working up from the (relative) bottom
Did i hit a nerve? My friends are as far from normies as one could get, since i absolutely can't stand normies. Actually, i was gonna get a tattoo to look less like a normie. People who are against tattoos are usually quite dull.
Why is his head smaller than his forearms? Did he have elephantiasis?
>Actually, i was gonna get a tattoo to look less like a normie
Being the moral instructor of the (((MEDICI))) family,
I'd say NO.
>People who are against tattoos are usually quite dull
The cringe is real
I reallt liked his work, anyone interested in politics should have read at least The Prince and Discorsi before trying to talk about it. He was mostly right, even if some of his ideas can't be applied anymore he was right about politics being little more than a power struggle and the fear>love thesis.
Individually he was cucked by the Medici, so meh.
Ok let me give some examples from the top of my head, only people i have done psychedelics with also had the mentality for tattoos. The only people interested in philosophy i know have the mentality for tattoos. And most importantly, all the kinky girls i have been with had tattoos. Are you really grouping people with tattoos with the normies? I mean really? Is trying to look not normal a normal thing? None of the normies in my class have tattoos
indeed the merely theoretical side is often given implicitly. in the prince he mostly writes on how the aristocrats keep their power upon the plebs.
Tattoos have been a part of European culture for centuries, I think the new wave of trendy tattoos is whats cringey about them. There are times when tattoos are ok like a marine getting a tattoo along with his buddies or something
>if they're interested in tripping on shrooms, watching molymeme or being promiscuous sluts they're not normies
Tattoos are a shallow attempt at self-expression. Probably why you want a faggy tattoo of someone you have a vague interest in. Lacking the proper personality to internally appreciate something you want to plaster an image on your body like a billboard to tell everyone. Tattoos are only acceptable if you're part of a primitive tribe or gang because in that case they're symbols of being owned by a greater organization.
Has this place fallen that far. People posting here seem like they have only read the cliffnotes or they are posting abandoning morality is a good thing. WTF... This guy suggested that by any necessary stay in power. A lot of people here think the left is bad because of what they do, if you abandon morality you are no different then them.
>if you are interesting in just the slightest way more than the usual you are a degenerate.
So what makes a non normie? Am i supposed to chastitise myself? Not do any vices the normies wouldn't do? You are a wanabe normie arn't you?
I think you should just be yourself. You're trying way too hard to "not be a normie", and it's actually creating the opposite effect. It's pretty cringe if not bait.
Tattoos are for soldiers, prisoners and pirates. Otherwise it's degenerate. Get a car decal if you want to express yourself
It was during his time that Italians invented diplomacy.
Based Italians...
You exagerate.
How you came to those conclusions is beyond me.
My opinion is get a tattoo that reflects your personality. Maybe you'll get a normie tattoo signifying your status as a normie?
>Norfk F.C.
It's not about abandoning morality. It's about re-creating a new, functioning morality.
In essence, we are in the situation we find ourselves in right now because we abandoned ethics.
What we need is a re-birth.
Not a descent into savagery.
That cuck who shot moslems in New Zealand did more harm than good, obviously.
That is not the way.
It's not your fucktard.
But no one cares.
Stop being a snow nigger.
Study more.
Why would you feel the need to have to show people a reflection of your personality? Are you that insecure? Do you not expect your personality to change as you get older?
I'm talking about shooting the invaders crossing the Mediterranean dead before they reach our lands. It's going to be necessary.
J... just focus on Brexit.
>People who are against tattoos are usually quite dull.
>'m thinking about getting a tattoo of him on the left side of my chest
>Sorta like one of those devils or angels you see on the shoulders of cartoon characters
like pic related?
>Seemed like a cool idea when i was high
>Plenty of my friends are in their 30s and still getting tattoos
>But i'm not high now