Vladimir Kvatchkov

This is vladimir kvatchkov.
He is an ex soviet army officer who sat in prison for 15 years for saying:
"Russia, like the rest of the world, is under jewish mafia occupation".
The judge's verdict was terrorism

Attached: IMG_1654.jpg (306x409, 78K)

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didn't he try to kill someone someone at some point ? or maybe i'm just confusing with someone else


He could of become a "prisoner" for anything

Yeah. The soviet union, at the height of the cold war, was just imprisoning people for anything. Despite the CIA looking for anything to print that would paint them in a negative way. Retard.

He was imprisoned in modern russia by the putin administration in 2004

Post some real reasons why he was in prison, you disingenuous turd.
That guy was a piece of shit and should stay in prison for the rest of his stinking life.

how long is this nigga in fucking charge

Attached: PUTIN at the ceremony in the rain:::.jpg (1280x719, 541K)

he was only kvetching

>he was only kvetching
Kvetch is another Jewish word on the verge of making the big breakthrough into standard English.
Most people have an idea that it means to complain in a way which is assumed to be particularly Jewish, but few realise what a versatile word it is.

So that fuck was a Jew himself. WTF?

in your dreams. stupid commie kike nigger.

Attached: p-tins son in law Kirill Shamalov.jpg (960x1458, 81K)

the rabbit hole goes deeep

>in your dreams.

"Out of Russia Will Come Hope"

PROPHECY: "Russia Will Bring Peace" WW III Edgar Cayce.

Attached: Edgar Cayce about RUSSIA.jpg (1280x395, 104K)

I thought kikes were smart

you, crying homo bitch

Attached: crying faggot.jpg (1024x768, 61K)

In reality
> attempt to assassinate kikel
> literally admit to it
> get out 3 years later

Imagine what would happen to someone in the US if someone did this.

>Implying the CIA didn't allow Castro and Mao to take power then feign shock
>What were the Moscow show trials

Crimes done under (((communism))) in Russia are the worst crimes in European history.

Attached: russia.jpg (1733x600, 562K)

Attached: 1922.jpg (1497x600, 788K)

putin has always been in charge, hans.

Attached: putin immortal.jpg (620x387, 33K)

Any article? Names? Anything usefull he said?