Which Dem candidate would do the most damage if elected?
Which Dem candidate would do the most damage if elected?
Comrade Sanders
I don’t think it matters. We are fucked either way because the unibomber was right about everything
none because they will never get elected :O
Harris, Beto or Booker. They are just as radical and socialist as Bernie, but with a far lax approach to our immigration policies.
It won't matter by 2024. Because the left will have imported so many low IQ shitskins they will win every election from that point onward.
There will probably be war and/or balkanization at the point where conservatives figure this out.
She does the most damage to pants
To who? America or the world?
Would definitely put a baby in her belly
>Dem candidate would do the most damage if elected?
omar is muslim so she would probably suicide bomb the white house.
From inside: Bernie, Kamala, or Swalwell
>socialism and wild/selfish executive orders that strip us of our constitutional protections
From outside: Beto or Booker, or Swalwell
>so weak, unhinged, and emotional, they would piss off the wrong foreign entity or appear weak enough for us to be invaded
Kamala Harris
Remember this is the woman who shut down backpage.
She would implement default slavery for a massive swath of the male population.
We should get a super administration elected made of all of them.
Honestly Idgaf anymore because they already got me by the balls. I’m getting his for taxes from federal state AND city. As well as bank, tech,
Every angle is coming for me and I have no escape from any of them. They know exactly how much i make and exactly how much to take.
if the hill shill puppet-masters doesn't take him out first
Damage as in someone who will bring the system down through absolute negligence? Beto, Buttigieg, Gillibrand, maybe Harris, Booker. Harris would definitely fuck shit up for us but she might play an authoritarian whore well enough to keep things running which is concerning.
>implying the party of institutionalized cuckoldry will suddenly stand up for themselves when they’ve done absolutely nothing up to this point
>From outside: Beto or Booker, or Swalwell
No Biden? Not only would he fuck up foreign relations, but he'd be sniffing hairs and kissing cheeks at the Whitehouse correspondence dinner smack dab in the metoo movement
Tulsi, unironically.
Warren, she's a fucking moron.
This is actually the truth I feel and I’m not even shilling or missile coding
>blaming the left when it's actually your capitalistic shitty ideology which demands more and more low payed workers.