Thoughts on whether or not the flood/deluge happened? I'm inclined to believe that it did, due to the fact that most ancient cultures seemed to believe that one occurred. Does anyone have any reading materials or videos on this topic?
Did the flood actually happen?
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yes. better evidence of an old flood on mars though. Anyway the fucking sphinx. fag
meltwater pulse 1B, 9600 BC. do you even graham hancock?
My dude, I'm just asking a question. Chill the hell out.
>I'm just asking a question
Then ask it where you don't shit up the board.
If a question triggers you this hard, maybe you're the one with the issue lmfao. Fucking atheists are the biggest children.
how is the flood necessary religious? its historical, not pol related but still.
>its historical
considering all the textual evidence, i think it probably did user.
It was 2 floods. There was one caused by a comet strike and another when a huge glacial lake broke through the ice at the end of the ice age.
Yes, it happened.
Do you guys have any links or books on this topic that I could look at?
Lmao look at hans the Jow Forumsice officer here
Go back to turkey nigger
> due to the fact that most ancient cultures seemed to believe that one occurred
Hey, crypto-kike. How about you stop being so disingenuous and provide the actual accounts of these floods so that the rest of your brainwashed friends can see how exceptionally different they are from the one in the old testament. Or what are you going to claim that every flood that ever happened in the ancient past is proof of the great flood?
Fuck is it summer already
Hey fag, I asked the fucking question on here. I'm the one asking for proof here, not giving it out.
Anyone that sits down and does the math must conclude that the flood is true. It probably happened about 4600 years ago. Only 8 people survived. Do the math yourself. If civilization continued to double about every 100-150 years, it wouldn't take long to get to our current world population.
not to mention human history just all starts and appears at the same time
Thank you.
That's interesting. I never considered the fact that yes, civilizations do all seem to start at once a few thousand years ago. Hm.
>meltwater pulse 1B, 9600 BC. do you even graham hancock?
His political views are trash and he fucks a chink, but his ancient civilization stuff is unironically compelling.
And if they did start as such a time simultaneously then that would explain the great ages given in genesis, people wouldve been extremely smart and wise and would have no problem building stonehenge, which modern man cant even dislodge the stones.
FLOOD(s) absolutely did happen the proof is everywhere. One of the biggest proofs is Lake Titicaca Peru.Surface elevation
3,812 m (12,507 ft)[1]
Highest navigable lake on Earth contains one very distinct species.
The only place on the planet that has fresh water seahorses and it approximately 12,500 feet ABOVE sea level. They didnt walk up there then convert to fresh water..
ALSO try digging deep near( 10-15. miles) from any coast. Get down below 10 feet youll start to see layers &layers of rocks/rubble to enormous boulders from SHIT LOADS of fast moving water.
t.excavator operator / dirt dummy
Jow Forums is a pagan board. And not that faggot larp shit.
Except... NOAH refers to Genetic DNA Strains or humans.
The Ark is a type of ship we used to escape to earth...
And the Flood refers to pic related mutated A/N strains of Infected human genetics
I think Robert Schoch does a good job explaining aswell, and goes deeper into some areas than Hancock.
yes it did.
snowniggers are not allowed on this Christian board, rabbi
Search for Kent Hovind on YT. I don't agree with everything he says, but his videos have certainly been of use to me.
kent hovind seminar part 6