Whenever you feel stupid...

Whenever you feel stupid, just remember that there are people who believe that the chicken that they are eating used to be a T-Rex

Attached: p20-dinosaur-a-20140810.jpg (3000x736, 218K)

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Hey look, it's a new Pokemon season

Whenever you feel stupid, just remember that there are people who believe that "the chicken that they are eating used to be a T-Rex" is how evolution works

Attached: D4JkWWPWkAIzHXi.jpg (700x700, 31K)

>there were feathered dinosaurs
>the only creature we know that also has feathers are birds
>birds are genetically indistinguishable from reptiles and share than more than 91% of DNA with crocodiles

the T-Rex is not an ancestor of birds though. Their ancestors were already around for 100 million years when the T-Rex came.

Whenever you feel stupid, remember that there are idiots who believe in a sky daddy who can be bribed into providing gibs, and scapegoating a jew washes all your wrongs away.

You a retard.
Jesus, what's wrong with this board.

You're a fucking moron, go back to /x/ please. Maybe the pysch ward veterans there can help you out.

Protein analysis proves they are related. Birds are the surviving clade of theropod dinosaurs, heavily selected from a small cluster of survivors post K/T.
Then there's the fine details like this.

glad we have some rational posters here. but here come the retarded christfags and creationists to fuck up ths thread.

You're literally parroting what (((they))) have taught you about the Bible, which (((they))) don't want you to believe because (((they))) want you to go to Hell for all eternity.