Every white man hould read this book

After much au due I finally decided to read, "The Turner Diaries" and have been sucked into this story.

It's available in .pdf with a simple search on any engine. I'll post a few pieces.

Hopefully it will get you guys interested and encourage you to read this great book.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>The Turner DiariesForwardThere exists such an extensive body of literature on the Great Revolution, including the memoirs of virtually every one of its leading figures who survived into the New Era, that yet another book dealing with the events and circumstances of that time of cataclysmic upheaval and rebirth may seem superfluous. The Turner Diaries, however, provides an insight into the background of the Great Revolution which is uniquely valuable for two reasons: 1) It is a fairly detailed and continuous record of a portion of the struggle during the years immediately before the culmination of the Revolution, written as it happened, on a day-to-day basis. Thus, it is free of the distortion which often afflicts hindsight. Although the diaries of other participants in that mighty conflict are extant, none which has yet been published provides as complete and detailed a record. 2) It is written from the viewpoint of a rank-and-file member of the Organization, and, although it consequently suffers from myopia occasionally, it is a totally frank document. Unlike the accounts recorded by some of the leaders of the Revolution, its author did not have one eye on his place in history as he wrote. As we read the pages which follow, we get a better understanding than from any other source, probably, of the true thoughts and feelings of the men and women whose struggle and sacrifice saved our race in its time of greatest peril and brought about the New Era.Earl Turner, who wrote these diaries, was born in 43 BNE in Los Angeles, which was the name of a vast metropolitan area on the west coast of the North American continent in the Old Era, encompassing the present communities of Eckartsville and Wesselton as well as a great deal of the surrounding countryside. He grew up in the Los Angeles area and was trained as an electrical engineer.

>.After his education he settled near the city of Washington, which was then the capital of the United States. He was employed there by an electronics research firm. He first became active in the Organization in 12 BNE. When this record begins, in 8 BNE (1991 according to the old chronology), Turner was 35 years old and had no mate.

Prove you are not a shill to me

>These diaries span barely two years in Earl Turner's life, yet they give us an intimate acquaintance with one of those whose name is inscribed in the Record of Martyrs. For that reason alone his words should have a special significance for all of us, who in our school days were given the task of memorizing the names of all the Martyrs in that sacred Record handed down to us by our ancestors.Turner's diaries consist, in their manuscript form, of five large, cloth-bound ledgers, completely filled, and a few pages at the beginning of a sixth. There are many loose inserts and notes between the ledger pages, apparently written by Turner on those days when he was away from his base and later interpolated into his permanent record.The ledgers were discovered last year along with a wealth of other historically important material by the same team from the Historical Institute, led by Professor Charles Anderson, which earlier uncovered the Eastern Command Center of the Revolution in its excavations near the Washington ruins. It is fitting that they now be made available to the general public during this, the 100th anniversary year of the Great Revolution.

Wasnt that book on reading rainbow once?

Heres a link to the audio book.


Here you go nigger. Now say OP's a faggot like a good goy.

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>Chapter 1September 16, 1991. Today it finally began! After all these years of talking-and nothing but talking-we have finally taken our first action. We are at war with the System, and it is no longer a war of words. I cannot sleep, so I will try writing down some of the thoughts which are flying through my head. It is not safe to talk here. The walls are quite thin, and the neighbors might wonder at a late-night conference. Besides, George and Katherine are already asleep. Only Henry and I are still awake, and he's just staring at the ceiling. I am really uptight. I am so jittery I can barely sit still. And I'm exhausted. I've been up since 5:30 this morning, when George phoned to warn that the arrests had begun, and it's after midnight now. I've been keyed up and on the move all day. But at the same time I'm exhilarated. We have finally acted! How long we will be able to continue defying the System, no one knows. Maybe it will all end tomorrow, but we must not think about that. Now that we have begun, we must continue with the plan we have been developing so carefully ever since the Gun Raids two years ago.

>What a blow that was to us! And how it shamed us! All that brave talk by patriots, "The government will never take my guns away," and then nothing but meek submission when it happened. On the other hand, maybe we should be heartened by the fact that there were still so many of us who had guns then, nearly 18 months after the Cohen Act had outlawed all private ownership of firearms in the United States. It was only because so many of us defied the law and hid our weapons instead of turning them in that the government wasn't able to act more harshly against us after the Gun Raids. I'll never forget that terrible day: November 9, 1989. They knocked on my door at five in the morning. I was completely unsuspecting as I got up to see who it was.

>I opened the door, and four Negroes came pushing into the apartment before I could stop them. One was carrying a baseball bat, and two had long kitchen knives thrust into their belts. The one with the bat shoved me back into a corner and stood guard over me with his bat raised in a threatening position while the other three began ransacking my apartment. My first thought was that they were robbers. Robberies of this sort had become all too common since the Cohen Act, with groups of Blacks forcing their way into White homes to rob and rape, knowing that even if their victims had guns they probably would not dare use them. Then the one who was guarding me flashed some kind of card and informed me that he and his accomplices were "special deputies" for the Northern Virginia Human Relations Council. They were searching for firearms, he said. I couldn't believe it. It just couldn't be happening. Then I saw that they were wearing strips of green cloth tied around their left arms. As they dumped the contents of drawers on the floor and pulled luggage from the closet, they were ignoring things that robbers wouldn't have passed up: my brand-new electric razor, a valuable gold pocket watch, a milk bottle full of dimes. They were looking for firearms!

>Right after the Cohen Act was passed, all of us in the Organization had cached our guns and ammunition where they weren't likely to be found. Those in my unit had carefully greased our weapons, sealed them in an oil drum, and spent all of one tedious weekend burying the drum in an eight-foot-deep pit 200 miles away in the woods of western Pennsylvania. But I had kept one gun out of the cache. I had hidden my .357 magnum revolver and 50 rounds of ammunition inside the door frame between the kitchen and the living room. By pulling out two loosened nails and removing one board from the door frame I could get to my revolver in about two minutes flat if I ever needed it. I had timed myself. But a police search would never uncover it. And these inexperienced Blacks couldn't find it in a million years.

>After the three who were conducting the search had looked in all the obvious places, they began slitting open my mattress and the sofa cushions. I protested vigorously at this and briefly considered trying to put up a fight. About that time there was a commotion out in the hallway. Another group of searchers had found a rifle hidden under a bed in the apartment of the young couple down the hall. They had both been handcuffed and were being forcibly escorted toward the stairs. Both were clad only in their underwear, and the young woman was complaining loudly about the fact that her baby was being left alone in the apartment. Another man walked into my apartment. He was a Caucasian, though with an unusually dark complexion. He also wore a green armband, and he carried an attaché case and a clipboard. The Blacks greeted him deferentially and reported the negative result of their search: "No guns here, Mr. Tepper."

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>Tepper ran his finger down the list of names and apartment numbers on his clipboard until he came to mine. He frowned. "This is a bad one," he said. "He has a racist record. Been cited by the Council twice. And he owned eight firearms which were never turned in." Tepper opened his attaché case and took out a small, black object about the size of a pack of cigarettes which was attachéd by a long cord to an electronic instrument in the case. He began moving the black object in long sweeps back and forth over the walls, while the attaché case emitted a dull, rumbling noise. The rumble rose in pitch as the gadget approached the light switch, but Tepper convinced himself that the change was caused by the metal junction box and conduit buried in the wall. He continued his methodical sweep.

>As he swept over the left side of the kitchen door frame the rumble jumped to a piercing shriek. Tepper grunted excitedly, and one of the Negroes went out and came back a few seconds later with a sledge hammer and a pry bar. It took the Negro substantially less than two minutes after that to find my gun. I was handcuffed without further ado and led outside. Altogether, four of us were arrested in my apartment building. In addition to the couple down the hall, there was an elderly man from the fourth floor. They hadn't found a firearm in his apartment, but they had found four shotgun shells on his closet shelf. Ammunition was also illegal. Mr Tepper and some of his "deputies" had more searches to carry out, but three large Blacks with baseball bats and knives were left to guard us in front of the apartment building. The four of us were forced to sit on the cold sidewalk, in various states of undress, for more than an hour until a police van finally came for us. As other residents of the apartment building left for work, they eyed us curiously. We were all shivering, and the young woman from down the hall was weeping uncontrollably.

>One man stopped to ask what it was all about. One of our guards brusquely explained that we were all under arrest for possessing illegal weapons. The man stared at us and shook his head disapprovingly. Then the Black pointed to me and said: "And that one's a racist." Still shaking his head, the man moved on. Herb Jones, who used to belong to the Organization and was one of the most outspoken of the "they'll-never-get-my-gun" people before the Cohen Act, walked by quickly with his eyes averted. His apartment had been searched too, but Herb was clean. He had been practically the first man in town to turn his guns over to the police after the passage of the Cohen Act made him liable to ten years imprisonment in a Federal penitentiary if he kept them. That was the penalty the four of us on the sidewalk were facing. It didn't work out that way, though. The reason it didn't is that the raids which were carried out all over the country that day netted a lot more fish than the System had counted on: more than 800,000 persons were arrested. At first the news media tried hard to work up enough public sentiment against us so that the arrests would stick. The fact that there weren't enough jail cells in the country to hold us all could be remedied by herding us into barbed-wire enclosures outdoors until new prison facilities could be readied, the newspapers suggested. In freezing weather!

Felt guilty for not reading it since the late 90s. Still haven't. But, get in line....

Nigger I just posted about a 1/4 of the first chapter. Read it and if you're hooked it's as simple as going on duckduckgo and typing in "Turner Diaries .pdf"

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>much au due

I live in Maine. Basically a white ethnostate with a decent francophone population. We mix French in with English occasionally. Culture yourself you ignorant swine.

Bought it at a gun show when I was in high school in 92 along with White Power by Rockwell. Pretty much changed my life and honed my knowledge of who the enemy is.

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>White Power
Gunna give this a read. Thanks user.

have a bump for the best book to ever be written

Also check out hunter, the prequel

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I will.
This has truly made a great impact upon me.

Good thread OP. Always interested when Jow Forums approved literature is discussed. Speaking of which has anyone read the book "The Unseen Hand" by Ralph Epperson? Picked it up a long time ago when I was in Highschool when I saw a sub teacher reading it. Now that I think back on it whenever the Holohoax was discussed he would never comment on it and instead said "I don't feel comfortable talking about it until we know the whole story." Seems like a pretty based guy honestly.

Hunter is better.

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One of those is from before homo sapiens even existed. Whats the point of this

What an overwritten and preachy piece of shit. Oh no! The negroes with knives and bats! Really? It's the Cohen act? Isnt that a little on the (((nose)))? The only way
a revolution will come is if there is some catastrophic natural disaster that suspends government services.people are too fat and happy to do it otherwise. This shit is as cringe as gamers rise up.

I think he meant to post something like this.

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Hunter is alot more believable, but reading up on GLR and WLP has confirmed my love for national socialism.

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pic related

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heres a reading list used by the new awakening guys. im sure some of it can be disregarded or is blatant garbage, but there are alot of gems in it

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Shit writing, shit premise. Nazi larp fap.

when you read mein kampf make sure you purchase the STALAG edition, ALL OTHER EDITIONS WERE TRANSLATED BY JEWS AND ARE EDITED, this is the OFFICIAL translation issued to POW's


Hunter is even better.

>Doesn't have Pawns the Game

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>I live in Maine. Basically a white ethnostate
How is Maine OP? I've been thinking of moving there in the future

also can't recommend Rockwell enough

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shit book.
What white men needs is Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

its an old outdated reading list that was "leaked"

the updated one is available to people who are in the group, i dont know whats on the newer lists because im not part of their group

Yup. Excellent book. Keep on nightstand along with 1911....


Lots of rain, lots of snow, cold as hell, and wicked comfy.

thanks for the new suggestion as well m8.


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This book is a perfect prediction of the events that are to come, here in Brazil things have started to happen in the same direction, the basic difference is that whites who have some money can get into condominiums, this when they are not themselves blacklovers

I'm gonna buy a physical copy and read it after mein kampf but holy shit this book is crazy how real it feels.
Please pol dont let this happen to us.

So why have people actually killed niggers and quoted the turner diaries?
I think it's time we woke up and got armed and push it for more whites.
Google the book.

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Book starts out alright, but gets extremely ridiculous when you consider the fact that Turner joins the cult secretly running the revolution, one that essentially is no different from the one ordering the System around. Makes about two-thirds of the book quite hypocritical.

What about the unabridged version?

Is this the book that the OK city bomber read?

What's with the dots, glownigger?

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based thread
OP also be sure to check out The Brigade. It's even better than the Turner Diaries.

its edited, stalag is the only real one

You're retarded

Just download the pdf and print it at your local library.

Okay good thanks I'll buy another one.
What do I do with my original?

Whatever makes you feel better.
Now read up. The white race needs to be saved

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audience

I have that book.

Never advocated against DA, just said that there will never be a mass insurrection as long as food, power and Netflix are plentiful. Instead of this gay white nationalist fanfic, people should read 'why not kill them all?' Which describes the conditions in a society that lead to genocide.

Not that I'd advocate that of course.

You know Quebec and New Brunswick is next to it and those people speak French?

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Yes supposedly he got the idea for the truck fertilizer bomb from the book, although i think in the book they targeted a news organization

Great. Any suggestions for other books?

The Brigade>Serpent's Walk>Turner Diaries>rest of the Northwest novels>Hunter(although the ending is kino)

Did 'The Tumult of the Niggers' get published yet?

Because you should still try to redpill everyone and especially fence sitters.

I think so. Shortly after Remembrances of Rotherham: A Love Story.

Link to book free on archive. org

Also MacDonald's second book "Hunter" is probably better than Turner Diaries:

The first half is okay where it talks about the complete degeneration of society but there will be no day of the rope, no grand fight to take our nation back. The last half of the book is pure fantasy.


>The Brigade
5,000 Jewish volunteers from Palestine to Europe to fight the German army
Is that the book you're talking about?

>"au due" it's "ado" you fucking retard

>no day of the rope
Didnt white people commit lynchings alot a few decades ago?

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>I had to put it down man it was terrible

>I just don’t see what the stormfags see in it

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A few decades ago was 1989, user.
It's different now, the ideological subversion is too complete among whites and immigrants are outbreeding us. We have 20 years at most, at that point a large part of the white population will be too old to be effective in a fight.

they targeted the FBI headquarters in DC with a fertilizer bomb.

Yo what up man, bangor here. Although I have property around Moosehead. Need any up?

Kinda unbelievable that they took over a military base and nuke NYC and Israel

Np. It is required reading.


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I was the white man in the back.

Maine , liberals

Bro, this book sucks ass. It's that genre of embarrassing wish fulfillment where the heroes win everything and are perfect and never have weakness. It's like a Neil Breen film, but Neil Breen is 9000x more entertaining.

you can wipe your ass with it

saved on your floppy drive

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Milo, Maine here

We have 1 nigger and he's well trained, and the KKK paid for a bunch of houses here - any house with stained glass windows on the staircases on the west side of town were owned by Klan members back in the day.

Dog fuckers

There ya go. Just got some land myself in the West.
I honestly wonder home many Mainers browse Jow Forums. I've an inkling that there's a decent amount.

No. HA Covington's "The Brigade". IRA-style civil war in the Pacific Northwest.
Full text:

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Fugg. I haven't read that far.

Hey Murdoch Murdoch, thanks for inventing the show.
I promis to buy your tshirts and become strong.
Seig heil.
Go away jew.

Are you okay brother ?

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We discarded it along with the homosexual Brit.
There's some good books in it though.

kek, I knew one of you mongoloids would call me a kike
I knew it
Prove me wrong

You're correct. That's why there are movements like the NWF. Concentrate whites and form white majority blocs.

That makes sense
If given the power of a few state governments you have more leverage in disputes with the feds. Just have to be ready to deal with a loss of federal funding but that can be planned for.

Literally a net positive if you can force the feds to go through the state government for taxation.

>knew it
>Prove me wrong
Do you really think whites are gonna get wiped out in 20 years?
Aren't white people the most fun owners.

I thought we should just disband the goverment and stifle what the can and cant do while letting states and more importantly towns decide what laws are what.

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>le libertarian paradise
I know user. I wish it were so as well.
But that's not possible.
consolidation and state revolt is the best option

You know honestly I always though libertarians where hairy hippies but I think when they talk about smaller goverment it makes my heart feel better.

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