Probably one of the worst decisions I ever made in my life was to voting for this man. Right now he's backing Israel, that wasn't what I voted for.
Anyone regret voting for Trump?
We can’t let him get the nuclear codes!
either things were actually going to change or it would be a hilarious 4 years.
either way sounded fun.
the level of white-niggertry is epic on this board..
I doubt it.
the derp is strong with MIGA
Trump 2015
Trump 2019
>muh evil israel
this narrative isn't working. go back to pretending to care about the wall.
do you know where you are?
>tfw Trump breaks his promises
Shouldn't have voted at all.
>Probably one of the worst decisions I ever made in my life
Fragile leftist wearing the mask of a conservative
Gee, I wonder how many of these pretentious Jews trump will reveal to us. You were never one of us. And your insistence on jumping ship proves it
The DNC gets 86% of the Jewish vote. Follow the leaders and vote Democrat in 2020.
75% ashkenazi
25% sephardic
75% vote Democrat.
25% vote Republican
>Trump is a kike shill miga!
>Jews all vote Democrat.
We need a daily anti-shill general to organize, raise awareness and combat these scum. The shiling began in earnest upon the commencement of the 2020 campaign and has already reached a fevered pitch. By my best estimate there are roving teams of at minimum 150 to 200 of these worms infesting Jow Forums at all hours. The shills' #1 tactic is to pose as unbending neonazis (in order to "blend in") while constantly spamming specific buzzwords & phrases such as:
- Zion Don, Zognald
- sucks Israeli cock, kike puppet
- jew jew cum
- No wall, fence, $38 billion
- Kushner
- MIGA, MIGApede
- /ptg/, go back to T_D
They also employ 100's of inorganic Memelab-produced images such as:
- Potato_Trump.jpg
- brainlets_in_MAGA_hat.jpg
- neckbeards_in_MAGA_hat.jpg
- anti_MAGA_stick_figure_cartoons.jpg
- Trump_with_Semitic_symbols.jpg
- Trump_depicted_as_a_Jew.jpg
>MIGAtard sucking Kike President cock
How pathetic you are.
Hi Democrat Party operative. KYS
>N-NO U!!!!
Get original content MIGAtard
no it was still funny and entertaining and the obviously correct decision
i am disappointed though if thats what youre asking
No...hes not my first or thirtieth choice but the dems are insane
>It's entertaining to elect a ZOG puppet
How fucking stupid are you?
idk i never got tested
Swords were always banned.
>t. absolutely seething MIGAtard
>polls answered by jews for jew owned jewspapers
ok swetty, whatever you say
voting for him again in 2020, go fuck yourself
Imagine thinking 86% of Jews voting for Hillary makes Trump any less of a zionist.
You realize that although the Jews are the ones destroying America, the vast majority of them are just brainwashed sheep too? They succeed in life due to Jewish nepotism but still mistakenly think Donald will shoah them.
Meanwhile Trump
>has several Jewish grandchildren
>has done basically jack shit about immigration (nothing about DACA, wall still not finished, beaners still not deported)
>increased aid to israel
>thinks immigration is good as long as its legal (more beaners! Yay!)
>has actually supported gun legislation
>among innumerable other things
Also, friendly reminder that Jews are NOT the chosen people. Pic related
t. Mossad
Fuck off with your LARPing Democrat.
Trump is the worst President of all time.
> >tfw Trump breaks his promises
> Shouldn't have voted at all.
See? And on the next step you'll get eternal "president" with rating of approval 86% somehow.
Politicians always break their promises.
>he's backing Israel
>that wasn't what I voted for
Yes it is.
Super disappointed. Doesn't fucking matter who I vote for this time, nothing ever changes. At least if we get Yang, I get an extra 12k per year.
"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." - Alexis de Tocqueville
Or in this case a wannabe President Chink.
Guys im one of you I promise and I hate trump!
No. Voting again for him in 2020
It's state-craft anons. Trump's biggest issue is China. Do you remember "China, China, China" in 2016 campaigning or did you hear "Kike, Kike, Kike" instead?
China can't R&D; just copy and steal.
Most tech R&D is in US and increasingly (((over there))), unfortunately. (((Israel))) were going to increase trade partnerships with chinks and sell current and future tech to CCP companies like Huawei, et al.
Trump appeasing the kikes is a way to starve the chink tech manufacturing and gain leverage in the trade war. This is but one move on the 4D chess board.
China are economically and militarily a far greater threat to the US than menstruating "soldiers" and pissant anxiety riddled kike manchildren playing army.
jfc, use your fucking brains amerimuts! Read/watch one or two think-tank reports/discussions and you'll understand shit better.
He was never a nazi. Nice try kike.
Only kikes are this obvious. He never changed stances dipshit. Go stage another anti-semetic hate crime
Was a magapede till i saw that picture and u changed my mind. Will vote 4 buttgieg in 2020.
Rand would have been better, Hillary was the only alternative
You didn't vote for him because you're an obvious shill.
>he was never a Nazi
then why the fuck did Jow Forums support him?
I didn't vote FOR Donald Trump. I voted AGAINST Hillary Clinton. If there were a third candidate that was a literal pile of shit, odds are it would have gotten my vote.
Interesting idea. Itake always seemed to me that trump is pretty much paying the kikes off
So, is there any alternatives, or are you guys just gonna bitch about an already rigged system? Might as well elect an already rightish president over a literal fucking lefty brainlet.
Literally fucking this.