It feels like nearly everyone on the platform has got freedom of speech and freedom of consequence confused. Giving people the ability to say or do anything without accountability was a terrible idea that has 99% of the time just lead to disaster.
Jow Forums seems like a mistake
fuck off faggot
**** in all fields
n i g g e r
f a g g o t
>Giving people the ability to say or do anything without accountability was a terrible idea that has 99% of the time just lead to disaster.
>"do" anything.
>text and words are means
stop drinking basedmilk
And aside from some near universally and timelessly despised actions like murder stealing etc who decides what’s acceptable to do and say?
Jews being exposed is a "disaster" for OP.
All you are saying is that you don't like free speech and wish you could control, through violence, what people say.
How are you not a Tyrant?
lol Jow Forums censrored the word s o y ?
test : onions soi soya basedmilk soimilk basedamilk
False flags incoming
Are you autistic? People can say whatever they wish, but there must be consequences for their actions, otherwise it leads to chaos. You can say shit like this in public but you would get fucking punched in the face
Niggers tongue my anus
If the state in question were worth a fuck, it wouldn't need to even consider political censorship.
Generally either people with authority or vast majority decide what is appropriate today. You can say whatever you want but what is appropriate is determined but culture and society.
Do you enjoy it? Not personally my thing but whatever floats your boat.
You literally just agreed with him. You wish There were negative repercussions to disincentivize free speech
fucking newfag fuck
why do you faggots come here to try and infiltrate? what is your goal?
it seems that all you achieve is rustling jimmies, thus strengthening the convictions of the people you are trying to stop.
It makes zero sense.
stick around though, if you lurk here long enough, you will realize truth
Fuck off faggot nigger kike
Then fuck off back to red*it turbonigger
Get fucked, Lurk Moar
I came here because Jow Forums is not only an important part of internet history, but also because it can be a very interesting and funny place when it isn't filled to the brim with meaningless shit.
>people with authority
and that is the essence of tyranny, if you give these people the authority to limit what your opposition says, you are trusting them not to limit YOUR speech when they inevitably step out of line and you oppose it.
then what? what about the next authority figure? and the next?
what id 51% of people want to limit the speech of the other 49%? what if this 51% are the increasing muslim poopulation 20 or 30 years from now? and the 49% are white people?
what if they want to make child marriage and pedophilia legal, and decide to limit the speech of anyone objecting to this?
I'm not advocating violence. My point is that there are always consequences for what you say. On Jow Forums there is no way to be held accountable. A system like this breeds the worst kind of humans.
It's the only time in the history of humanity that one can speak to this many people and say what they want with such a low degree of risk. We need to savor it a bit before we squander it and it's only a matter of time before we squander it. Until then just read our thoughts and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
Can I steal that image?
Why cant newfags lurk moar
that is fair enough, this place is for everyone.
but this place constantly gets raided by redditors and leftist shills, who think they are going to "shut it down"
Sounds like you should take your commie faggotry elsewhere.
Your authoritarian tendencies have been noted.
I don't think you get it.
"consequences for actions" means committing violence against people
and you clearly want to restrict free speech so that it no longer exists
So in what meaningful sense are you not a tyrant who wants to control free thought and expression?
People like you literally get your heads chopped off over and over again throughout history and still you keep cropping up. No, you authoritarian shitbag, we do not need some tyrant telling us what is okay to say.
so what is your goal?
that is the point, you shouldn't be held accountable for speech
It isn't limiting free speech. People don't decide what can't be said, its impossible to regulate. What is decided is what SHOULD be said. My point isn't that Jow Forums should be destroyed and that people shouldn't be able to say what they think.
>I'm not advocating violence
You are literally advocating violence:
>People can say whatever they wish, but there must be consequences for their actions
>Giving people the ability to say or do anything without accountability
Are you a retard who thinks punishment against someone for speaking their mind isn't violence?
hopefully they do, people cant run from reasonable ideas forever
My point is someone should IP trace you and put a bullet behind your ear next time you go outside
then i have mistaken you user, im sorry
i actually agree with that viewpoint
>people shouldn't be able to say what they think.
So follow your own advice and shut up.
No not necessarily. Consequences doesn't mean violence. There are other ways that consequences come about. Consequences don't even mean negative. You could reward positive behaviour as well as punish someone for negative behaviour
>a terrible idea that has 99% of the time just lead to disaster
You seem to be confusing freedom with your own birth, you worthless faggot.
>>consequences for actions
>>consequences for an offensive speech
Do you know what happens when you are offended? Exactly NOTHING. The speech can't hurt you unless you chose to be hurt by it. How do you want to control that? How do you control peoples feelings about speech?
Let's say I'm deeply offended every time when someone says "Monday", and it becomes a thing and I convince a lot of people that "Monday" is now offensive to them. So we should ban using Monday, just because a group of people convinced themselves that they are hurt by a fucking WORD?
Thanks mate. Probably should have been clearer from the beginning lol.
So you are mad you can’t reward Jow Forums users because they are anonymous?
Let's not bullshit around: You want to punish people for saying words you don't like.
Or else why even fucking start the thread and make a fuss over people saying things you don't like and how they need to suffer "consequences"?
Your blood is what the tree of freedom grows from.
Fuck off kikes
Some times yes. Every action has a reaction. All reactions aren't bad. It just depends on what they say or do.
what freedom of consequences?
glow niggers make death threats against me almost daily and threaten to frame me with illegal porn
> you are so angry you can’t reward someone for positing about niggers.
Dear OP,
What is your background?
This is a bit short.
>It feels like nearly everyone on the platform has got freedom of speech and freedom of consequence confused. Giving people the ability to say or do anything without accountability was a terrible idea that has 99% of the time just lead to disaster.
Name a few disastrous things that happened because of Jow Forums.
Its not just about what i dislike user. People spread lies and misinformation. These things need to be removed not because i dislike what is being said, but because what is being said is founded on lies.
this is feeling more and more like a schizo post, why do you think you have to control people
kys, abo cunt
having more info to balance with the MSM and Reddit etc.
His (((people))) are so moral reprehensible that laws need to be made to prevent people from saying mean things about them
Drop dead faggot
My background? I'm an Australian citizen who is currently studying at university, majoring in biology. Why do you ask?
Does this apply to POC and femcunts as well when they scream about killing whites in public?
There is plenty of shit. But Jow Forums has also done some good shit too. It is just that the bad shit takes centre stage on the site.
nah, its cool man, i tend to skim text anyway, i dunno why i do it. 90% of the time its effective enough, 10% of the time i misread stuff
Okay you left your comment fag, now time to go back.
I really don't see how you reached this conclusion. Have you even read everything else i've said? I don't want to control people, and even if i did it would be impossible.
>At a university
>Doesn't like or understand freedom of speech
Shit like this applies to everyone. There is a line that shouldn't be crossed
>uni student
>hates free speech
connect the dots
I'm not against free speech. You can say what you like. I don't like people using anonymity as a shield to escape consequence.
fair enough, cant fault that
That's a hard level doublethink, mate.
>I don’t want to control people!
>I just want them to stop saying mean things about kikes!
Fuck off, kike
And what punishment fits the crime of someone saying words?
Have you even read what i've said? I'm not against free speech, i never stated or even implied that. If you read my responses maybe you would get a clearer idea of my actual beliefs.
Because of something I can't say. But if you do biology, can you find this all to be organic in a way?
Other words in reality
According to OP, physical violence and financial ruin
>You must allow yourself and your family to be attacked and castigated for your views
That depends on what they have said. Most of the time nothing. I don't run the site but most likely temporary bans. For someone of your intellect though probably time out.
You have never hit someone in your life. Also you should be punished for this awful bait
You don't have to lie down and take shit. If someone offends no one stops you from saying something back.
So if I cited facts proving niggers were more violent, you'd want to ban me. Is that what im hearing, that facts you dont like is a justification for a ban? Or worse?
so why do you even stay here? reddit already does that
the level of diaspora is so weird
I can literally be arrested and jailed for stating 100% factual statements that my political opponents dislike, simply because someone took offence.
Continuing to say these things anyway in a manner where they can no longer meaningfully reach me *is* me not lying down and taking it.
Limit speech and you limit thought.
Again its not about what I like or dislike. If you presented purely factual evidence for something then no. Something tells me though you don't have proper evidence
I stay here because its interesting, and not everything here is worthless.
Why should we care what you don't like?
No you don't. I mean that literally. It is impossible to limit thought through speech. Other wise mute people wouldn't have freedom of thought.
>Proper evidence
And there it is. Anything you don't like won't be proper evidence. Those statistics? Nah those are RACIST STATISTICS.
Fuck off.
Are you on leftist sites making this same post? Twitter?
They don't need to be removed, they need to be countered with counter-arguments and facts.
All you accomplish by removing speech through violence is ensuring that ONLY YOU have a monopoly on spreading lies and misinforming people.
Here's a cluebat for you: This is what the media, liberals, et al, are trying to do. This fight against free speech isn't about protecting anything, it's about ensuring only they can lie and scam you. It's about ensuring that anyone pointing it out - like I'm doing right now - suffers "consequences".
>i still want people to follow my set of values
>people that dont think like me must be banned
>facts should be presented at all times
people lie all the time your facts today wont be or will not the same tomorrow
just shows how narrow of a mind you have and cant even consider other view points
I hope your credit system goes well