Asian QT Appreciation Thread

It's time again!

Show your support to the girls saving white men's birth rates!

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stop trying to turn me away from my ethnostate dreams!

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Thank God for Asian qts

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I wont lie, these men look pretty happy.
But I still want a white wife and white kids

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They are honorary Aryans, kek

and make ugly ass half children no thanks

>breeding with a different race
>saving the white race
pick one, i know you're just memeing though, have a qt

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>muh asian women LOVE me r-right guys???

Beta fetish

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Asian qts give white kids. You're not (((white))) are you?

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white roastie trash btfo

I said white men's birth rates. Removing the nasty mitochondrial DNA that is gotten from white women and replacing it with Asian qt DNA.

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I'm a blue eyed, brown haired Ibero-Germanic man, ask me again

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literally looks like a 5 year old pedofile faggot

>implying you wouldn't
you're a liar and a virgin

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she's missing a picture

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cope harder pedo

>men that like younger and prettier looking girls than me are pedos
Go away, roasty.

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harro my rame is john yamato harold

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tell someone who cares buddy, shes older than 18 so the only person here with a stick up their ass is you

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being with an asian is literally no different than being with a nigger, and having children is actually worse. at least nigger babies might grow up to play sports or something. half chink children will likely grow up and kill themselves or at least be a pitiful miserable existance.

ALL race mixing is jewbait and makes you a slave to the kike.

I feel this way but with latin american women
it hurts bros

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They look like a matching pair.

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fucking kek, oh linus, why this ugly gook and not any other of the 2 billion other gooks?

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That's not a Jewish girl though

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It’s okay to do it with Latinas because they actually produce white children. Every hapa ITT and 99% IRL looks Asian.

Gross. Go back to Jow Forums Yankee carpetbagger.

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