Stream: Cucked Alaska + Ashton Whitty

Cucked alaska with his blacked fiance Ashton are streaming. Be nice

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Other urls found in this thread:

Baked Alaska got blacked

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Wasn't he with Erin before?
And last time I checked, didn't Alaska make her get an abortion or something?

Ashton Whittie is talking about her suicide attempts and it's very cringe how Baked Alaska is talking about it. Gonna download this after the stream is done to use this against her and him.

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Omfg how did anyone listen to either of these fucking faggots

Every fucking time I hear Ashton talk I can't help but think about her childhood sexual abuse

He’s a Jew you know...

Glownigger Mossad agents are running trains on her even today.

They look like they are high on meth

>Quitting social media to concentrate on being a mom and a wife.
>Livestreams with her cucked bf

Her tits look exceptional.

What do you expect? She's 14.

The last time I saw Baked with Erin they were in front of a gas station some other dude's IRL stream.

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She can commit hadikiri for all I care.

The mods put me on timeout cause I said I wanted to motorboat Ashton

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Haha just turned that shit on then checked the catalog.

Notice how the nigger hair dye is in safety box

kek, I got timed out for saying that I want to fuck her infront of Baked and see him cry.

Cheap ass

Shes drunk. Anybody know how to contact Bay Area Antifa? Baked Alaska and Ashton Whittie are near the Cinco De Mayo festival

Wait so is Ashton actually an anthracite plant?

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I'm not even being ironic. WHO the fuck watches Baked Alaska? How? Why? Why would you?

She didn't like his refusal to pay 88$ for an hour of attention whoring at all. Then he asked if the water was free. Haha.

well atleast this isnt very cringe

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic

it's pure cringe.

You ever wonder how some people have Girlfriends, and you don't?

This shit legitimately hurts to watch. Wtf am I doing?

Holy shit dude. Live chat put Ashton into a crisis

Alaska is a fag
Ashton is a whore
but is she /our whore?/
"I've been on Jow Forums since I was 13"

I love her

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Would be glorious...

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>Be weird goodball Cucck
>Get maced in face, as claim to fame
>Make shit "Trap" music
>Have Man boobs
>Act like a female attention whore

>Gets girlfriend


i thought he was gay with milo. not even trolling. lol.

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She cheated on him with a black man and now they're drunk on cinco de mayo walking around town in slut outfit talking and dancing and earlier crying about suicide attempts and how she's trying to go back to church every week and is not a thot

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pretty sure I ruined their night

>black man
prove it
or is this just your cuck fantasy

They are at the Chipotle on W Jefferson St. I know that place!!!!!

ashton got blacked? NOOOOOOOOOOO

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i think this is the new live link

Are they in Arizona or California?


Is there a shred of proof, at all, that this was a nigger or is OP just a discord shill?

Alaska has always been a cuck lmao

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post a screenshot showing her tits the stream isn't working on my phone

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Do they do anything but sit around and eat?

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damn. i'd be smashing that all day.

>that filename

Niiiiice, did you guys see that those trolls actually got her to question for a second if Alaska was talking shit, or when they told him she gave her number to someone else.

Fuck she’s so hot , that’s my fantasy right there

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kek. mam, surrender the milkies.

Wait so were you guys serious in the chat that Ashton got BLACKED? Like an actual porn video ?

Holy shit this is the most cringe worthy shit I've ever seen. "little John"? are you joking? not even the libfags at my university are this gay, and that's saying something.

Pure fucking cringe

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she looks like one of those rave sluts, only not quite as slutty nor hot.

Is she retarded?


It’s really fucking sad. It’s why she’s insane.

>cuck plaything called "boyfriend"
What You Think?

She's got BPD. So yes.

>she's probably bananas in bed though, which makes them hard to dump


You cant type this in on his Dlive

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I did because I felt sorry for him when cernocuck went after him a few years ago. He claimed to be a Christian and I figured he he was worth helping. I saw the evolution from early Baked when Milo was huge on twitter and went to Alaska to fuck pizzaparty guy and I figured he would continue to evolve. Baked was friends with Milo's bf which is how he got big.

kek, he walked so far in front of her. they don't want to be around each other

No fucking way.

New stream here: dlive.tv2FrealBakedAlaska

>not a slut
>dresses like a slut

what an insufferable guy. you can tell she hates him lmao walking a football field behind.

She has autism

Allegedly it was her ex and he's white if he's the Berkeley Republican Club dude

kek, now they're fighting. Lmao. this is like some dramatized reality tv show

>dating rape victims
Did that once, sex was incredible but there's always something wrong with them.
Damaged goods. Fuck and move on.

ya she def looks like a good fuck 15/10 would not pull out

are all right wing ecelebs closet homos?

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Holy shit guys you fucked up, she’s questioning him about what he said during stream. Asking what he told us while she was gone I’m watching their new stream

please stop self-posting you fucking weirdo.

> would not pull out
that's how they fucking get you, too...

Guyyyyyss stop chatting about her mental health and trying to make them fight, at a point this is just cruel lmao

she literally has mild autism

Oh shit plot twist

Damn I feel so bad for her. He talks over her, listens to horrible music, says things like "keepin' it real!" Wants her to sing along to HIS OWN GAY SONG, interrupts her cute singing, and clearly, he totally lying about what he said to her. This is obvious because he is insecure, insecure men lie to their women especially when out of their league. Calling her dude and bro... She looks at the camera with a thousand yard stare. Probably doing it for her career but thinks it's true love. It's gonna be messy. He won't respect her but would rather drag her down and keep her insecure about what people think.

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Guaranteed he has been very close to another penis before kek

>feeling Bad for a blacked roastie

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Wow I left my ex from virgin to light roastie.

is ashton mod?
muting everyone 'negative' lmao
keep convincing her baked is cheating, we're inside her head lads

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What did he or she say when Baked tried to mute it, I had something else playing in bg

seems like poltards are fags too. A lot of poltards fap to "trap" porn.


Guys seriously stop now you’re just doing the most, faggots.

Man, I remember when she started out as an admirable autistic conservative girl.

Really fucked up how she became so revolting so quickly. Very immodest.

tell ashton baked is trying to control her mind and gaslight her

Holy fuck I picked the best time to watch this. This is one giant freak show.He just won't shut up and keeps making it worse

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lmao you guys aren't lying you really are trolling her hard holy shit. gtfih

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>yfw they forget to turn off the camera and have sex on stream