Is California the first world version of Mexico?

Is California the first world version of Mexico?

Attached: 20190505_192109.jpg (1382x1383, 1.09M)

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>1st world


Why is Latin America Spanish so bad? Spanish in Spain sounds so beautiful but whenever I hear someone from Latin America speaking Spanish it just hurts my ears so bad it is.
It's funny to me because Brazilian Portuguese turned out to be way better than Portugal Portuguese and it is the opposite in Spain.

California is literally the best state in the US. Mexicans stay in their own communities and don't really shape the state.

Skin color doesn't matter

>Brazilian Portuguese turned out to be way better than Portugal Portuguese

Attached: what is it.gif (446x251, 726K)

It's like coastal, more temperate, gayer Mexico. Also, lots of Californians are fat fucks and/or semi- to fully retarded.

Attached: 1eDCzWFW05AEn9Gn.jpg (612x612, 76K)

t. onda vital don pepe y los globos a todo gas lobezno

>first world