I obtain all calories from butcher waste...

I obtain all calories from butcher waste. Every day at 11am my butcher dumps a plastic bag full of fat waste and detritus into a dumpster behind his building. After he re enters his place of trade, I lift the bag out of the dumpster and place it on my trailer and drive home. I then spend the next two days picking out the low quality and hazardous waste, and waht is left over are tens of thousands of calories if fat and at times, protein. The only downside is my shit. I shit a sticky viscous paste. I try not to shit outside my home and always wash the bowl with a strong sodium hydroxide solution.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Waste not want not. Maybe try growing some veggies, learning to ferment or whatever as well, if you can't afford the cheapest ones available.

heart attack at 25


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Wtf is this post? You could just work for an hour and buy meat instead of spending hours fucking with trash trimmings. Opportunity cost you fucking niggers,

Why though?

include me in the screencap for Jow Forums4chan please

He could also convert it to bunker oil and roll pork coal through the muzzie neighborhoods.

>oh and by the way, I'm dealing with several dozen antibiotic resistant strains of E. Coli, salmonella, and listeria


holyshit what did i just read


Fuck off to /b/


this guy is outjewing the jew


You my fave, user


>wtf did I just read?
>sees flag

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You know you can just buy that stuff for almost nothing then you wouldn’t need to dig through rotten meat


Jokes on you. Its an abortion clinic.

And this has WHAT to do with Jow Forums? go back to /b/ you worthless piece of shit.

Seconding this

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It's a spinoff thread from the Canadian grocery store generals.

Fucking aussies are getting crazier by the day...

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Why not compost the meat and use it to fertilize vegetables?

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You should add spices and sell it, in the Phillipines it's called pag pag

Enjoy your death from every food born illness imaginable you disgusting NEET

This guy is right. You could improve on what you are doing OP. Could make it healthier for yourself or use the fat better as a cooking supplement.

lol zero-waste chef

bunch of pussy faggots in this thread
harden up princesses

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That's it? All that buildup for nothing. What a disappointment. Show me your tits bitch or GTFO.

says Sven, do we really need to have the talk again?

Basepiped and crackpilled.

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Make a soup out of remnants. Cook in a pot for hours on low heat

Unironically based and carnivorepilled

Prime shitposting

>1 post by this id


>roll pork coal

>rolling coark

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To think I came to Jow Forums to get away from /b/...

WTF you making soap with all that fat?

is this some fat tissue? use a pressure pot at low heat open every 45min. to stir . all the lard for free. look at rocket stove for alternative fuel

Breddy good, actually

This is why I love Jow Forums.

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Holy shit that's some shanagans.

Get some lemons juice or yogurt and let the meat marinate for a few hours to tenderize it.

This, fat is good for you idiots, it's the sugar and wheat that is making you gay

You need to eat veggies and other fibrous foods. That'll fix ur poop.

Bump so the world sees true Aussie degeneracy

>I shit a sticky viscous paste
>1 post by this ID
literal Aussie shitposter

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Render the far, and use it to cook.
Culinary 101

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What in the name of the Lord?

Eat more fiber, seriously, check the dumpster behind the local produce store

no matter what the south beach jews say you need some kind of carb to fill out your diet
maybe dumpster dive the bakery for free bread or something
also it'll help regulate the viscous goop

What's a good way to render fat? Just cook it in a pot?


Simmer it in water, then separate the fat from the solvent

>heart attack at 25
Why do you say that? It's the keto diet.

Good to know. I carved a big ol ham butt the other day and felt guilty throwing the fat away.

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>You could just work for an hour and buy meat instead of spending hours fucking with trash trimmings.
Right. It seems counter productive, doesn't it. 500 grams of ground chicken, etc. is cheap as shit.

Bring it up from slow heat so it takes maybe 10-30 minutes to start simmering, depending on how fancy you want to get. Put in a dash of vinegar or something else to help denature the protein. Then you can go for an hour or several hours depending on how much you want to get out of it. Sometimes I just go 30min total when I'm in a hurry.

Also depends if you intend to strain the solids out afterward and just keep the gelitin, or whether you want to keep everything in a form that's nice to have in your soup or stew.

Fantastic. I dumpster dive myself, sometimes I even find eggs in there and only a few days past their use by date. I also buy pig lard in bulk and melt some into my drink f warm water. Then I take a few of the edible plants from the local park.

I can live on less than a dollar a day.

That looks delicious unironically

Lard is really cheap tho, you could just buy it instead



Not the best link, but you can do the same with Hickory nuts, and any other nuts in a pinch user.

OP is mememing, but there has been a problem in Europe with kebab shop owners being caught lifting expired meat and meat waste from containers. At least I remember the press used to print those busts ten years ago, I don't know what they're doing nowadays.

Or maybe just eat some gummy bears. You weirdo.

dumpsters of course

My sides

Fuckin ck Raid threads

Fuck off pleb.

God bless you, Oz. You'll be the last holdout.

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