White Race: why do your women do this?


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>white race

It's a genetic disposition to act like whores. Jews exploit this.

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Low self-esteem from growing up in impoverished areas without modesty or a shared moral fabric. I.E. forbidding whites to form an ethnostate causes them to feel no sense of self-identity, thus creating the nihilism necessary for the OP's video.

3 fatties anda a preggo cow

She was hot tho.

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They have sinned by committing this act of immodesty, but you have also sinned by watching it, so what does that say about us, my brother?

Jews didn't make women into whores, they just make society accept it

yeah that's his point, if we got rid of jews this problem ends.... It's empirical fact, let us give the vote back to only white men as the was the intent and construct of the Republic. Oh, literally tomorrow all this ends, just

kill yourself, christcuck

kill yourself, depressed atheist cuck

Religious are depressed. So depressed that they need a stupid religion to survive in life and not kill himself.

>if we got rid of jews this problem ends...
No. You'd end up with a power vacuum that would get filled. Possibly with something worse. Also, there's not a race or ethnicity on this planet right now that's doing well.

Why do we allow them to do this?

and then for no reason what so ever germans decided to elect hitler

there's an audience

the answer is because white men encourage and allow it.


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Things can be worse...

and what race are you meme flag jew

No, it's your fault. Own up to it bitch boys. You enabled this shit because you give them attention for it and pay them to take nudes. White people will never get anywhere if they can't acknowledge when they fuck up.

Have not you noticed how fat and ugly all those girls are? Life is hard when no one loves you -- I guess this why they do shit like that.... And they aren't very bright either so... That's the reasons.

Poor self image?

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>White Race: why do your women do this?
Because nobody wants to see nigger tits.

That would have been unacceptable back in the comfy 50’s.

very lickable body

very nice

wtf wheres her weiner