Jow Forums can you red pill me on irish slaves. Is this a meme or is this legit. I can't search up any research about it cause everything I get in every single search engine is kike news outlets saying it's a myth. Anybody got some good books or sites they could recommend?
Irish Slaves
I don't know about slaves, but they were exploited like crazy through the indentured servitude system. Didn't help that most Irish immigrants were poor as fuck and would need to take any job they could get even if they weren't all but owned.
Irish slaves are more colloquially termed "Indentured Servant." The gist is that Irish/scottish/british/welsh poor would be coerced or even forced into signing a contract that said they would work for a set amount of years on a cotton or tobacco plantation in America, after which they would be set free and be given a plot of land they could farm. After being sent (or even kidnapped) to America, they would be put to work in hellish conditions, working only with their bare hands in the sweltering heat or blistering cold, allowed only a few small breaks. They would then go to their shitty living quarters, and wake up to do they same thing all over again. 24/7.
If you had children, they were forced to work in the field with you. So not only did the adults have to add worrying about their kids on top of the work, children were sent to do work that they are obviously not suppose to do in conditions that were hazardous or even fatal to them. If you died during your contract, your children would inherit the burden and be forced to work in your place.
Not only that, but your "Contracter" (read owner) could do with your contract as he saw fit. If he thought you need to work more years than what you signed up for, he could just tack it on. Even if he didn't add on years, he could just sell your contract (And by extension, you) to some other guy who would reset your years and you'd have to start all over again.
The worst part, however, was if the owner decided to finally let you off your contract, the land you were promised was shit. And I do mean shit. You could not grow weeds on this land, much less tobacco and other cash crops. It was also far away from any civilization, so you were also at the mercy of the elements, wild animals and natives.
What surprised me was that I actually learned all of this in college, the last place I expected to learn anything like this. I'm glad I took that class.
They were generally indentured servants, except sometimes they were indentured without their consent or working under terms that would make it near impossible to ever become free. So functionally they were slaves, but there are lots of groups that benefit from white people not realizing they were oppressed historically, so they try to hide that fact.
I would honestly say they were slaves. Consider the following. they were either given an extremely shit deal that they weren't given all the details about and that their contractor could rig or even change on a whim. Or they were legitimately kidnapped and forced to do it anyway. I would honestly say indentured servants were slaves. Any "Choice" or "rewards" they were given were utterly fictitious and were cruelly exploited with false promises dangled in front of their faces.
If they look like that I'll take two.
This is kinda where I'm stuck cause I feel from bits I've been taught in school they would consider their treatment pretty much as slaves.
Wtf I heard some meth head prostitute asking another one about this the other day. Yes, they were called servants and all British royalty had them, it was going on everywhere around the world. That's why the whole African American a slave shit is just ridiculous. What should we go back and rewrite all the wrongs of history? I didn't think so.
I'm a full-blooded Irishman from Boston. I think the Anglo-Saxon master race had every right to enslave the Irish. We were fucking our beautiful Anglo-Saxon mistresses behind our masters' backs. You know it, too. They wanted that big Celtic cock.
The reinstitution of Irish slavery under the Anglo-Saxon master race, in my opinion, would be just, granted that we are only slaves to beautiful Anglo women and not beady-eyed Anglo men (great though their contributions to civilization and science may be).
It straight up was. I would say the biggest difference was that indentured servents sometimes got to sign contracts, so some would say they aren't technically slaves. Ignoring the fact that there were some who, in fact, were kidnapped and forced to work, Even the one's who signed the contracts would have no say in the terms and the contractor could change the terms to fit his purposes or sell your contract to someone else, negating all the years you worked and forcing you to start over. The contract was just a thin disguise to make it look legitimate, even if you took the most generous look at these events.