Red pill me on Aliens

Red pill me on Aliens.

Was this picture real?

Attached: 1532903798153.jpg (683x1024, 118K)

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They are very small. About 4 inches tall.
Now you know.

Too soon?

Attached: tmp_16279-Toofar1-1222103543.jpg (800x600, 58K)

We need to have a word.

Attached: (760x589, 79K)

Be a medically licensed person with bottles of magical doctor fluid, somehow splash the blood everywhere like vinaigrette at a 5 star restaurant.

Guaranteed fake.


Attached: a24523523.jpg (410x381, 48K)

No, that's Niki Lauda.

Sirius disclosure interviews on youtube are p good.

Most of them seem real. A few are horse shit and obviously so.

The question is whether the real ones are just glowniggers basically

No. Solar Warden is though.

Attached: 1555992964942.png (2007x1317, 1.93M)

Did you ever watch an operation in real life?
Especially hip replacement surgeries are bloody as fuck.