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I knew it had to happen the moment we got drag kids

just remember dont go in the light


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>may 13th
fake news

Fuck New York.
Florida, you're cool. Will miss you.

Fake and faggoty

good. thank god
now would be preferable

>1000 times greater than Hiroshima
So, like 1/4 the size of the Tsar Bomba?
You guys are fucking retarded.

Is NASA on patreon now cuz there are few reasons they would need to put out sensationalist bullshit

Oooh scawy astewoidz!!! lelz...Space is fake and gay.

This is undeniably the will of God

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fuck off and sage

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I fucking hope so

Op is a faggot. Nothing to worry about. Read the article.

I hope so

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Hope it hits either israel or the burgers.

if god is real then it will do it

>site has a story about a time traveler at the end of the article

Yeah pretty reliable source there.

We're literally always under threat of asteroids.

Fun fact: An asteroid small enough to be completely undetectable by our current technology could completely obliterate a large city with no prior warning whatsoever.

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Thanks God


Holy fuck it's happening isn't it ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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most likely we don't die just a large majority of nu-souls will.
But you're right, upon death do not go into the light or you'll just be born again as a baby.
Stay where you are and wait for the shift.

Why should i care. It's not like i can leave the planet on a spaceship. Nor do i have a hollowed out mountain i can hide in. Ill keep living my life the same way till that wave of fire hits me.

digits and the asteroid hits Israel, causing peace and prosperity for the world for the next 5000 years.

1) it’s the end and God is coming
2) the media is distracting from the deep states shit finally hitting the fan
Either way I win.

Is this just a trick to send people to hell? Need a redpill on the lightpill.

I used my telekinesis to bring it. You're welcome.

no, we're not

Psyop to discourage rl-shitposter from going high effort.

the express has constant alien articles and one writer is obsessed with weather

every winter they keep hyping up a mega storm despite nothing close to one from met office, its weird

same when the uk gets more rain than usual, apparently to the express its the end times and there will be nation wide emergency

I think an un- diagnosed schizophrenic has hired others because it has gotten worse

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>an asteroid will hit the Earth at some point in the future, we don't know when. It will happen though, the only question is when
no shit

Did you retards even read the article? We'll not even be close to dying

NASA is lying, like always.
We live on a stantonary, enclosed plane.
Space is nothing but a fantasy.
What will shortly be falling from the sky will be Satan and the rebellious angels. This will happen when the Christians disappear.
NASA will probably give you some bullshit story for that too. You will most likely believe them.

Space LARPing is a very dangerous hobby at this point in history.
Grow up.

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Why is this even on Jow Forums

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would be rad


It’s about time

>God realized his promise not to flood the earth again was a huge mistake
Get ready for the pain. The worst is yet to come.

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Let's compromise and hope it hits Berlin.


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Trash site gossip rag

It's rocketing toward us at lightspeed.

I’ll miss you too buddy

I'm of the opinion that the afterlife has less structure than most think, and allows for people to troll others, and therefore you should just avoid all things that seem like they're a "good thing" until you get acclomated to your surroundings.
After all, a real angel would understand cautiousness for new arrivals, only those who would want to abuse you would insist you must hurry.


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Nothing of value would be lost either way.

this has literally been a threat forever they don't even know where half these asteroids are there could be one on a collision course right now 2 days away and there's a high chance they wouldn't even know about it

>open OP's bait link
>watch video
>"Lets be clear there is no known meteor coming towards earth but we have to not forget about this threat"

op is an immense nigger faggot

i wish it would happen,
but its just fake and gay

nothing ever happens,
god left us all astray.

I am a neet,
please donate to my patreon.

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Hello friend. Are you lost?

And an event like that would actually make people take the Space Force much more seriously, whose main job from now on would be to monitor and detection of new asteroid threats.

Because asteroids impact political climates, economically, or totally depending on size?
Or the clickbait warning, in which case, it's because it's true.

Thanks user, if we Floridians please pass on the knowledge to the future generations that Tim Tebow is the GOAT.

yes, show me the way back home to my holy father

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thank you Jesus

Screenshot this.
Nothing will happen cause no such thing as space.

Digits and it hits Israel and saves the human race

we sent down stones of baked clay, marked by your GOD for the corruptors/sinners
Is this real bro's?
Didn't Pythia predict this thousands of years ago?


The way is dark and wrought with fire

What about that is a get? There is no get in that post.

>wake up in a strange dark tunnel
>see a light at the end of the tunnel
>”user, go towards the light. Hurry!”
>approach the light
>is this it, am I going to heaven?
>reach the end of the tunnel
>there’s a sign there
>”lmao welcome to hell fgt 8==D”

I honestly can't wait to meet Jesus

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Kek I just rewatched that movie a few days ago. The Deacon of the Deez was based.

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Armageddon by asteroid?

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Are Millennials 40k Orks? A few years of suicide and depression being popularized and now we've got a meteor out of nowhere.

You know what, good. I don't care anymore. I'm never going become a better artist. I have no reason to live.
I just hope the death is instant.

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i think this is the 6th asteroid happening on Jow Forums this year

is this CP?

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There had been drag kids numerous times in history though.
In Europe during the industrial revolution child prostitution was rampant. And let's not forget Weimar and their cheesy pizza cinemas.


Im going to stick jack off and get myself to edge near cumming and point my dick at it at the moment it crashes down on top.
I'll be the first to fuck a meteor without a condom on. My cum will splatter over it. When the last of civilization makes it out of caves and gathers to tell the story at the crater they'll refer to this catastrophic mass extinction event as my dicks nickname "wormwood"

This sounds more like a scare tactic to increase the NASA budget.

Doesn't look it to me, not with that vagina.

diversity hires make any amount of money to NASA obsolete

the asteroid was first spotted in 2004
it's been heading our way for a while by the looks of it

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>Popular television scientist Bill Nye also warned about the existential threat to humanity during the conference.
>Popular television scientist Bill Nye also warned about the existential threat to humanity during the conference.
>Popular television scientist Bill Nye also warned about the existential threat to humanity during the conference.
>Popular television scientist Bill Nye also warned about the existential threat to humanity during the conference.

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Wow bill nye the fakest of the gayest maybe consider suicide op

If we were really going to die, they wouldn't say anything. Stop spreading fake news.

Kill me, Pete. Thank you.

Can I go and fuck my 13 year old niece ?

This is a Psyop designed by Trump and Putin to get more people into churches and accept our lord and savior Jesus Christ

Ok, who pissed off our real owners?

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Sumbody krump dis git, yu kan keeps da teef. Ev'rybudy noes Ork Boyz ent no 'umie lenials! Ork Boyz is green an' green is da best!

Let me know when we get a warning from an actual scientist.

No, but onesies are a patrician-tier fetish.

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