NatCap here
8 values thread
>equality is the opposite of markets
>liberty is the opposite of authority
>tradition is the opposite of progress
and your point is??
Nice values user
Theocratic Distributism lmao
It's none of those things you cuck. The world is too complex to put into 4 axes. They do it so you click their little test, reinforcing what you already knew about yourself.
>inb4 you find out your a fucking mong
No such thing as Nationalism and Capitalism together. It doesn't work like that.
52% Equality vs 48% Market
82% Nation vs 18% Global
24% Liberty vs 76% Authority
66.7% Trad vs 33.3% Progress
"Right-Wing Populist"
Probably because I'm not a Christ-cuck. My religion spreads with creating more babies. Ethnic paganism ftw.
longnoseman detected