8 values thread

NatCap here

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Attached: politiscale.jpg (650x832, 71K)

>equality is the opposite of markets
>liberty is the opposite of authority
>tradition is the opposite of progress

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and your point is??

Nice values user

Theocratic Distributism lmao

It's none of those things you cuck. The world is too complex to put into 4 axes. They do it so you click their little test, reinforcing what you already knew about yourself.

>inb4 you find out your a fucking mong

No such thing as Nationalism and Capitalism together. It doesn't work like that.

52% Equality vs 48% Market

82% Nation vs 18% Global

24% Liberty vs 76% Authority

66.7% Trad vs 33.3% Progress

"Right-Wing Populist"

Probably because I'm not a Christ-cuck. My religion spreads with creating more babies. Ethnic paganism ftw.

longnoseman detected

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