Breaking News U.S to attack Iran in the coming hours
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Good. Long live Israel!
link not working for me
Just search iran on google its literally breaking news
don't be a fag - I need confirmation on this EXACT quote of yours
>U.S to attack Iran in the coming hours
It's a larp.
>hides behind a flag
calls me a fag
oh fugg ids actually habbening this dime
Your link just says the US deployed a carrier group, not that attack is imminent within hours.
this is a farce if trump wants to go down as the greatest president who brought peace to the world he will not start another war ( or start WWIII) let alone attack another country.
because "US deploying carrier strike group" is not the same as what you wrote
huh why
>U.S to attack Iran in the coming hours
Carrier wont be there for a few days, and you are gonna need more than that
Iran are faggots they won’t do anything
>sees "don't be a fag"
>reads "you are a fag"
>can not into reading comprehension
yup, checks out
works for me
The 2020 election won't win itself
stop wanking about and post a screencap of the
>in the coming hours
The Iranian Navy consists largely of jet skis and motorboats. Their major ships are converted oil tankers and ancient WW2 deathtraps. We'll be fine.
you faggot it works
Yeah but you're not going to destroy Iran with 40 FA-18's
lazy fuck
*gets blown up by an anti ship missile*
Phalanx is a meme, enjoy the skyrocketing gas prices too
Iran will threaten to blockade all saudi oil exports
gas prices will skyrocket
If we had to 1v1, the current ( CURRENT ) South African military would fuck up Iran.
You either carpet bomb the place, kill all the males and get the good looking women or you stay the fuck home.
They'd block it for exactly 30 minutes then die horribly, cmon kid grow up for fuck sakes.
The Jews. The Jews. The Jews.
>What is Aegis
Fair enough, but we've already got air power all over the Gulf. The strike group won't be alone.
You fucking wot m8?
Why would we attack Iran? Really makes the neurons spark
Nothing personell, kiddo
You fink we joking m8?
I’m sorry OP
But all I herd was that Option 40 enlistments are opening for prior service.
Die kike
Eyes on the skies, Muhammad.
Every president that started a war in their first term, got a second term.
When do we hang bolton for crimes against humanity?
>what is missile saturation
Aegis has limited ammo supply and the Hormuz isn’t the size of the Atlantic
Aint nuffin personell, my bru
That's a self propelled gun, an artillery piece, not a tank.
Trump is a literal retard, kushner and bolton are the ones running the show.
Come get it, Ahmed.
Yeah but didn't they just send carriers to Venezuela a few days ago, and there was no attack. It's just a show of strength mean to indirectly intimidate the Russians.
If Trump was smart, he’d invade Venezuela than a total clusterfuck hellzome like Iran
threat theme
sorry m8, I can tell you right now - that tank, is toast - that turret will be flying sky high in any meaningful confrontation... that high gap just askin for some noice banging
yup, realized that after I hit "post" ... deleted my shame, but you managed to grab me by the ass, m8 :D
still, wheeled drive is demented for war machines
*Iran detonates nuclear device.*
50km firing range, wheels help for desert and bush, driver is foine, m8
Public Affairs announced that the Strike Group has departed a naval station in Virginia on April 1 for a regularly scheduled deployment. Therefore, what Bolton describes as a ‘response’ to Iran’s warning does not seem to be genuine, as the ABECSG started its mission long before Iran’s warning.”
The carrier group would likely have transited through the Middle East on its return to the U.S. and Mike Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of State, conceded to reporters that the deployment was “something we’ve been working on for a little while.”
We're up to like 30 intercepts at once per boat last I looked but have a ball trying to fight the US Navy with this shit
I warned you in the gaza thread. All goes as planned. God speed persians
Thinking Iran can take on the SANDF, delusional cunts the lot of ya.
Save your own people first before helping others on crusades.
yeah, I fugged up there o'right :D
How fucking stupid are you fucks? This is just the US flexing on weaker countries to assert dominance. Did we invade China or North korea when we sent carries and bombers into the south china sea? No, we didn't. Fucking brainlets and baiters.
They are sending bombers and stuff. Nothing about the attack confirmed.
>Breaking News U.S to attack Iran in the coming hours
Yes, finally, it's been coming since 2006 at least. Maybe it's not fakenews this time...although I'm not holding my breath.
It's cool man, kek, just larping, our military isn't bad, lots of tradition going back to ww1.
hell the ANC would probably support Iran, clown world.
Mate are you ok?
that was what I meant. I'm fully aware of the news - sending a carrier group, which is
>me be angry, change your ways hurr durr
of foreign policy lingo. but nothing transpires from that... ever (so far)
>self-propelled gun whose traverse is controlled by the chassis
Oh look everyone it's the mid-19th century again!
N-no bruce, not ok... :(
It's on! USA & Israel vs Iran. Get the popcorn. I'm gonna roll a blunt.
Another easy repeat
Third world countries should learn their places
The happening threads are getting more and more ridiculous desu
We constantly have carrier groups in the ME. We just use it to flex on them and assert ourselves. I'm gonna assume nothing happens despite Bolton wishing so
I liked the G6 design more, my dad's cousin was lead designer.
Eyes on the ground, soon-to-be-niggercock-sleeve.
Not soon enough.
Last one, you fuckin w0t m8, Iran? pfft.
its finally habbenin
the great war is upon us
Wakanda dont real nigga.
Anyone can win against iran. Chill ya chooks down.
bring it on my bru.
Nice. I’m just waiting for another 2003 tier invasion to happen for pure war aesthetic.
>inb4 die for Israel goyim
I’ve disengaged from politics and embraced the purification of nuclear hellfire at this point. I’ve reluctantly come to embrace pure nihilism after years of chasing the white pill.
>tfw you missed the golden age of contracting in Iraq and you’ll never get paid $1000 a day to drive around smoking hadjis.
the deep breath before the plunge
Yes we always announce our attacks a few hours before carrying them out
we are so doomed, and im virgin
Very curious, prior to the Iraq invasion, what was happening levels like, were people aware of boots on the ground prior etc, or was it super opsec?
Trying to determine how close we are to actual legitimate funday monday.
That was great thank you. Drinking and joke songs are a great mix.
>We'll be fine.
Imagine 30 of these trucks firing their 2 missiles at your little ships trapped in the Gulf. That's 60 ASMS coming in at low altitude...Let's see how many can you shoot down before they start hitting your ships.
Oh, and don't waste your time thinking you can PREVENT such a salvo from being launched.
Remember Saddam's shitty SCUD couldn't prevent them from launching. The only thing saving you was their missiles being garbage.
Sure, you'll probably destroy all 30 of these trucks after they launch their barrage, but that won't make a difference to your ships.
And these have 300km range, WELL beyond your Harpoons. And will be probably protected by mobile SAMs and AA guns against Tomahawks or other cruise missiles.
fucking do it zion don, end clown world already.
Didn't Russia say they'd prevent a US invasion of Iran?
Nothing is happen. Nothing is ever happen.
Slavery did though
>Yes we always announce our attacks a few hours before carrying them out
With Bolton? That dude's (and Trump's) ego is bigger then an elephant's ass.
Because of white racist devils. soon ewe is having white slaves as God said. God is black and he angry.
iran has secret nukes doesn't it?
not a problem, the SA Navy will counter those easy, like wtf m8 not even trying.
But how do your little trucks fire their payloads when they've all been destroyed by cruise missiles and air sorties?
Iran is at least 50% mountainous That tank is pretty useless in most of the country. It's basically like Afghanistan except 2 and 1/2 time bigger and almost 3 times the population.