What percentage of Christian are you, Jow Forums?

What percentage of Christian are you, Jow Forums?

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Pretty much. If it's wrong, then I don't know what's more right.


I'm Germanic. We're pagans.

Russian Orthodox.

Do you actually believe Odin is watching you right now and affecting stuff?

sage d&c threads, or data collection threads like this.

no fighting guys, and no meme flags please.


kek idgaf about that one guy
he can lead by example if he wants to try


dude dont get into a fight. right now there are antichristian raids going on and they are trying to sow division. dont let them.

if you have to post on shill thread, sage in optioms field.

you forgot to do what you're telling others to do, ironic

How about learn English. Many such cases!

understood bro just tired of the fake pagans and fedoras raidin this place with antichristian shit.

i did sage my post, queerbait


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>everything is a raid
>everything is a shill thread
no one wants to join your desert cult

Raids are fun and instructive. I mean raiding other places.

Yes. And I sincerely believe paganism is a much better alternative to Christianity in terms of social structure. For example, black people can't be pagan. Because being pagan by definition is to be European. And another thing is about turning the other cheek, give the other person whatever he asks of you, etc. I can't let my kids believe that! That advice only works in civilized white societies. Not when non-whites are around because they will take advantage of that for sure.

100% Catholic. Protties are heretics.

Follow the Golden One on YT to know what I'm talking about. We pagans like and appreciate Christianity and its knowledge and have nothing against it. Just let us do our thing in peace without the constant harping about hellfire. Didn't Jesus say don't harrass people who don't want to listen to you?

If you hate blacks, take a loot at Salt Lake City sometime. Yikes. Talk about the love of money browning your ultra-white utopia up.

As for turning the other cheek. There are other interpretations, but I think giving a rude scamp a second chance is only fair game if they want a fight.

I wouldn't have replied if i didn't see it on the top of the catalog again, cutdick brain damaged slave of circles


this archived thread deals with discoveries from anons who found the origins of the antichristian raiding, at least a large part of it. one guy in particular was discovered and his yt page was shown.

sorry bro its a raid by progressives trying to sow discord.


Stop reddit spacing and start becoming effective.

how about you reverse the brain damage caused by the infant genital mutilation you suffered as a baby?
Aww, you can't.
Too bad

wasnt me, amd stop thinking about cock so much you little fucking queer. just male sure your kids (not sure if you are a fag or not) dot get cut.

eh ive always done that.

I've wanted to blow my brains out most of my life. It's still a consideration.


100 brother

>thinks reddit spacing is ok

>What percentage of Christian are you, Jow Forums?

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I'd tell you how to change that feeling but you were an asshole right off the bat so go ahead and do it.

only people complaining about reddit spacing are shills and effete queers such as yourself.

and yes i will keep using the double spacing.

even between sentences.

oh and remember

to put sage


the options



Wow, thanks, Jesus. Yet I'm still here after all these years.

us desert cultist are always being oppressed :,((( why are we always being attacked we never hurt anyone!11!!

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