Go Your Own Way, Gents! Don't fall for the marriageslave meme and live life for who really matters: you.
Based Black Man
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They're also loud
where da wite wimmin at
Having children out of wedlock is the #1 predictor of poverty in my country. Add to this the various negative data that rears its head when children are raised by single parents and you have all the “systemic racism” and “oppression” niggers constantly claim in a neat little box.
This. Virtue Signaling: Nigga Style
Nearly half of all black women in the US (48%) between the ages of 14-49 have some form of herpes
it will always be burma to me
this is how stupid niggers are.
>most children out of wedlock
virtually all children born by the sheboon is because of black men.
so somebody must be fucking them or do niggers just spawn? I'm really unclear on this one. highest numb of HIV diagnoses, well unless HIV magically brings itself into existence she must be getting from the nogs she's fucking.
and it's kind of hard to get married when the black father is basically mythical at this point.
so he's basically pointing out why black men are the cause of all of their problems. this is why coal burners are so absolutely degenerate and should be avoided at all costs. this is what they fuck
Couldn't have said it better myself, Black Americans are a fucking joke
Same goes the asian/white sloots, all western women are disgusting used up holes thanks to the lack of religion in your countries
so disliking black women for black men is considered a good thing?
guess what, he likes white women
and Stink!
So he plans on spreading his disease to other groups as well. And thanks to the current social climate he is able to do so.
Blacks have such high rates of HIV because black homosexuals live double lives and always have girlfriends too because if they're caught being gay they won't have "street credit". They also have a higher rate of being gay to begin with, kek.
kek, I wish i lived in some medieval themed place where everyone talked like that :(
High IQ nog
"If you only knew how bad the smell really is "
isn't it "and yet" o simply "yet" rather than "but yet"?
You know what you have to do - based black men - you need to breed with the clean white girls that have abandoned their betaboiz! Their uterus's crave to be laden with black men seed!
Das right white boy he ain't gonn be going fo no sistaz, he be hunting white pussay all day.
Yes, but and yet are synonyms and probably never should be used together, yet I hear similar language frequently.
>melanin goddess
>how can white women even compete?
Are we seriously gonna pretend that the stats on black men are any better. Smh
That's because all of the thin attractive black women want white guys
Nah they are God-Kangz. To be only 8, yet also 50... we are nothing but a bunch of weak homosexual cuckolds when compared to superior negro alpha males.